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Three Different Radars Recorded The SU-30 Kill

My brother in faith...there are tough times coming for muslims in India. may Allah keep you safe!

Put you hand on your heart and see the B.S Dhanoa recent Interview and what do you feel. look at him..he is under extreme stress...see his tongue movement in mouth...that means he is thirsty...look at his Eye Contact ...look at the pause..he is taking while talking...i actually start feeling sorry for this guy...
Does he sound victor to you? Honestly he is captain of sinking ship
A lot of people in Indian would be happy seeing Modi govt humiliated , but i don't think Pakistan got anything concrete on it.

If those people couldn't humiliate Modi after all this, MKI radar image or not, doesn't matter for them.

You like anyone else, being impatient but the thing is, will be made public as & when necessary. Enough of wreckage is already seen and that's good enough for people, if one can understand.

You cab think like any other Indian and that's not wrong. It's obvious. So wait for it.
Sir, wreckage of M21 has only been found and shown to public....right? we haven't seen SU's wreckage as of today.

@Anwar72 yes, things are heating up in India.....Fanatics are now beating and lynching women and teenagers ...they seems unchallenged by Muslims...strange.
Sir, wreckage of M21 has only been found and shown to public....right? we haven't seen SU's wreckage as of today.

For a nation, a paraded pilot and wreckage of single fighter jet is good enough to understand and be at peace. If it wasn't the hard beating on that day, who in the right mind thinks that India would have resorted to missile attack threats and then nothing much except for the drama through media.

Only disgraceful enemy will ask for couple of more slaps to feel ashamed.
For a nation, a paraded pilot and wreckage of single fighter jet is good enough to understand and be at peace. If it wasn't the hard beating on that day, who in the right mind thinks that India would have resorted to missile attack threats and then nothing much except for the drama through media.

Only disgraceful enemy will ask for couple of more slaps to feel ashamed.

agreed....but the heavy dose is needed to shut their propaganda machine...we are now in much comfortable position ... to release 2nd episode of 27/2 info.
By reading your full of emotional post I mistook you for a 18 year kid.....


Yeah---and I too was wondering why do pakistanis want to stay eternally stupid---.

You have been here on the forum for 2 days---and you are trying to teach me what was happening---and what needed to happen with this long 'sob story'---.

Young man---keep me away from your conversation---there is an ignore tab---use it---.
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How long have you worked in military intelligence?
You are pathetic. Find a new job.


Is there any indication , suggestion or inclination on the part of PAF to release at least one radar image that records 'Su30 kill ' in public ?

A lot of people in Indian would be happy seeing Modi govt humiliated , but i don't think Pakistan got anything concrete on it.

Otherwise DG ISPR would have released Radar images on the first day itself instead of desperately resorting to edited videos of some old IAF ex air marshal speaking about 1965 war as 27th feb narrative.
Who now believes, like me, that whatever award/medal ceremonies there were going to be on Aug 14th, or Sept 6th, will ring hollow, given what has just transpired in IOK?
Well, it would actually raise questions if paf now release some radar images, why were they not shown earlier ? Why wait ? Just as you ask every iaf spokesperson.
Also there was a question about no pilots of claim from DG ispr (the absolute truth), no one answered that.
Anyways iaf has to improve, paf was better on 27/2 but this is on assumption that there is not even a 0.00001 percent chance of a f16 kill.
I hope no such future engagement s happen and these bloody machine s are better off resting

Peace out
Well, it would actually raise questions if paf now release some radar images, why were they not shown earlier ? Why wait ? Just as you ask every iaf spokesperson.
Also there was a question about no pilots of claim from DG ispr (the absolute truth), no one answered that.
Anyways iaf has to improve, paf was better on 27/2 but this is on assumption that there is not even a 0.00001 percent chance of a f16 kill.
I hope no such future engagement s happen and these bloody machine s are better off resting

Peace out
Get lost!! Do you understand. Get your yellow stinking dhoti out of this thread. You guys need to come in and finger everything. You are no more than pests so crawl back into your hole and keep quiet. PAF knows what it did. While the whole indian media was jumping up and down about AbhiNone done with his 4 intact mijjjiles having dropped an F16D. Now slowly your own media and forces are accepting how yo had your pants handed back to you. So instead of doubting us go and play somewhere else.
Well, it would actually raise questions if paf now release some radar images, why were they not shown earlier ? Why wait ? Just as you ask every iaf spokesperson.
Also there was a question about no pilots of claim from DG ispr (the absolute truth), no one answered that.
Anyways iaf has to improve, paf was better on 27/2 but this is on assumption that there is not even a 0.00001 percent chance of a f16 kill.
I hope no such future engagement s happen and these bloody machine s are better off resting

Peace out

IAFlost 2 aircrafts Su-30 and Mig-21
Whole world saw the wreckage and pilot.
IAF was caught so badly that they shot their own Mig-17
Abhinandand got
Well, it would actually raise questions if paf now release some radar images, why were they not shown earlier ? Why wait ? Just as you ask every iaf spokesperson.
Also there was a question about no pilots of claim from DG ispr (the absolute truth), no one answered that.
Anyways iaf has to improve, paf was better on 27/2 but this is on assumption that there is not even a 0.00001 percent chance of a f16 kill.
I hope no such future engagement s happen and these bloody machine s are better off resting

Peace out
Ok let's recap
IAF strike failed on 26 Feb
PAF strike on safe distance (now your media and forces have acknowledged) that PAF even targeted Command center at the time when high officials present.
2 aircraft lost, 1 Helicopter lost in friendly fire
10 IAF personnel lost their life, 1 pilot captured

In the midst of air conflict what was role of Mi-17 ?? Perhaps search and rescue of downed aircraft (Su-30)
As per IAF report on 28th Feb in car road accident 2 pilots lost their life. It's hard to believe that in such scenario where 2 pilots were going?
Till Modi won election it was never revealed that Mi-17 was shot down by friendly fire.
IAF never dared any misadventure after PAF reply of 27 Feb, had IAF downed F-16 they surely would try something in coming days
Modi aka Hitler was found crying that, if IAF had Rafael the outcome could have been different.
Think logically! Get rid of your false pride and ego be sensible.

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