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The scrap puzzle. US desperate for a buyer of its excess equipment in Afgha


Sep 19, 2008
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Getting a few MRAP's shouldn't be too detrimental to us...
I have heard about this. Well over 20,000 MRAP's....8,000 wanted. Only been produced post-2007. Equipment is not an issue with us.
US should designate its stocks as EDA and donate to countries bordering afghanistan except iran of course. otherwise pay for it and ship it home.
Although the source "Daily Ummat" is not very credible. But obviously US is in much compromising position now. Let the best offer from them come up. Humain konsi jaldi hy :pakistan:
Bulk will go to afghan army,PA may get a few 120 mm mortars and MRAP vehicles.
Although the source "Daily Ummat" is not very credible.

No , its worse

At times , its nothing but a Mullah mouthpiece . Hadn't it been for the reason that such news has been reported in the past , I would have taken it with a pinch of salt but I guess there's some truth in this story .
Bulk will go to afghan army,PA may get a few 120 mm mortars and MRAP vehicles.

do you read urdu ? PAK ARMY CHIEF GENERAL KIYANI TOLD USA WE DON'T NEED US SCRAP (same words in urdu ) :lol: nothing in afg is worthy for pak army and we don't need it . we were intreasted in past but now pak army refused to take anything from US :lol: mortars lolz we made them and APCs ? we sale them to others not only make them :no:
Hardly 'scrap'. Rather, when it costs more to move it then the stuf is worth, rationally decision is to leave it: give it away, costs of the retreival for the new owner.

US faces $6bn bill to ship equipment home from Afghanistan
Huge numbers of weapons and vehicles and tense relations with nearby countries make task more daunting than Iraq pullout

Fighting wars is expensive, but so is winding them down. As the US prepares to ship most of its weapons, vehicles and other equipment home after more than a decade in Afghanistan, the bill for the move will be a staggering $6bn, officers in charge of the complex process say.

Rusting Soviet tanks and guns still *** the Afghan landscape, serving as bleak memorials to violence of the 1980s, and perhaps a spur to Nato forces to ensure there are no similar reminders from the last decade of conflict.

The US military has pledged it will level any bases not handed over to Afghan forces and fly out, drive out or scrap the weapons, equipment and tens of thousands of Humvees and expensive MRAPs – mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles – it has shipped in since 2001.

To do this, it must sort through 100,000 shipping containers and strip down nearly 30,000 vehicles scattered in hundreds of bases across Afghanistan's mountains and deserts, all by a 2014 deadline, while making sure nearly 70,000 US soldiers still in Afghanistan are not left short of equipment they need to fight.
"Our workload will at least double by the beginning of the fall," said Brigadier General Steve Shapiro, deputy commander of the unit overseeing the removal, sale or destruction of around $26bn worth of equipment, known to the military as a "retrograde".

"We're hearing about $6bn in transportation costs," he said, as civilians and US soldiers sorted and labelled new arrivals in one of three 60,000 sq ft warehouses on Bagram airbase which currently holds around $200m worth of neatly stacked equipment.

Bagram, the first US base for their war in Afghanistan, is one of two hubs for an effort that employs nearly 10,000 soldiers and civilians and is proving far more challenging than the US departure from Iraq, which Shapiro also helped co-ordinate.

In Iraq, US equipment was trucked across the border to Kuwait where it was packed, cleaned, recorded and shipped on. But Afghanistan has no coastline, no stable, US-friendly neighbours and only a weak, vulnerable road network, making the job more expensive and complicated.

Some 28,000 vehicles and 20,000 shipping containers need to be sorted and prepared in Afghanistan, then shipped out of the country by the end of next year, Shapiro said, leaving little room for error. The rest of the containers – and their contents – will be given to the Afghan army, sold commercially or destroyed.

"Its more complex than Iraq," said Colonel Mark Paget, commander of the 401st Army Field Support Brigade, which is managing the "retrograde" in Bagram. "You don't have the space to make big mistakes. I can't have a pile of equipment here building up. You need a steady, even flow through the system."

His team prepares up to 60 MRAPs a day in a painstaking, labour-intensive process, first poring over the vehicle for ammunition lost under seats or behind cables, using sophisticated cameras to look into hidden crevices. Lost assault rifle and machine gun rounds, even grenades and mines have been dug out from the interiors of the vehicles.

A second unit strips off netting designed to stop rocket propelled grenades, gun towers, radio equipment and other features, for separate shipping. MRAPs are washed at least twice, more if they are going straight back to the US, and then, mostly, loaded on to planes, although some are taken out by road. They are so large that only four can fit in the C-17 military transport planes used to fly them on to bases in Kuwait, where they are loaded once more on to ships.

The US can take some things out on Pakistani roads, the route many supplies came in by. But although the first ship packed with surplus US equipment has already set sail from Karachi port, tensions between the two countries have shut the border more than once, and the US will not send any high-tech or sensitive equipment by that route.

Roads through northern Afghanistan, once used by retreating Soviet troops, are another option, but also used only for less sensitive shipments such as generators, tools and odds and ends known as "military impedimentia". Planners have to weigh up the cost, the state of roads and bilateral relations, and the speed with which trucks, planes or other transport can be marshalled.

"What we don't want is peaks and valleys, which is why there is all this emphasis on it now, asking ourselves do we really need this piece of equipment," Paget said, looking down over muddy yards crammed with nearly 800 vehicles waiting to be shipped out of the country. "What you want and what you need are different things."

The government in Washington is concerned about costs. A recent report from the Government Accountability Office highlighted examples of potentially surplus equipment such as "96 scoop type loaders" that it said could cost between $1.8m and $14.7m to ship home.

The huge bill for the move has added to the pressure to work out what exactly is sitting on bases around the country, whether it is worth moving out, and if not how to destroy it; after a decade of war there are containers full of long-forgotten orders.

Paget recently opened a shipping container and found hundreds of easels inside, ordered at the peak of Obama's surge for commanders in small outposts, keen to map out their offensives against the Taliban on whiteboards balanced on the wooden stands. "Excess easels, there were easels everywhere," he said, shaking his head. "I will stand by that I have seen a container full of easels."
US faces $6bn bill to ship equipment home from Afghanistan | World news | guardian.co.uk




See also Report: First batch of US equipment begins filtering out of Afghanistan - The Hill's DEFCON Hill
Fears over enemies getting British kit in Afghan withdrawal
08 February 2013

More than 40 per cent of Britain's military equipment in Afghanistan could be left behind, official information released under the Freedom of Information Act has revealed.

Proposals, which are still being finalised by the Ministry of Defence, could see British kit scrapped, sold or even given away, with fears that the Taliban could obtain equipment, the Press Association reported.

Information the PA obtained from the MoD revealed that current estimates meant as many as 4,500 containers could be left behind.

The remainder of the total 11,000 containers worth of equipment presently in the country would be returned to the UK at cost of millions of pounds.

Dr John Louth, of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), reportedly said there was a risk to leaving equipment behind.

"The typical danger is that people who aren't your friend could somehow end up with it and use it," he said.

"There could be some very interesting technology that, if you thought about it, you wouldn't want a third party to get."

Shadow Defence Secretary Jim Murphy urged the government to be open about UK equipment that would be "scrapped, sold or wasted".

The Times also reported that the UK had reached an agreement to sell equipment to Uzbekistan in return for passage of vehicles and containers out of Afghanistan.

"Clearly those that have helped us would have a strong claim on any surplus material," Defence Secretary Philip Hammond reportedly said.
Fears over enemies getting British kit in Afghan withdrawal - Defence Management
Hardly 'scrap'. Rather, when it costs more to move it then the stuf is worth, rationally decision is to leave it: give it away, costs of the retreival for the new owner.

Point: it doesn't necessarily reflect on the state or quality of the materiel.....!
I think PA should seriously consider the 100 odd MRAPs there, I am sure the US/ISAF would be willing to give them away at a cut price. They aren't offensive equipment either.

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