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There were no surgical strikes on LoC: UN monitoring mission (UNMOGIP)

Modi wanted to conduct a Surgical Strike inside Pakistan.Indian armed force,political and public was very excited. strike went very well and deadly for enemy. And public was cheering for the brave soldiers and world was astonished about there achievement and then something happened they woke up from there sleep and realized that it was just a dream. And after then he started realizing about the consequences of his action. I hope Indian people start realizing this as well.
I didn't know the UN monitoring mission are embedded in jihadi camps along the LOC
As the hysterical self-aggrandizement and boastful lies of India are in their process of betraying themselves before the world, secretary general Ban Ki-moon’s spokesperson Stephane Dujarric has also repudiated the Indian claims of so-called ‘surgical strikes.’

Read More:India backtracks on the most major ‘Surgical Strike’ claim

In the daily press briefing, Dujarric said “The UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) has not directly observed any firing across the LoC related to the latest incidents.”

“Facts on the ground do not change whether somebody acknowledges or not. Facts are facts, we presented the facts and that’s where we stand,” India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Syed Akbaruddin about UN’s denial of ‘Surgical Strikes’.

When asked to explain how UNMOGIP can say it did not observe any firing even as India said it has conducted the surgical strikes, Dujarric repeated that UNMOGIP has not “directly observed” any of the firing.

Read More:Two Pakistani soldiers martyred as India violates ceasefire along LoC

“They are obviously aware of the reports of these presumed violations and are talking to the relevant concerned authorities,” he said.

The explicit refusal to confirm the Indian propagandist reports was met with great anguish and anger in India. India’s permanent representative at the UN, Syed Akbaruddin said that the facts on the ground do not change whether somebody has “observed” it or not.

Read More:Pakistan denies Indian claim of surgical strike across LoC last night

Rejecting the embarrassing refusal from UN, Akbaruddin in his obstinate remarks stated that “I have nothing to say because what (Dujarric) said was ‘directly observed’. It’s a call that they have to take. I cannot place myself in their boots and directly observe something.”

Read More:14 Indian soldiers killed in response by Pakistan Army

Secretary General Ban Ki Moon on Friday expressed regrets over the fact that UNMOGIP (United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan) has not been able to fully function due to India’s non-cooperation, adding that the UN’s military mission is only able to operate on the Pakistani controlled side of the LoC as India refuses to accept its functioning on the other side and opposes its expansion.

Pakistan had already dismissed the claim that Indian forces conducted a surgical strike on Pakistani side of Line of Control (LoC) in Azad Kashmir violating the 2003 ceasefire treaty.

As many as two Pakistani soldiers were martyred as India resorted on unprovoked firing along the Line of Control (LoC) in Azad Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday.

Such stupidity and biased info desk of Indian army gain diplomatic edge to Pakistan and it's army
We should thanks India for this seriously
They saved our money and lobbying efforts internationally :enjoy:
Modi trying to score brownie points with voters, was it worth 14 dead soldiers? Indians should be asking this question instead of worrying about ISI trained pegion.
So Pak claiming two casualties due to "Indian aggression" are false?

Habibi you claimed it to be surgical strikes, then claimed it a commando raid helidropped by Mi-17's now you're present a new story, that no helicopters were involved , soldiers went in on foot for a cake walk, miraculously avoiding minefields and heavily fortified bunkers in one of the world's most militarized regions, spent 6-7 hours there and came back without getting a scratch. This story is too good to be even in religious mythology, let alone in real life, this will literally become a joke in strategic circles and military academies of the world.
UNMOGIP never said that.
All they said that as all their observers are based in Srinagar or Muzaffarabad, none of them could witness the situation on the LoC.

Thats why your representative had to "dismiss" the remarks? LOL

Dismisses remarks made by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s spokesperson Stephane Dujarric that UNMOGIP "has not directly observed any firing across LoC related to the latest incidents"

Shit was happened days ago and become public only after we announced ,means it was a secret mission .
Reason is simple ,How can UN validated it ?
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