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This is gold Comedy - A kpop star jumps into the ''GANGES RIVER'' and hilarity ensues amongst Korean Netizens


Mar 1, 2019
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I personally found this hilarious because the view Pakistan has about India's hygiene is also shared by the world.

Kian 84 jumps into the Ganges River​

Thursday, June 08, 2023



Article: Kian 84 goes into India's Ganges River, a river infamous for its pollution

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+661] The river is too dirty to just enter at whim for fun or adventure... The river is known to have half-charred dead bodies floating around in it... Why did he go in at all??
- [+128] Because it's Kian, after all..

[+449] Please don't come back to Korea... I'm scared he might've caught some contagious disease

[+243] It's not just dirty laundry water and excrement that the river is known for, they literally have corpses floating down it... I saw it with my own eyes. I don't think anyone could step foot in it after seeing something like that. I know that it's a holy river to the Indians but it's highly polluted on a hygenic level ㅠㅠ

[+229] Trying new and adventurous things is great and all but... this is crossing the line...

[+207] He seems to adjust to all the cultures he visits very well...!

[+204] Ugh, come on...

[+187] I know he probably went into it thinking it's a rare experience and that people will think he's cool for it but imagine if he caught a virus from it? And then came back to Korea and spread it? We've all gone through the pandemic, you can't think that your selfish actions won't impact everyone else anymore.

[+156] He better not come back to Korea and spread some diseases ㅡㅡ

[+58] I've heard of tourists trying to go in but even Indians will stop you because of the concerns of getting skin diseases. The river is known to be a place where you put your dead to rest, whether the bodies are cremated or not...

[+49] Hyung, you are plenty funny without having to submerge yourself in poop water

[+44] Isn't this the river that was filled with corpses when COVID was really bad?

[+33] There are so many people who have gotten deeply ill after going in... I wonder what Kian's immune system is like.

[+32] The river is so polluted that even its own country has given up on cleaning it...

[+23] Now that I hear he's been in the Ganges River, even his own name Kian 84 sounds like a virus

[+20] It's great to see him embrace different cultures without hesitation like this but... for the sake of his health, I hope he went and immediately showered after this ㅜㅜ...

[+20] The river is where they cremate their corpses and is filled with rat poop... it's dirty ㅜㅜㅜ

[+11] I'm sure he's not doing this for viewer ratings... but I'm still amazed that he'd do this at all...

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India just defines what a filthy nation really means and stands for. The word filth is synonymous with India unfortunately. India is a weird azz country mann.

Outdoors shxting and everything else..


Someone was asking me the other day how did you manage to combat Covid so well in your country the answer was simple.... SHOUTING DOWN the Indian border armegeddon level at all times don't even let in a fly..
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Ganges is probably the most dirty river in the world. Dead bodies of animals and humans actually float in Ganges.

Religious traditionsEdit

During festival seasons, over 70 million people bathe in the Ganges[15] to cleanse themselves of their past sins. Some materials like food, waste or leaves are left in the Ganges, which are also responsible for its pollution. Traditional beliefs hold that being cremated on its banks and floating down the Ganges will cleanse the sins of those who die and carry them directly to salvation. In Varanasi alone, an estimated forty thousand bodies are cremated every year and are deposited into the Ganga. Because many families cannot afford the high cost of sufficient quantities of cremation wood, many of the bodies deposited into the Ganges a
re only half-burnt.[7]

Oh my God...
But funny thing is the Wuhan virus or 🐦 flu seems have not come from India, in fact India has only been supplying the remdy to the entire world including Pak.

India just defines what a filthy nation really means and stands for. The word filth is synonymous with India unfortunately. India is a weird azz country mann.

Outdoors shxting and everything else..


Someone was asking me the other day how did you manage to combat Covid so well in your country the answer was simple.... SHOUTING DOWN the Indian border armegeddon level at all times don't even let in a fly..
But India gave most of the vaccines to developing countries. China vac is absolutely useless they are still grappling with wihan virus inpacts

I personally found this hilarious because the view Pakistan has about India's hygiene is also shared by the world.

Kian 84 jumps into the Ganges River​

Thursday, June 08, 2023



Article: Kian 84 goes into India's Ganges River, a river infamous for its pollution

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+661] The river is too dirty to just enter at whim for fun or adventure... The river is known to have half-charred dead bodies floating around in it... Why did he go in at all??
- [+128] Because it's Kian, after all..

[+449] Please don't come back to Korea... I'm scared he might've caught some contagious disease

[+243] It's not just dirty laundry water and excrement that the river is known for, they literally have corpses floating down it... I saw it with my own eyes. I don't think anyone could step foot in it after seeing something like that. I know that it's a holy river to the Indians but it's highly polluted on a hygenic level ㅠㅠ

[+229] Trying new and adventurous things is great and all but... this is crossing the line...

[+207] He seems to adjust to all the cultures he visits very well...!

[+204] Ugh, come on...

[+187] I know he probably went into it thinking it's a rare experience and that people will think he's cool for it but imagine if he caught a virus from it? And then came back to Korea and spread it? We've all gone through the pandemic, you can't think that your selfish actions won't impact everyone else anymore.

[+156] He better not come back to Korea and spread some diseases ㅡㅡ

[+58] I've heard of tourists trying to go in but even Indians will stop you because of the concerns of getting skin diseases. The river is known to be a place where you put your dead to rest, whether the bodies are cremated or not...

[+49] Hyung, you are plenty funny without having to submerge yourself in poop water

[+44] Isn't this the river that was filled with corpses when COVID was really bad?

[+33] There are so many people who have gotten deeply ill after going in... I wonder what Kian's immune system is like.

[+32] The river is so polluted that even its own country has given up on cleaning it...

[+23] Now that I hear he's been in the Ganges River, even his own name Kian 84 sounds like a virus

[+20] It's great to see him embrace different cultures without hesitation like this but... for the sake of his health, I hope he went and immediately showered after this ㅜㅜ...

[+20] The river is where they cremate their corpses and is filled with rat poop... it's dirty ㅜㅜㅜ

[+11] I'm sure he's not doing this for viewer ratings... but I'm still amazed that he'd do this at all...

Contact Pakistan is 98% Muslim a d Muslims are the least hygienic in the world
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ganges river is dead nothing survives except bacteria.
Poverty , over population , unplanned urban development is responsible for worst state of water bodies of India . It will take hundred years to develop enough infrastructure that will not pollute our rivers .
Korean netizens don't exist. They all work 9 to 9 with no free time.
But funny thing is the Wuhan virus or 🐦 flu seems have not come from India, in fact India has only been supplying the remdy to the entire world including Pak.

But India gave most of the vaccines to developing countries. China vac is absolutely useless they are still grappling with wihan virus inpacts

Contact Pakistan is 98% Muslim a d Muslims are the least hygienic in the world
Do you know what Tahir means..

A muslim has to be clean at all times in order to pray. Even if a little dirt like pee touches his clothes or body he has to take bath and stay strictly in a state of Tahir which means clean clothes and washed body..

Muslims are the most cleanest people on average because it is obligatory on them to stay extreme clean. Alot of people use toilet papers only but Muslims do the extra by adding to water after using toilet papers which is cleaning it with water then again ending with drying it with toilet paper. Muslims and Hindus are like day and night when it comes to hygienic they sit at the two furthest poles on that regard.

Even If the Husband and Wife has a casual sex they both can't pray again until they wash themselves by taking a bath and again re-enter the state of Tahir.

Culturally we are galaxies part on the issue of hygienic and because we sit at the two end of extreme's the muslims take state of Tahir very very seriously whereas the Indians are on the opposite side
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Winston Churchill hated Hindus because he thought they were a beastly lot:-

"I hate Indians," he told the Secretary of State for India, Leopold Amery. "They are a beastly people with a beastly religion." The famine was their own fault, he declared at a war-cabinet meeting, for "breeding like rabbits."

Do you know what Tahir means..

A muslim has to be clean at all times in order to pray. Even if a little dirt like pee touches his clothes or body he has to take bath and stay strictly in a state of Tahir which means clean clothes and washed body..

Muslims are the most cleanest people on average because it is obligatory on them to stay extreme clean. Alot of people use toilet papers only but Muslims do the extra by adding to water after using toilet papers which is cleaning it with water then again ending with drying it with toilet paper. Muslims and Hindus are like day and night when it comes to hygienic they sit at the two furthest poles on that regard.

Even If the Husband and Wife has a casual sex they both can't pray again until they wash themselves by taking a bath and again re-enter the state of Tahir.

Culturally we are galaxies part on the issue of hygienic and because we sit at the two end of extreme's the muslims take state of Tahir very very seriously whereas the Indians are on the opposite side
It's the same thing with Hindus as well. In India Muslims are considered unclean. Maybe the upper castes among Muslims have the opportunity to keep themselves clean .
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