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Top diplomats of Russia, Ukraine reach Turkiye for trilateral talks.

Live blog: Türkiye-hosted talks between Russia, Ukraine kick off in Antalya​


All eyes are on Türkiye as it hosts top diplomats of Ukraine and Russia for direct talks between them even as Russia steps up its offensive against Ukraine.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Critical 3-way talks kick off with Russia, Ukraine in Antalya

The foreign ministers of Türkiye, Ukraine, and Russia have met in to reach a lasting peace as the Russia-Ukraine war enters its 15th day.

The high-level tripartite meeting began at 1100 AM local (0800 GMT) in the Turkish city of Antalya on the sidelines of Antalya Diplomacy Forum.

Prior to the meeting on Wednesday, Ukrainian Minister Dmytro Kuleba on social media voiced hope for "talks in good faith, not from a propaganda perspective, but really with the task of finding a solution on how to end the war waged by Russia."

Child among three killed in attack on Mariupol hospital: officials

At least three people were killed, including a young girl, in an attack on a children's hospital in Mariupol in southern Ukraine, local officials said.

"Three people were killed, including a female child, in yesterday's attack on a children's and maternity hospital in Ukraine's besieged Mariupol, according to updated figures this morning," the city council said on its Telegram channel.

Officials had previously given a toll of 17 injured, including doctors, in the attack.

Moscow: Claiming Russia bombed children's hospital is 'fake news'

Russia said a Ukrainian claim that it bombed a children's hospital in Mariupol was "fake news" because the building was a former maternity hospital that had long been taken over by troops.

"That’s how fake news is born," Dmitry Polyanskiy, Russia's first deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, said on Twitter.

Polyanskiy said Russia had warned on March 7 that the hospital had been turned into a military object from which Ukrainians were firing.

Beijing: US spreading disinformation about China on Ukraine for own benefit

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that the US criticises China's position on Ukraine to 'seek space for the plot of simultaneously suppressing China and Russia.'

According to China's CCTV, Lijian made the remarks in response to the media report that the two New York Times articles about China's so-called prior knowledge of Russia's military operation against Ukraine were both made-to-order; and the director behind all this is a US official.

"The US has been disseminating disinformation about China on the Ukraine issue, with the attempt to shift blame, stoke confrontation and profit from the issue," Zhao said. "The practice is despicable and malicious."

Russia urges US to explain purpose of biological labs in Ukraine

The Russian Foreign Ministry has said that Washington must explain to the international community the purpose of US-funded biological laboratories in Ukraine.

"We remember for how many years and with what bloody results the United States searched for various types of chemical, biological, bacteriological weapons and so on all over the world, actually occupying lands and killing people," the ministry's spokesperson Maria Zakharova said, according to Xinhua News Agency.

She said that Kiev has recently begun erasing traces of these biological programmes.

Kiev accuses Moscow of genocide after bombing of children's hospital

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accused Russia of carrying out genocide after Ukrainian officials said Russian aircraft bombed a children's hospital on Wednesday, burying patients in rubble despite a ceasefire deal for people to flee the besieged city of Mariupol.

The attack, which authorities said injured women in labour and left children in the wreckage, underscored US warnings that the biggest assault on a European state since 1945 could become increasingly attritional after Russia's early failures.

The White House condemned the hospital bombing as a "barbaric use of military force to go after innocent civilians".

House approves ban on Russian oil to US, bolstering Biden

The House overwhelmingly approved legislation that would ban Russian oil imports to the United States, an effort to put into law the restrictions announced by President Joe Biden in response to the escalating war in Ukraine.

Going further than Biden's import ban on Russian oil, the bill making its way through Congress would also encourage a review of Russia's status in the World Trade Organization and signal US support for sanctions on Russian officials over human rights violations, as the US works to economically isolate Moscow.

Lawmakers in both parties have been eager to act, willing to risk higher gas prices at home in order to support Ukraine with a show of US bipartisanship. The legislation was approved Wednesday, 414-17, and now goes to the Senate.

Germany in a quandary over Russian energy

Germany has rejected a complete ban on Russian gas and oil imports over Russia invading Ukraine, but voices are growing louder for Berlin to ditch its economic imperative to take a moral stand.

After the United States and Britain imposed a ban on Russian oil, pressure has mounted on German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government and other G7 members to follow suit.

A group of climate activists, academics, authors and scientists published an open letter to the German government on Wednesday demanding a complete ban on Russian energy, reasoning that "we are all financing this war".

UN delegation discusses humanitarian situation in Ukraine with Russian side

Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin hosted a UN delegation to discuss the humanitarian situation in Ukraine.

The delegation, led by Ramesh Rajasingham, acting assistant secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and deputy emergency relief coordinator at the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), had conversations on the humanitarian aspects of the situation in Ukraine as well as in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Moscow officially recognised Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states, followed by the start of a military operation in Ukraine on February 24.

US House votes to rush $13.6 billion to Ukraine

US lawmakers have advanced aid totalling almost $14 billion for war-torn Ukraine as part of a giant blueprint to fund federal agencies and avoid a damaging government shutdown at home.

"The brave, freedom-loving people of Ukraine and our allies in the region will receive urgently needed investments to fight Vladimir Putin and the Russians' illegal and immoral invasion," Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a joint statement.

The move comes in response to Russian leader Vladimir Putin's invasion, which is entering its third week.

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Wishing for the best as this war needs to end immediately.
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