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The rise of American fanatics


Jan 7, 2012
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Revelations that the American military has been teaching its future leaders about the necessity for a total war on Islam have shocked the world.

The hypothetical war was not to be waged against the fanatical elements of the Muslim society, but a campaign against a “barbaric ideology” that should “no longer be tolerated.”

Students were taught that Geneva conventions were to be thrown out the window because they were no longer relevant and that lessons of Hiroshima were to be used, wiping out whole cities and targeting “civilian population wherever necessary. “ This included potentially nuking the Holy cities of Makkah and Madina.

In all essence, the course was calling for a total war against the world’s 1.4 billion Muslims.

Inside Story Americas - The US military's 'anti-Islam classes' - YouTube

To put this in perspective, you would be hard pressed to find even the most hardened of al Qaeda terrorists calling for the destruction of whole cities and all civilians.

What is most disturbing is that this was not just some nut case spouting off insane rhetoric, but a course that ran for a whole year at an established military school, Joint Forces Staff College.

The person running the course was Army Lt Col Mathew A Dooley, under the commandment of Maj Gen Joseph Ward. These are not low level players.

Dooley has since been suspended from teaching, but still maintains his position pending an investigation.

As distasteful as it may seem, these revelations do not lend credibility to claims that the United States is launching a war on Islam.

After all, it was only after a soldier filed a complaint that these courses came to light. After the uproar, it comes as no surprise that General Dempsey has ordered a full investigation as to how such courses have come to be taught at the army. Staff have been ordered to scour through all training materials to ensure that such incendiary and reprehensible documents are never used again.

As he put it, these courses were “counter to our values of appreciation for religious freedom and cultural awareness” and “just objectionable, academically irresponsible”.

What it does highlight is the emergence of a group of seemingly unhinged and bigoted so called counter terrorism experts that are gaining credibility amongst some of the uninformed and uninitiated ranks of the armed forces and society.

The reason why I use those terms is because a large number of them have never had any interactions with Muslims. All their exposure to Islam has come from second hand sources and the media, which is not always fair and balanced or very complimentary. This segment of the population is far more likely to be influenced by such hateful rhetoric from fanatics.

I believe it is the same case here in Pakistan as well.

The large number of population has never been outside the country or ever had any meaningful interaction with foreigners, be it westerners or Indians.

In the same way, the (distorted) perception a lot of them have has been largely due to stories and indoctrination by previous generations and negative media portrayal.

It is far easier to make someone believe that all Americans or Indians are evil, with the sole purpose of bringing down Islam, when they have never even met one of them.

And it is the same in the West. Any time there is a story of Islam online in a western newspaper, you will have a bevy of comments, both positive and negative.

It is often that I find someone defending Muslims and trying to debunk the myth that they are all terrorists because their best friend or someone they know is Muslim, or as once on occasion I read someone defending Muslims because the management at his local 7/11 were Muslim and “such lovely people.”

From the hard core ultra conservative Jews in Israel to the Westboro Baptist Church in the States, it has been evidenced that fanatics are not confined to any race or religion, and to pin the blame solely on Islam is in the least very irresponsible.

As such, it is apparent that America is no stranger to fanatic movements as well. It is not only confined to religion. Some would argue the case of Orly Taitz, the so called queen of the “birther movement” who has left no stone unturned to convince the general public that Obama is not a natural born citizen of America.

Whatever the case may be, there is no shortage of fanatics on both sides of the border. Not only are they dangerous, but if left unchecked, they also tend to poison the mind of the uninformed masses.

The only solution can be positive interaction, increase in relevant education and also raising awareness on all sides.

After all, as Nelson Mandela so eloquently wrote:

No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.

Click below for the source.

Their media spread hate about Muslims and Islam practically everyday, in the name of free-speech, so it's not a surprise the number of Islamophobes is increasing.
What's even more worrying however is when people, those amongst us, fall for the propaganda as well.
to pin the blame solely on Islam is in the least very irresponsible.
Have you ever thought that it's the ideas Pakistanis reflexively reject that need to be considered to remedy the ills of their country?
Have you ever thought that it's the ideas Pakistanis reflexively reject that need to be considered to remedy the ills of their country?

You are telling this to us s if your country as gotten rid of all the ills.

You are telling this to us s if your country as gotten rid of all the ills. Ironic.
Not irony. Truth. Compared to Pakistan, America's problems or negligible.

But it wasn't always that way. You'll have to study history to seek the answers - and remember, what you learn in school or college is at best the outline and methodology of what you have yet to learn.
The scenario to nuke Mecca and Medina has been discussed extensively before. Although repugnant on moral grounds, it was only a contingency exercise and nothing more. He was not really a "fanatic" as this article would have us believe. Such simulations are normal part of any major military.

The war is not on Islam, only Islamist fanaticism. To be honest, I am sorry to say this but it is the Muslims who are most of the time, trouble makers around the world. It looks like Muslims are generally very irresponsible and have low IQ in general or maybe a lack of foresightedness. Religion of Islam has been corrupted by terrorist fanatics since a long time. Everything must be put to normal and this can only happen by wiping out all terrorists/fanatics to put an end to fundamentalism. War on Terror is a war which everyone should support.
There is no "Western" war on Islam. However, Muslims who have chosen to war against non-Muslims have brought down the deluge against themselves. Other Muslims, who, in choosing sides, have chosen to be with the warring Muslims then feel under attack. The solution is simple. Muslims, stop your war against non-Muslims and the "war" will stop.
The truth of the matter is, the US has picked up wars against Muslim nations that posed no threat to the them, all because of the American hegemony.
It s just tit for tat, what u sow is what u reap,some muslim fanatics keep on spreading hatred against non-muslims, then what can u expect in return.
Source = blogs.tribune.com.pk
Pak Blog, not a worthy source...:mod:
when Islam can indiscriminately spread hate mongering against americans, it's because they are infidels but when America takes a tough stand it's against Islam wow...

I think what you sow so shall you reap is very apt here..
stop the fanatics roaming free in Pakistan . i am sure the world will follow suit :)
Their media spread hate about Muslims and Islam practically everyday, in the name of free-speech, so it's not a surprise the number of Islamophobes is increasing.
What's even more worrying however is when people, those amongst us, fall for the propaganda as well.

Well ask ur media and people to stop spreading hate against other religions and naturally , the other will also stop..
Start taking blame, instead of blaming others for everything...
The scenario to nuke Mecca and Medina has been discussed extensively before. Although repugnant on moral grounds, it was only a contingency exercise and nothing more. He was not really a "fanatic" as this article would have us believe. Such simulations are normal part of any major military.

The war is not on Islam, only Islamist fanaticism. To be honest, I am sorry to say this but it is the Muslims who are most of the time, trouble makers around the world. It looks like Muslims are generally very irresponsible and have low IQ in general or maybe a lack of foresightedness. Religion of Islam has been corrupted by terrorist fanatics since a long time. Everything must be put to normal and this can only happen by wiping out all terrorists/fanatics to put an end to fundamentalism. War on Terror is a war which everyone should support.

Are you for real or another pathetic troll.

The two world wars which killed more then 100M people was the work of Muslims ??

2nd world war alone killed more then 75M people & 1st one 35M, then you have the genocides of different nations, rape of belgium, the supposedly holocaust, gas chambers etc etc all the work of Muslims???

Korean war was due to Muslims ??

Vietnam war was due to Muslims ??

Afghan war was due to Muslims ??

Cold war was due to Muslims ??

The Serb war and genocide of Muslims was the Muslims work ??

Well since you support the war against fanatics, then you should also support the war on the other fanatics. I hope you do understand which fanatics i am talking about or may be your IQ is much lower then you think you have.

And the US officer coming with such comments means only one thing, the hate and fanaticism in the American mentality has reached a new peak.

I hope to see the day when an army officer from a Muslim country presents the same solutions for the Jewish terrorism on Muslim lands, and the Christian terrorism in the shape of US & Allied occupation of Muslim lands. Reaction from your side and then our comments in return would be worth watching.

And next time don't come up with such fcuking BS and this time i am giving you an infraction, next time, you will be out. We don't want low level IQed fanatic/terrorist Jews running on the forum spitting shiet like above.

First check your own history and then learn about Muslim history and then come on forums and discuss, don't show how ignorant you are.

stop the fanatics roaming free in Pakistan . i am sure the world will follow suit :)

Why don' you guys and your western brothers first do the same, setting us an example to follow.
The truth of the matter is, the US has picked up wars against Muslim nations that posed no threat to the them, all because of the American hegemony.

Well bilal, thing is Arab countries and pakistan by no chance, represent any threat to USA. At best nuisance, and believe me they take even that very seriously, rightfully so.

What is it that entire Arab+Iran+Pakistan has that would threaten US ??

and the thing is , first question to yourself should be why on earth US will even bother about, unnecessarily, meddle with these countries ? (unless US is poked of course ..)

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