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There is no unity among people in Pakistan.

On the contrary, Pakistan is probably more patriotic and united now than ever before. And this too across all provinces. This can be seen recently by many BLA members laying down their arms and renouncing their past deeds. Had he said that some 10 years ago he may have had a point. Besides, what would a French person know anything about Pakistan? By the same token I could easily say that the French nation and the racial identity of the French is threatened by having a large Muslim community and by the fact that many French girls are marrying Muslims and having Muslim babies. This has often been stated by Le Pen and NF. Asking a Frenchman to make a valid assessment about Pakistani society and heritage is like asking someone from the villages in the deepest of Pakistan to make a valid assessment on the social, demographic and cultural scene of Brazil and then expecting them to dance to La Lambada.
I would beg to differ from this statement. Quaid-e-Azam advised us to follow:


However it would be the biggest folly to pretend that we actually are united. Indulge me to briefly enumerate the differences.

Provincialism & ethnicity:

Who can deny that there is a strong resentment against the Punjabis among the Pashtuns, the Baluchis & the Sindhis? Have we forgotten that not long ago Baluchi nationalists stopped busses near Sibi, pulled Punjabi labourers out and shot them? Have we also forgotten about language riots in Sindh in the 70’s and Pashtuns shooting all passers - by wearing trousers from Kati-Pahari in Karachi with the assumption that Pashtuns wear shalwar whereas Urdu speakers wear trousers? Baluchis have been fighting for independence since the birth of Pakistan. Most glaring example is opposition to Kalabagh Dam; because it will mainly benefit Punjab, smaller provinces vehemently oppose it.

Sectarianism & religion:

Are we denying that Lashkar Jhangvi has been butchering Shias (Hazara in particular) simply because of sectarian difference? What about bombing of Christian Churches & destruction of Qadiani mosques? Or perhaps you don’t think that Hazaras, Qadianis & Christians are Pakistani?

Linguistic differences;

Hindko speakers, Seraiki speakers as well as MQM want separate province. There are about 2-million Bihari languishing in Bangla Desh but despite the fact that the Biharis supported Pakistan against Mukti Bahini; Pakistani don’t want them primarily due to opposition by the Sindhi speakers as these would most likely settle in Sindh.

One would expect political differences but there are forces such as ant-Pakistan & anti-Quaid Jamaat Islami, that have significant following in KPK & among Urdu speakers in Karachi but hardly any in interior Sindh & in Baluchistan. There is significant support for TTP and other extremists in Punjab & in KPK who believe in no borders and hanker for a dark age Islamic Emirate.

Do you really thing that if the nation was united Pak Army would be fighting an existentialist war. Our Army is indeed united and the jawans giving their life for the sake of unity but anti-Pakistan Jamaat Islami Amir considers Taliban butcher 'Shaheed’ but PA jawans as simply killed?

No sir, it sad but true, Pakistan society as well as polity is not united. If we were, RAW would never have succeeded in flaming the ‘Fitnas’ of TTP, sectarianism & Baluch liberation? We cannot wish it to go away; we can only combat it by recognizing that disunity does exist.

Just a add a few, U have Nawaz Sharief appealing to the Taliban to spare only Punjab when Peshwar and Lahore both were facing the burnt of Taliban attacks.

About your last statment that " RAW would never have succeeded in flaming the ‘Fitnas’ of TTP, sectarianism & Baluch liberation? We cannot wish it to go away; we can only combat it by recognizing that disunity does exist. "
First of all the Baloch problem has been going on even before RAW was born. Indians don't come to Balochistan to attack your gas pipelines or attack the buses and trains coming from Rawalpindi or murder the laboureres and BARBERS coming from Pakistan's Punjab region.

About sectarian or ethnic voilence,There was no sectarian voilence during 1947,then how did it orginate. it all started after the Iranian revolution. Is RAW responsible for the attacks on Ahmedyas and BLASPHEMY Victims. Is RAW responsible for Pakistani Hindus demanding asylum and citizenship in India.

About TTP,who gave them arms,who nourished them,it is certainly not RAW. The TTP wants SHARIAH all over pakistan.
Pakistan is a peculiar nation, on paper, it was made to fail and was given a lifespan of only five years but not only did it survived, it thrived. It was not an easy journey by any means, we fought wars, there were floods, there was political instability, our compatriots in the east parted ways with us in less than amicable fashion, we bore the brunt of the world's largest refugee exodus, we were sanctioned and then were plagued by terrorism and yet here we stand.
Like I said, its a strange nation. The more pressed we feel against the wall, the harder we spring back. The more circumstances pull us apart, we gel closer. We smile amidst tragedy and are at peace with our pain.
There is no scholar that can explain this, it is just national character.

That's what lord mountbatten said to nehru. Don't worry about Pakistan. In less than 2 years Pakistan would break up and become a part of india again. By the way, with the whole world against us and with all the odds heavily stacked against Pakistan, we become the first and to date the only Muslim nuclear weapons state. Everybody particularly the indians said it was virtually impossible for us to do so. That is a HUGE achievement by anyone in our position. And by the way Mr Frenchman, we have a unique identity that you don't understand. Our identity is rooted in our unique racial heritage and Islam.
So in your opinion a bull shit article by a french is divine word of gods wisdom.

This!!!!!!........We do not need validation or approval from the West to acknowledge us. In fact we could not care less what these people's opinions or thoughts are. They mean nothing to us. Pakistanis have a unique racial identity, culture and heritage and as long as we are happy and confident in that, that's the only thing that matters. The word of the White man is not the word of God to the Pakistani race at least.
Not to be taken in an offensive or derogatory manner - Pakistan appears to have been a nation that was only physically conceived & not thought through.

It seems to have been made in hurry and once made then people sat down to decide how to go about things. The Army remained the only organised entity.

It also appears that things were centralised with Jinnah who unfortunately for the new nation left all too soon .

This led to various fissiparous elements pulling in different directions, the distance between two wings didn't help either.

What appears to have kept the nation together is the urge to have a nation in the 1st place and not fall apart.

Attempts at putting systems & national institutions in place were made but vested interests may have come in the way which led to the 1st Coup.

The rest is history.
Not to be taken in an offensive or derogatory manner - Pakistan appears to have been a nation that was only physically conceived & not thought through.

It seems to have been made in hurry and once made then people sat down to decide how to go about things. The Army remained the only organised entity.

It also appears that things were centralised with Jinnah who unfortunately for the new nation left all too soon .

This led to various fissiparous elements pulling in different directions, the distance between two wings didn't help either.

What appears to have kept the nation together is the urge to have a nation in the 1st place and not fall apart.

Attempts at putting systems & national institutions in place were made but vested interests may have come in the way which led to the 1st Coup.

The rest is history.

An indian can never understand the Pakistani nation or race. So your comments above are completely invalid, null and void. Just as a Pakistani can never understand the indian nation and race.
Unity among Pakistani people can be seen during a cricket match between India Pakistan
That's the very point. You need an external element to make you united. That's what you implicitly gave away in there and that is what the French author is saying.
In fact this point has been doing circles for a very long time. Christine Fair has also voiced similar opinions about Pakistan and almost similar opinions were give by Babar Ayaz, in their respective books on Pakistan, it's brief history and the obvious role of military.
What is Pakistan ? - "Not India". That's the definition in short.

The country always needed a bogeyman in the form of India to stand united.
Enmity with India is what is keeping Pakistan united. There is no doubt in that. This is the primary reason why keeping alive Kashmir is so much important for Pakistan.
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