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The US ambassador is the coup leader in Peru. The U.S. overthrew and has even imprisoned the Peruvian President!”

Since the Democrats came to power they have been overthrowing regimes left and right. During Trump era the CIA was asked to pack their bags because the US was withdrawing from world stage and focusing on domestic issues. Looks like CIA is now trying to make up for the time lost.
Since the Democrats came to power they have been overthrowing regimes left and right. During Trump era the CIA was asked to pack their bags because the US was withdrawing from world stage and focusing on domestic issues. Looks like CIA is now trying to make up for the time lost.
Yes, but they only succeed when there are local traitors willing to sell their soul to the devil (*cough* bajwa, *cough*).
Don't know much about Peru, and I bet a bunch of the idiots who're gonna comment are don't know either, but will simply spout their worthless uninformed opinion anyway.
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