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This Is the Ultimate MiG-21


Apr 28, 2011
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This Is the Ultimate MiG-21
Pakistani JF-17 builds on classic warplane
In 1989, the Chinese Chengdu Aerospace Corporation unveiled a major upgrade for its locally-made F-7 jet fighter, a licensed copy of the classic Soviet MiG-21. The new F-7 variant moved the engine air intake from the nose tip to the sides of the fuselage, making room in the nose for a more powerful radar.

Twenty-one years later, this upgrade—now named JF-17 Thunder—is flying combat missions with the Pakistani air force, so far its sole user. Further enhanced with a new wing, a cutting-edge intake design and a new, more powerful engine, the JF-17 is Pakistan’s most important front-line fighter—and a remarkable extension of a basic plane design dating back to the 1950s.

In essence, the JF-17 is the ultimate MiG-21. In a sector increasingly dominated by American-made stealth fighters, European “canard” planes and variants of the Russian Su-27, the JF-17 is an outlier—a highlyevolutionary plane that doesn’t try to be revolutionary.

After all, revolutionary is expensive.


MiG-21. Photo via Wikipedia
Classic delta
The Soviet MiG corporation began work on the MiG-21 Fishbed in the early 1950s, an era during which most air forces wanted very fast jet fighters, regardless of the design compromises necessary to achieve high speeds. With a theoretical top speed of Mach 2, the MiG-21 meets that expectation—and also boasts a simple, single-engine layout, good climb performance and decent maneuverability.

But the basic MiG-21 has its drawbacks. It’s difficult to control and its canopy provides poor visibility. It carries enough gas for barely an hour of combat flying. And its nose intake precludes the carriage of a large radar.

Still, MiG made thousands of Fishbeds for the USSR and client states. Several countries including China acquired licenses to build their own copies. Sixty years later, hundreds of MiG-21s remain in front-line use across Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia.

China’s F-7 is a much-improved MiG-21 with better pilot visibility, a locally-produced engine and some Western-made avionics. But the F-7 still suffers from a lack of space in the nose for a bigger and more powerful radar. Hence the 1989 proposal to move the air intake to the fuselage sides.


Pakistani air force Chengdu F-7. Photo via Wikipedia
Pakistan had bought F-7s and, in the 1980s, hired the U.S. plane-maker Grumman to work alongside Chengdu in an effort to improve the fighters. But U.S. and European sanctions following China’s Tiananmen Square massacre ended the American-Chinese collaboration.

Pakistan, which also struggled with Western sanctions tied to Islamabad’s nuclear tests, took an interest in the modified F-7. Over a decade of work, the side-intake MiG-21 variant evolved into something much more sophisticated: the JF-17. Chinese, Pakistani and Russian engineers added a better wing—similar to the U.S. F-16’s wing—plus so-called “divertless” intakes that work equally well while the plane is flying fast or slow.

Russia provided the modern RD-93 engines for the JF-17. And most importantly, the new jet’s roomier nose is big enough for China’s KLJ-7 radar, able to detect and track targets on the ground and in the air.

Production began in China in 2006 and soon moved to a facility in Pakistan owned by the Pakistani air force, making the JF-17 the only jet fighter in the world actually manufactured by an air arm, rather than by a private corporation. Islamabad inaugurated the first Thunder squadron in 2010. And that same year, the new jets flew bombing missions targeting suspected terrorists in South Waziristan, part of Pakistan’s restive tribal area.

Clearly pleased, Islamabad ordered 150 JF-17s to form the backbone of its air force for the next 30 years. More than 40 are already in service.


Pakistani air force JF-17. Photo via Wikipedia
Bargain warplane
Priced to move at an estimated $25 million per copy, the JF-17 is possibly the cheapest new-build fighter in the world today. By comparison, each of America’s F-35 stealth fighters costs around $200 million apiece at present—although the F-35 could get less expensive as development continues.

The JF-17 is not stealthy. But it does have roughly the same agility as an early-model F-16A, according to Pakistani pilots whom Piet Luijken interviewed for Combat Aircraft magazine. That means the JF-17 is probably a much better close-range dogfighter than the F-35 and many other current jets.

Plus, the Thunder can carry some shockingly dangerous weaponry. In November 2013, the Pakistanis took the JF-17 on tour in a bid to sell the plane to other air arms. Luijken caught up with the display team during their stopover in Dubai, where he spotted a CM-400AKG anti-ship missile under a JF-17’s wing.

The CM-400AKG flies up to 150 miles as fast as Mach 4. China designed the munition specifically to target American aircraft carriers, but it could prove equally devastating to other warships. Pakistan is the first export customer. In addition to the CM-400, the JF-17 can carry a wide array of air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons.

It might be a descendent of the 60-year-old MiG-21, but the JF-17 is a thoroughly modern warplane—and an affordable one. The same can’t always be said of the F-35 and other current fighters.

David Axe’s new book Shadow Wars is out. Sign up for a daily War is Boring email update here. Subscribe to WIB’s RSS feed here and follow the main pagehere.
This Is the Ultimate MiG-21 — War is Boring — Medium
@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Oscar @nuclearpak @fatman17 @mafiya @Areesh @A.Rafay @Rashid Mahmood @Last Hope @DESERT FIGHTER
Guys I need expert opinion Indians on their forums are quoting this thing a lot what you guys have to say about it ?
if the remaining world is analyzed by such amaazing loooogic then .... Cell phones are ultimate Pigeons ....... Scientists are ultimate Chimpanzees ...... :)
This Is the Ultimate MiG-21
Pakistani JF-17 builds on classic warplane

David Axe’s new book Shadow Wars is out. Sign up for a daily War is Boring email update here. Subscribe to WIB’s RSS feed here and follow the main pagehere.
This Is the Ultimate MiG-21 — War is Boring — Medium
@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Oscar @nuclearpak @fatman17 @mafiya @Areesh @A.Rafay @Rashid Mahmood @Last Hope @DESERT FIGHTER
Guys I need expert opinion Indians on their forums are quoting this thing a lot what you guys have to say about it ?
All most Indians care about is the Mig-21 reference.. so they can insult it. There a lot less relation to the Mig-21 than to the Mig-33 program. But this is from a blogger who is not really a professional. Some of his comments on other articles are downright ridiculous.
All most Indians care about is the Mig-21 reference.. so they can insult it. There a lot less relation to the Mig-21 than to the Mig-33 program. But this is from a blogger who is not really a professional. Some of his comments on other articles are downright ridiculous.
Thanks Sir for your output I am not really good at Air Force stuff so I wanted to know hope to see JF-17 Thunder BLOCK II fully loaded really soon
and F-35 is the ultimate P-26 Peashooter :crazy: JF-17 is not considered a member of the MiG-21 family
Its like comparing apples with oranges, JF-17 is generation ahead of MIG-21.
by the time this plane will be more better .... jf-17 is capable of lots of modification and upgrades .. so its only matter off time this plane will mature in is performance
First of all, David Axe. He used to work for wired-dangerroom, I believe, where he was...heckled in the comments for his lack of knowledge on military hardware.

Still, does it matter if the JF-17 was derived from the Mig-21? In all honesty, (like the article says) "Clearly pleased, Islamabad ordered 150 JF-17s to form the backbone of its air force for the next 30 years". If the Air force is pleased, it means that the fighter has met all expectations, and from what we know, an extremely potent weapon that Pakistan has the 50% of the rights too.

Besides, even if they were from the same base, the two are so fundamentally different (tech wise) that the JF-17 can be considered a unique fighter.

The JF-17 was originally not meant to be as advanced as it currently is, it was meant to be a cheap replacement for Pakistan's aging fighter fleet (Mirages, F-7s...etc), the fact that Pakistan has such an advanced fighter in an extremely potent package, at a low cost (not to mention, virtually sanction free) should prove that Pakistan is on the right track to self-reliance.

The next step is to develop the fighter, and eventually replace all foreign components will local parts. Eventually, I believe that Pakistan may end up beginning development of it's own 100% indigenous fighter program, using the JF-17 knowledge and experience to further it's air force's independence.
First it has to replace 40 year old planes (F7+variants and mirages). 2nd it is much better for defense purpose. It can stop any type of attack from any of our neighbor. Plus our pilots are much more capable of ground attack due to war in tribal area and use of jf17. Another strong reason is its low cost and affordability during its life time. We have no worries of spare sanctions or embargoes from US or any other. Keeping these in above, JF17 is best aircraft we have!!
JF17 like the mig21 for it's time is highly capable and very affordable. capability to cost ratio is almost as good as the F/A18SH

Not exactly. The aircraft still has growth restraints unless better materials and a more powerful engine is put in. But then, that is all speculation given the unknown quantity that is the aircraft's future growth roadmap.
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