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The truth behind banning peace TV in India - Dr. Zakir Naik

Is harming muslim societies the sole agenda of secular media outlets in the muslim world?

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Your own state Pakistan does not consider Modi a terrorist. Yes?

Your own state, the UN and just about every other state considered Osama a terrorist. Yes?

First atleast get Pakistan to declare Modi a terrorist, getting that international traction is the next step. Once you do that, then yes we will condemn Modi too, not just because Pakistani trolls drunk on terrrorism say so.
we consider him a terrorist who killed 3000 muslims in gujrat. For people like you who are worse than ISIS thugs who support the killings of innocent people and than openly like a ****** defend it.
Mr Zakir Naik, you can fool no one.
You have never once condemned ISIS for all the crimes against humanity they are committing, you have said that OBL was a muslim hero, you support wahabism and hate the west and its democratic secular values.
You should be banned not just in India and BD but also through out the world.
Peace tv can air programs with out you.
For once I can agree with modi . Job well done Indian authorities. Now hunt down the RSS and bajarangdal :enjoy:
Build a solid narrative of Islam, gather as many Muslims you can and then proceed with the fabricated traditions to defend yazeed :angry: No wonder Isis and takibans are his all time favorites .

Why are you so thick? Whats your ethnicity? Your government does not consider him terrorist, your government considers Osama terrorist. Who is "we" here, your madrassa debating club, where the biggest guy wins?

Unless atleast your govt declares him a terrorist, then we atleast have a starting point on this, as feeble as it may be given your govts terrorism credentials.

But you have nothing, nada. You are only stretching and murdering logic here because you and Zakir get Osamas wet dreams. But this is not that kind of forum.
Why are you so thick? Whats your ethnicity? Your government does not consider him terrorist, your government considers Osama terrorist. Who is "we" here, your madrassa debating club, where the biggest guy wins?

Unless atleast your govt declares him a terrorist, then we atleast have a starting point on this, as feeble as it may be given your govts terrorism credentials.

But you have nothing, nada. You are only stretching and murdering logic here because you and Zakir get Osamas wet dreams. But this is not that kind of forum.
tell me if no one declare him terrorist will make those innocent people alive again or the murders never took place?
For once I can agree with modi . Job well done Indian authorities. Now hunt down the RSS and bajarangdal :enjoy:
The RSS and other hindutva goons are just that goons and hooligans, they are arrested immediately after an event and put to jail.
Actually their instigators must be caught and jailed.
These goons are shown their place by the moderate liberal hindus of India.
RSS was banned for many decades after the assassination of Gandhi, they will be banned again if they committe serious crimes.
I am amazed by the language used by the so called 'Senior Member'. I am not sure who are they promoting but at least PDF should check what they are promoting.

He is not promoting terrorists like modi and netanyahu for sure! Too bad that you got banned for promoting peace for and prosperity for such terrorists.
there are many islamic channels in india(including arabic ones)... peacetv is just one of them which is banned after bd terror incident. Mr Naik has been denied visa in UK, hope his channel is also banned.
And why we do that...He was against the creation of Pakistan..For him India is much better in his own words...Pakistan was just for the power of some politician at that time as per his own words...kindly listen to his views and then say something ...One who doesn't accept Pakistan why shall Pakistan honor him....

Then stop thinking about him...It is as simple as that...
Why doesn't this idiot move out of india and do whatever he want to do in his fantacy islamic country. It's good peace tv is banned in India and any such channel should also be banned, these terrorist backing scums need to rott in hell.
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