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Toxic Smog Cloaks Beijing During Climate Talks


Dec 12, 2008
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Airpocalypse Now: Toxic Smog Cloaks Beijing During Climate Talks
Air pollution is now at hazardous levels in the Chinese capital.


Matt Sheehan China Correspondent, The WorldPost
Posted: 12/01/2015 07:12 AM EST | Edited: 12 minutes ago

BEIJING -- As world leaders tussled over the fate of the climate in Paris, Beijing residents struggled to make out the silhouettes of buildings. The multi-day pollution emergency -- dubbed “Airpocalypse” by English-language media -- signaled the start of smog season in one of the most polluted capitals in the world.

On Tuesday, indices of PM2.5 particulates -- the small cancer-causing pollutants -- soared past the 500 mark and sent them shooting off traditional scales and into territory the U.S. Embassy once described as “crazy bad.” The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has said readings above 300 are rare in the United States and often associated with major events such as forest fires.

With many outdoor activities canceled, some residents used the free time on a new hobby: drawing the outlines of buildings on photos where the landmarks have disappeared into the smog.


SINA WEIBOBeijing's Tiananmen Gate.


SINA WEIBOThe National Stadium, known as the Birds Nest.


SINA WEIBOChina Central Television, known as the Big Underpants building.

These pictures made the rounds on social media and were even promoted by state media outlets, which until recently referred to the pollution as “fog”.

But not all Beijing residents were content to wallow in dark humor. China’s microblog platform Sina Weibo buzzed with discussion of the smog Monday, including references to a now-banned environmental documentary.

Former investigative reporter Chai Jing captivated the nation this spring with a viral An Inconvenient Truth-style documentary that detailed how polluting industries walked all over China’s environmental regulations. The film, "Under the Dome," gained hundreds of millions of views and appeared to have the support of certain government factions, but it was soonwiped off Chinese video sites.

In one widely circulated Sina Weibo post, Beijing venture capitalist Wang Ran pointed the finger for the smog at the government censors who smothered the film.

“If a society can’t tolerate one person expressing their ideas, then it will inevitably have to tolerate all kinds of evil (including pollution),” Wang wrote.


MATT SHEEHAN AND JEFFREY KESLER Beijing's Forbidden City on clear and smog-filled days.

Meanwhile in Paris, Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to work with President Barack Obama to forge a new global climate agreement, but he also defended China's right to pursue further development.

"Tackling climate change is a shared mission for mankind," Xi said during his speech at the UN conference, known as COP21.

One year ago, the two presidents raised expectations for the 2015 climate summit when they made joint pledges to cap and reduce emissions over the coming decades. Those pledges -- while far from guaranteed to become reality -- greatly changed the calculus among climate watchers as to what is within reach at this year’s summit.

China’s carbon pledges may be made to the international community, but they’re deeply rooted in domestic, economic and environmental realities. China’s economy is in the midst of a grinding transition away from heavy polluting industries such as steel, cement and glass, whose voracious demand for coal has blackened the skies of Chinese cities.


MATT SHEEHAN AND JEFFREY KESLER Beijing's Worker's Stadium on clear and smoggy days.

Popular awareness of pollution appeared to have turned a corner in 2013 when the first widely publicized “airpocalypse” episode struck Beijing. Public outcry led China’s leaders to declare a “war on pollution” and institute mitigation measures. These combined with plummeting profits in the steel and coal industries appeared to have actually made a dent: data from Greenpeace East Asia showed a 15.5 percent reduction in Beijing air pollution in the first half of 2015, with an average fall of 16 percent across 189 cities.

That trend is promising in the long run, but it is of little comfort to the Beijing residents struggling to make out the skyscraper across the street today.


SINA WEIBOA skyscraper in Beijing's business district.
lol, that's some serious problem there.
They are talking about climate change? CCP is using this as a weapon for other nations to act in a climate manner so that the CCP can continue burning fossil fuel and coals to develop and advances their nation while the other nations that follow this bs climate change are living in poverty. It's a tactic to catch up and build up your country while the other guys believe that you are also doing things to help climate change but the reality is you're trying to rule the world.
Fascinating. People are clever enough to design slick dirty air readers like this but too dumb to figure out how not to pollute the air :(

Don't worry many countries go through this period.


This isn't China.

You just have to be strong enough to put your foot down and say "Stop!"

The worst problem is even when you do stop the contamination is still there,


Detecting lead in soil decades after leaded gas was banned,
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The sandstorm is so bad!!!


Thanks to the Whites people who reported the news.

The sandstorm is so bad!!!


Thanks to the Whites people who reported the news.
go fk yourself

lol, that's some serious problem there.
They are talking about climate change? CCP is using this as a weapon for other nations to act in a climate manner so that the CCP can continue burning fossil fuel and coals to develop and advances their nation while the other nations that follow this bs climate change are living in poverty. It's a tactic to catch up and build up your country while the other guys believe that you are also doing things to help climate change but the reality is you're trying to rule the world.
it's a tactic to rule the world?

my dear god, give me a break please.

there must be a fool between us,either you or Our gov is
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Fascinating. People are clever enough to design slick dirty air readers like this but too dumb to figure out how not to pollute the air :(
Never underestimate Chinese ingenuity:

This Is A Brick Made From The Dust In Beijing’s Smog

December 1, 2015 6:03 AM
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This brick is made of pollutants sucked out of the air in Beijing.

It took just 100 days of traipsing around Beijing with a vacuum for a Chinese artist to collect enough dust to make the brick.

The artist, who goes by the monicker ‘Nut Brother’, used an industrial vacuum to literally suck pollution out of the air to make the smog brick.


He didn’t use your average hoover, though - the heavy duty vacuum is capable of sucking up any particulate matter with a diameter of over 0.2 microns. It was able to suck in air equivalent to the amount breathed in by 62 people per day.

He was out collecting pollution during some of the city’s worst onsets of smog and haze, and he got the idea when Beijing was hit with severe smog back in 2013.


“Our city is becoming overcrowded by cars and surrounded by chemical engineering,” he said. “We create more dust by asking for more resources, and we will become dust when all our resources are depleted.“

The 34-year-old artist hopes that the project might one day become a commercial success rather than just an artistic one.

All images: CEN
Quantity of GDP is also very significant to air quality in Beijing city. Economy has developed quickly in Beijing city in recent years, which has brought a large number of consumption of resources and has caused a large amounts of waste generation and emissions. This will greatly affect the air quality. Economic structure should be adjusted to the industrial structure and improve the quality of economic growth. Besides, the input of science and technology and the investment of environment protection also has important influence on the air quality in Beijing city. Increased investment in science and technology can improve the level of science and technology. Advanced science and technology can increase the efficiency of energy , which cause the improvement of air quality. Investment of environment protection helps to reduce waste emission and enhance the air quality.
Consider this also:

The CCP intentionally allowed pollution from construction, and other sources to prop up and build up over the decades, in hopes of fueling the entrepreneurial spirit into investing $$ into chemical converters into non-toxic gases, anti-pollutants for construction, etc, thereby increasing the domestic consumption market.
It's unfortunate that we have to pay the price for rapid development without preparation to deal with the consequence. China is working with others to cope with the environmental damage. I don't see any foreign embassies moving out of Beijing. We are on the same boat to ride over the fog...
We are facing the same problem here in India , I only see nuclear power as an alternative for all this

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