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Time to abandon U.S. dollar as a medium of world trade


Jun 9, 2011
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Opinion 09:20, 13-Apr-2019
Time to abandon U.S. dollar as a medium of world trade | CGTN
Bobby Naderi

Editor's note: Bobby Naderi is a journalist, current affairs commentator, documentary filmmaker and member of the Writers Guild of Great Britain. The article reflects the author's opinion, and not necessarily the views of CGTN.

The U.S. government has been using the dollar as a convenient weapon of choice to preserve its global economic and geopolitical position for many decades. This has been evident through sanctions for Iran, Russia and Venezuela, and recently for Saudi Arabia and other members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

For instance, in the last week, and in a response to a potential passage of the bipartisan No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels Act, known as NOPEC, in Congress that would enable the U.S. Justice Department to sue OPEC for coordinating production, it is reported that Saudi Arabia threatened to sell its oil in currencies other than the dollar. It said the plan had been discussed with OPEC members and that Riyadh had communicated the threat to senior U.S. energy officials. Then later, Riyadh denied the report that it was threatening to sell its oil in currencies other than the dollar for passing NOPEC.

The implications of this new development are immense. The chances of the U.S. bill coming into force might be slim and Saudi Arabia might not follow through. But that Saudi Arabia now claims it never considered such a drastic step is a telltale sign of the kingdom's growing concern about Washington's potential use of that convenient weapon to exert pressure, freeze assets, and challenge OPEC members.


Khalid al-Falih, energy minister of Saudi Arabia. /VCG Photo​

During this process of reflection, Washington has weaponized the dollar anyhow, and this has prompted many countries to consider abandoning it as a medium of world trade. Russia, Iran and China have been trading in national currencies to weaken Washington's ability to enforce illegal sanctions on nation states.

The idea to ditch the dollar has also gained momentum in Europe since U.S. President Donald Trump came to office. Trump has waged tariff wars against Canada, Mexico, the European Union and China. His assault on the global trading system has backfired and these countries have decided to move and diversify their trade away from the dollar in order to minimize the negative impacts of U.S. tariffs.

Russia, which is subject to U.S. sanctions, is selling oil in euros and China's yuan, and the proportion of its sales in those currencies has become significant in recent years. Venezuela and Iran, which are also under U.S. sanctions, sell most of their oil in other currencies and have switched to non-dollar trading systems, even barter.

Likewise, several commodity-producing countries want to follow through and join the club of non-dollar traders – from lending to exchange clearing, and through yuan, euro and ruble pricing. This could include trading in derivatives such as oil futures and options, which is still dollar denominated. When this happens, and it will happen, as many nations are opposed to the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency, the rest of the world market will follow suit to operate in a non-dollar environment.


VCG Photo​

The moment, therefore, is ripe for the world market to move trade out of the U.S. currency and into other currencies in settlements. In today's multilateral world, it has become increasingly irritable for nations to purchase securities, goods and services in the U.S. dollar. They want to opt for national currencies and ditch the greenback as a currency in their trade. This has become the new policy for countries like Iran which has no access to dollar-dominated SWIFT transactions because of the U.S. sanctions.

Removing the U.S. dollar as an export and import payment currency has made life easier for Iran, for those who want to buy the Iranian oil, and for those who are under Western sanctions. They have largely quit the dollar as a transaction currency and replaced it with national currencies.

Other commodity-producing countries could and should stop using the U.S. dollar in global trade as well. They could use national currencies to reduce dependence on the greenback. This way, they can curb their exposure to dollar movement risks and the effects of U.S. sanctions and trade wars, which typically feature cutting off their access to international trade and dollar-dominated transactions.

Thanks largely to the need for Russia and Iran to nullify the impact of sanctions, the ill-fated trade and tariff wars by the Trump administration on eurozone economies, the increasing demand for oil by China and others, and the growing concern on the legislation targeting OPEC producers, many countries hope to change trade policy and change the greenback's dominant position in the international monetary system.

Looking back, this long-overdue and vital transformation of the global monetary system won't happen overnight. But it is happening regularly and will most likely continue to happen.

(If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at opinions@cgtn.com.)
Gold / Silver / Titanium bars

Makes no sense 1 Nation is 25,000,000,000,000 (25 Trillion) in debt and their debt is being divided into 200 nations of world , by devaluation of their currency

  • They don't Pay their debt down

  • They still want the world to believe their Dollar is equal to 1 Unit and other countries are 130 rupee so our crates of oranges, wheat , sugar , corn , lettuce , mangoes are cheaper to get, if an American trader comes to buy stuff they should pay More dollar to Pakistan to buy 1 crate of mangoe no other way around , theft of the highest order

  • Why don't the US dollar falls so Pakistanis and Chinese investors can buy US companies at cheaper rate ??? We can call it Investment as well

With every action of false stabilization of Dollar it is the countries who are developing nations and even developed ones their currency goes down , and their products are picked up at dirt rates , manipulation of the highest order

Countries with Largest Debt , USA/Japan their citizens enjoy better life style
While countries with minimum debt are forced to accept that some how their national country's currency has devalued over night due to some Fatwa from Washington
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u.s decline is certain and they will surely end soon and it is risky to keep your assets in usd and world should use gold,silver or other asset as their reserve currency
Why is the dollar reserve not rising ?


Imagine 1965

Pakistan has capacity to make 15 mango crates
American trade comes in pays 100 Dollar for 2 mango crate
This goes to our national reserve and 13 crate is left for our local needs

  • US has less debt
  • Pakistan has no debt
  • Currencies are close to equal

Imagine 2006

Pakistan has capacity to make 100 crates
American Trader , comes to buy Pakistanis Mango 10 crates , and value is set to 100 Dollar
this goes to our National reserves , nice healthy 100 dollar came in and we have 90 crates for local usage
  • US has massive debt
  • Pakistan has little debt
  • 1 Dollar = 55 rupee (Manipulation still happening here)

Imagine 2019
Pakistan has capacity to make 150 crates
American Trader comes in , buys 140 crates , and value is set to 5 Dollar
Only 5 dollar is going to our National Reserve , and we also have just 10 crates of mangoes left for our own people
  • US has massive debt massive debt
  • Pakistan tiny debt
  • 1 Dollar = 130 rupee (Manipulation still happening here)

What Should have happened 2019 if system was fair

Because US dollar debt is 350 times , that of Pakistan
1 Rupee = 300 Dollar

Pakistan has capacity to make 150 crates

American trader comes in , buys 10 crates for 300 Dollars
300 Dollars is going to our National Reserves , and we have 140 crates to sell to other customers

National Reserve would sell the Dollar and get Gold
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China should take the initiative. Import from your trading partners in massive quantities and forward them Yuan Based Loans, So that Yuan Reserves build up and yuan gets into circulation and then Accept Yuan as payment for Chinese Exports. This circle will take time but after some time there will be dollar free trade in many regions.
Will China take this step?
As for Gold Titanium standards advocates. It is not possible in modern economics. Please look into economics more.
USA don't decide what is the value of your currency against USD. Its your government that decides the price of your currency against USD depending on the level of Imports (Demand for Dollar as your local manufacturer will want to buy Dollars to pay the supplier of the other country) and Exports (Supply of Dollar as your industrialist will encash the dollar received by him by exports from national reserves as dollar will be of no value inside Pakistan).
When their will be more supply of dollar i.e more exports/foreign Remittances Government will decide the Reduce Dollar rate wrt to Rupee and when Demand of Dollar will rise Dollar will be made more expensive as keeping dollar cheap in high demand time will diminish dollar reserves.

And Countries like China, Japan and EU are the biggest benefactors of Dollar Trade. They will never let it collapse. Pakistanis want to abandon dollar because they are in dire economic situation. If per say We become developed. And our Exports become way more then Imports and our Dollar Reserves grow exponentially and so dollar value comes down and you can buy the best products, services and industrial machinery from the world the way you like , Will any of you talk about abandoning dollar? Imagine if you can afford a Luxury German made car in the purchasing power of a Suzuki Cultus will you still proclaim Dollar Abandonement and adopt some obscure currency that no one accept?
Soviet Union Tried it and they are a history now. We need to ramp up our industrial output before making such statements
If only Pakistan can find a supplier of oil that either trades in bilateral currencies or barters. The fact is that countries such as Pakistan are especially hurt by purchasing oil in dollars because they do not otherwise export enough or the value of their exports doesn't bring them enough dollars to purchase oil. And they always have to go to open market to purchase dollars against their currency always devaluing native currency against dollar. But to be honest Pakistan imports things that should have been indigenized long ago to cut the outflow of wealth. But the bigger problem is it is not even on the agenda ... despite the ramifications.
Saddam's "mistake" was to revert back to Gold and he was punished because of that, having said that yes we should have Gold as standard ...
The dollars weight as a reserve currency is bigger than it should be....but it was America that largely set up the worlds current trading structure. Soviets never came up anything comparable during the cold war....which contributed to their demise in my opinion.

America is now foolishly using the dollar's status as a weapon....this will force many nations to move away from the dollar...including many of the big oil exporters.
Person who holds the good should set their own price , no outsider should be able to manipulate our own trade
it is reported that Saudi Arabia threatened to sell its oil in currencies other than the dollar.

If so, they would secure the big China energy market, which is the largest in the world.

Otherwise, they will lose more market to politically-independent countries such as Russia.
Going back to gold is not feasible since your ecconomy can only get as big as the amount of gold there is (there is not enough gold in the world)

Better solution might be block chain.
There is lots of work to do, but a world based on that instead of US dollars will bring so much peace to world since US will not be able to fund as many wars as that currently do.

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