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Troops in Afghanistan ... in order to keep an eye on Nuclear Pakistan

20 years watering Afghanistan and Pakistan with blood ...

due to (1) the demands of a movie script, because the decision was to take advantage of the occasion created and the confusion of american public opinion to unleash Chaos and Terror in Iraq


due to (2) the three american 'loves': Russia, Persia/Iran, China
LOL when I said this I was portrayed as a madman. I have been saying this for decades now. Now the truth comes out and it is gospel.

Everyone knew all along American designs against Pakistan. They are in Afghanistan to contain Pakistan and transform it into a vasal state. Basically a bitch state. We have senior members on this forum that naively believe in cordial relations between the US and Pakistan. LOL the US is the largest trade partner of Pakistan LOL Give me a break. Trade relations that are literally peanuts and also meant to blackmail and keep Pakistan on a leash. Even after all the treachery and backstabbing for decades upon decades some of us believe in falsehoods. Yet here we are. Naive and confused what to do.

This morning I saw pigeons flying and I immediately thought of Pakistan. The sort you tame, cage and train. They obediently eat, crap and fly, but always return to their base. Ready to enter the cages and be imprisoned willingly. That is what the Americans want to do with Pakistan. Cage it like an animal, but also tame it. Denuclearise Pakistan and keep strengthening Hindustani nuclear status. Strengthen Hindustani economy and keep Pakistan hand to mouth. Object when Pakistan cooperates with China to boost the economy. Turn Pakistan into a slave. A colony that obeys Indian and US commands. We have people in Pakistan who have no issues with becoming a bitch.
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Mission Creep and an Emotional plea by US CJCS

We play cricket like this too.....unpredictable.

Just when the world thinks they have us when they think they can defeat us.....boom. there we are. Remember ICC cup final 2017. India won b4 the match....then came the reality. Following the match Indians broke TV.
Afghanistan in our life we have seen to huge armies die....the USSR and NATO. Pakistan is a bitch no one can control. And we love it
and keep tere eyes on Russia, China , iran........


Precisely, without Afghanistan ... from Iran (and some extent Turkey/Black Sea) to China and North Korea, with the exception of small outposts in Central Asia (which still need de facto Russian permission), there wouldn’t be any western presence.
LOL when I said this I was portrayed as a madman. I have been saying this for decades now. Now the truth comes out and it is gospel.

Everyone knew all along American designs against Pakistan. They are in Afghanistan to contain Pakistan and transform it into a vasal state. Basically a bitch state. We have senior members on this forum that naively believe in cordial relations between the US and Pakistan. LOL the US is the largest trade partner of Pakistan LOL Give me a break. Trade relations that are literally peanuts and also meant to blackmail and keep Pakistan on a leash. Even after all the treachery and backstabbing for decades upon decades some of us falsely believe in falsehoods. Yet here we are. Naive and confused what to do.

This morning I saw pigeons flying and I immediately thought of Pakistan. The sort you tame, cage and train. They obediently eat, crap and fly, but always return to their base. Ready to enter the cages and be imprisoned willingly. That is what the Americans want to do with Pakistan. Cage it like an animal, but also tame it. Denuclearise Pakistan and keep strengthening Hindustani nuclear status. Turn it into a slave. A colony that obeys Indian and US commands. We have people in Pakistan who have no issues with becoming a bitch.

Afghanistan thekana hai , Pakistan Nishana hai..

Hamid Gul.
Afghanistan thekana hai , Pakistan Nishana hai..

Hamid Gul.

That is why the hated Hamid Gul with a passion.

The American deep state is obsessed with Pakistan. They want to humiliate and tame Pakistan. Transform Pakistan into a ladyboy. Totally change its identity. They are investing heavily. Their NGOs and terrorist groups like PTM, BLA and others are what they are betting on in the long run. They love using women as their favorite weapon. "Empower" a certain class of women to transform the identity of Pakistan. This war against Pakistan is being fought not only militarily and covertly. It is being fought on all levels imaginable. Economically, socially, culturally, militarily etc. This war is not for the fainthearted. We are in it for the long haul and those that don't have the stamina are going to end up as losers. Our armed forces are fully aware of the 5th gen war being waged against the state.

The good news is that we have the Americans by their balls in Afghanistan. They came here 2 decades ago to torture and balkanise Pakistan. They failed and the tables were eventually turned. Today their hateful and miserable faces tell a story. They make emotional pleas and beg for continuing a lost war. This is the time for Pakistan to push the dagger a little deeper. If the US/NATO decide to continue their suicide mission we need to prepare to do the necessary. Team up with reliable regional partners and bury US/NATO for once and for all in the graveyard called Afghanistan. This is our region. We will dictate the terms. Not some foreigners.
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LOL 2500 troops will keep an eye Pakistan LMAO
where 40000(NATO) + 200,000 ANA (NATO trained LMAO) couldn't keep an eye on 20,000 barefoot Talibans
talk about arrogance+stupidity
The idea is not to invade Pakistan but to have a say in the affairs of the region. As long as NATO exist in Afghanistan in any shape or form, they will have the capability to keep tabs on Pakistan as well as influence course of events in Afghanistan.

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