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The problem with Pakistani liberals

Sir what happened in Gujrat what happens every second day in India Muslims are killed because they are Muslims Sir and Pakistani liberals have only one problem they are paid touts of USA and kufr and follow their orders that is the only and biggest problem with them

sorry , that happened once in 65 years.. so dont compare
Simple question then. India has political corruption - and not one iota less than Pakistan. The same looting happens of resources, the same licenses are bought, PSU's sold off at less than market prices, the same local policeman takes a 50 rs bribe, that is passed upwards on till the start of the chain.

Why then do we not have this problem of Pakistan - of people blowing each other up in the name of religion ?

Because India has the concept of a national government which transcends regional governments and mandates/enforces some level of governance and law enforcement.

Pakistan's national government is only in name. In actual fact, regional thugs (whether feudal or ethnic) hold sway over local government and law enforcement. Just the case of power failures should tell you how utterly irrelevant the national government is in Pakistan.

The only public institution which operates on a national scale is the army, and it's not the army's job to provide governance or domestic law enforcement.
Sir what happened in Gujrat what happens every second day in India Muslims are killed because they are Muslims Sir and Pakistani liberals have only one problem they are paid touts of USA and kufr and follow their orders that is the only and biggest problem with them

I think i have made my point when the last religious riot of any significance you can point out is a decade back.
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