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The U.S. and Pakistan military leaders hold meetings


Apr 30, 2010
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United States
United States
We would like to emphasize that efforts to stabilize the Afghanistan and Pakistan region and improve our bilateral ties remains a priority.

General Joseph L. Votel, Commander of US CENTCOM, met with COAS General Raheel Sharif just a few days ago and discussed matters of mutual interests with special emphasis on security situation in the Pakistan and Afghanistan region. General Joseph L. Votel applauded Pakistan Army’s efforts in countering terrorism. General John Nicholson, Commander Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan also met with Gen. Raheel Sharif last week and discussed our shared goals and objectives in the Afghanistan and Pakistan region.

It is important to keep in mind that the U.S. and Pakistan are two independent partner nations, and certain issues pertaining to our military cooperation remain under discussion. And sometimes it is easy to highlight the differences while overlooking our long partnership that proves that we’ve overcame many challenges and continue to remain united. At the end of the day, we remain fully optimistic in regards to the future of our relationship. We repeat what the State Department’s spokesperson, John Kirby said a few days ago: “It is an important, vital relationship that we strongly believe in. Is it complicated at times? Absolutely, it is.Do we see eye to eye on every issue with Pakistan? No, we don’t. But that’s why the relationship matters so much, because we have shared threats and shared concerns, shared interest in the region, and we’re going to continue to work at it.”

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
"that efforts to stabilize the Afghanistan and Pakistan region and improve our bilateral ties remains a priority."

The US's first mistake is putting Afghanistan and Pakistani into the same category. You want to stabilize Pakistan? Help Pakistan stabilize Afghanistan through talks, and stop pandering to India's and Kabul's anti-peace stances.
We would like to emphasize that efforts to stabilize the Afghanistan and Pakistan region (efforts to undo the ir-repairable damage to the peace and stability in the region destroyed by stupid US leaders for their false ego without any proof of AQ's involvement in 9/11, which btw was an insider job) and improve our bilateral ties remains a priority.

General Joseph L. Votel, Commander of US CENTCOM, met with COAS General Raheel Sharif just a few days ago and discussed matters of mutual interests (LOL at matters of mutual interest, its basically safeguarding US interests in the region and making sure GLOCS stay open and Taliban are kept from spanking US forces arse) with special emphasis on security situation in the Pakistan and Afghanistan region (Pakistan is pretty much secure if it is not for US funded or US's new found bitch Indian funded terrorists operating in Pakistan) . General Joseph L. Votel applauded Pakistan Army’s efforts in countering terrorism (Is this general committing treason by denying what your government/senate claims against Pakistan, or is he butter polishing?) . General John Nicholson, Commander Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan also met with Gen. Raheel Sharif last week and discussed our shared goals and objectives (have you not learned in the last decade that there is no such thing as Shared goals and objectives, you guys destroyed an already piss poor country that you ad destroyed earlier too to settle your score with USSR, we want Afghanistan to be peaceful so that more than 6 million afghan refugees can go back to their country and that Afghanistan is not used by fucking stinky Indians to export terrorism in Pakistan) in the Afghanistan and Pakistan (none of your fucking business) region.

It is important to keep in mind that the U.S. and Pakistan are two independent partner nations, and certain issues pertaining to our military cooperation remain under discussion. And sometimes it is easy to highlight the differences while overlooking our long partnership that proves that we’ve overcame many challenges and continue to remain united. At the end of the day, we remain fully optimistic in regards to the future of our relationship. We repeat what the State Department’s spokesperson, John Kirby said a few days ago: “It is an important, vital relationship that we strongly believe in. Is it complicated at times? Absolutely, it is.Do we see eye to eye on every issue with Pakistan? No, we don’t. But that’s why the relationship matters so much, because we have shared threats and shared concerns, shared interest in the region, and we’re going to continue to work at it.” Fucking lies

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
LOL................ yeah right!.......... usual BS from 'State Department'.......... anymore lies you'd like to add yourself, Mr. Digital Engagement guy - or would you also like the support of your pets on this one? Let me save you the trouble and do it for you...... @Syed.Ali.Haider, you're needed here to halal your stipend! :D

Furthermore, waiting for Trump to be elected next P.O.T.U.S, he surely is going to fvck things up for eons to come....... that will put the final nail in the coffin of India America bhai bhai as well....... :cheesy:

because we have shared threats and shared concerns, shared interest in the region”
LOL................ yeah right!.......... usual BS from 'State Department'.......... anymore lies you'd like to add yourself, Mr. Digital Engagement guy - or would you also like the support of your pets on this one? Let me save you the trouble and do it for you...... @Syed.Ali.Haider, you're needed here to halal your stipend! :D

Furthermore, waiting for Trump to be elected next P.O.T.U.S, he surely is going to fvck things up for eons to come....... that will put the final nail in the coffin of India America bhai bhai as well....... :cheesy:
inna nanga ni kiya kartay kisi ko :D
How is mud-slinging helpful and practical?

Our COAS did not had any issue with meeting American generals and/or leaders and discuss matters of 'mutual interest' with them! You all are more patriotic then him?

We need sane people on the forefront of engagements if we want to make Pakistan a progressive nation, not emotional fools. Hatred is not going to net positive results for us.
The main issue of Pak US tie should not depend on the supploy of F16, because we can get it from every where.
Our tie should build on the basic issue of Pakistan. We are looking USA is making stronger India.
Why can't we ask about it?
Our tie with US is only F16?
“It is an important, vital relationship that we strongly believe in. Is it complicated at times? Absolutely, it is.Do we see eye to eye on every issue with Pakistan? No, we don’t. But that’s why the relationship matters so much, because we have shared threats and shared concerns, shared interest in the region, and we’re going to continue to work at it.”

Aren't ALL relationships between any two countries exactly like that? That is just the way things work in international geopolitics. All nations work with others where their national interests coincide and against each other where they clash, while things change for better and worse all the time. To remain engaged is the important part.
Looks like Both countries Military leadership is on same page....but some dumb politicians in both sides, specially in States, don't know the ground reality.
America has no immediate reason to invest in Pakistan. Its time for using Pakistan has came and gone.

We know what America is for Pakistan and know its intentions well. You can put hands on your face to hid your abusive words but what would you do when your entire body is stinking with abuse? So dear America, stop pretending for your own good and stink openly. Your stinking is very welcomed in India and in your own country.
I hope you Cancel the Deal of F-16 and elect Trump who will ruin Pakistan and US relationship once and for all ..

No, their weapons are pretty damn good. As long as we can leech them of some money in the process, I am all for it. But if America keeps demanding we cover all the costs, sod them. I only want those F-16's if it makes them bleed, even just a little.

The main issue of Pak US tie should not depend on the supploy of F16, because we can get it from every where.
Our tie should build on the basic issue of Pakistan. We are looking USA is making stronger India.
Why can't we ask about it?
Our tie with US is only F16?

Because unlike India, we don't cry when the U.S. helps our competitor.
No, their weapons are pretty damn good. As long as we can leech them of some money in the process, I am all for it. But if America keeps demanding we cover all the costs, sod them. I only want those F-16's if it makes them bleed, even just a little.

They are not giving it to you .. do you want them to spit on your face and than say NO ? they say either pay or get lost ..
there is something which is rarely found in Pakistan , and that is Called " Dignity " ...have some
They are not giving it to you .. do you want them to spit on your face and than say NO ? they say either pay or get lost ..
there is something which is rarely found in Pakistan , and that is Called " Dignity " ...have some

As long as they bleed, I am happy.
Let's not shoot the messenger @CENTCOM
Obviously America has its own interest and we have our own. What matters is if both of our nation cn find a common ground. The destabilising factor in all of this is India. IMO it is US responsibility to make sure that India remains within its limits and not allowed to carry on with her proxies to promote terrorism in Pakistan.
And I highly doubt Trump is going to become the next POTUS. He is a retard and belongs in a mental asylum and not in whitehouse.
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