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The myth of “India shining”

Actually, ajtr is actually who she claims she is. She is in fact an Indian lady. Please don't personally attack people like this.

Firstly, Ajtr is not Indian..! If you beleive this person is Indian then I don't have any problem with your opinion but please don't Impose your thinking on me.(There are plenty of exampls)

Secondly,Where did i personally attacked anyone(plss tell me), I was just telling one of new Indian member who was too botherd abot the comments of(ajtr with Indian flag) that hey new guy dont get bothered about htis persons comment he is not one of us...Its simple,no personal attack anywhere..:what:

Well now. This is no way to respond. If you disagree with the article, explain why Adarsh isn't an issue, or the various governmental decisions the article is criticizing are actually worthy of praise.

When you say, "coming from a Pakistani, lol", that unfortunately isn't much of an argument.

If you set this standard for discourse, from now on every Pakistani can respond to every thread or post originated by an Indian in the same manner and throw in the shortage of toilets in India and other typical topics as well. Where will that take us?

Zoom out for a moment and look at the thread index. We allow threads started by Indians that criticize Pakistan. Right now, as we speak, there are threads criticizing Pakistan's defence budget, laws, army, politicians and God knows what else. If this thread is allowed, it is allowed in the same vein. If you disagree with it, please post rational, well reasoned responses to the case made in the article. Don't reduce yourself to jingoism and discriminatory statements such as the one you made above.

@Bolded part..! Do you think this is not happening Already? huh:what:

Okay point taken..!

But please spare sometime to tell all this to pakistani members too who always bash the source of any report whenever a thread started from source of "Hindustan times or Times of India"
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Yes I do agree 'Shining India' is a myth.
We are just reforming.
We will shine in next 10 years or so:smitten:
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India is indeed shining, but just pale in comparison to China.

Not every country is like China, so i do not fully agree with this article.
India is indeed shining, but just pale in comparison to China.

Not every country is like China, so i do not fully agree with this article.

India is a cosmetic country..the look good feel good factor is very important..indians spend 90% of their brain power in convincing and manipulating others and into "make believe" type debates and 10% into actually delivering something. The ratio is reverse for China..Chinese deliver more and talk less. That is why seriously and logically speaking Indian sales men and tele-support staff fares better than others because they can engage their recipient into long interesting conversations.
India is a cosmetic country..the look good feel good factor is very important..indians spend 90% of their brain power in convincing and manipulating others and into "make believe" type debates and 10% into actually delivering something. The ratio is reverse for China..Chinese deliver more and talk less. That is why seriously and logically speaking Indian sales men and tele-support staff fares better than others because they can engage their recipient into long interesting conversations.

Have you ever been to India?
Don't just talk and guess.
Give some proof and source.
India is becoming better and better day by day.
You will be writing the same ill posts just because of hatred towards India.
Grow up kid and start some constructive posts.
India is a cosmetic country..the look good feel good factor is very important..indians spend 90% of their brain power in convincing and manipulating others and into "make believe" type debates and 10% into actually delivering something. The ratio is reverse for China..Chinese deliver more and talk less. That is why seriously and logically speaking Indian sales men and tele-support staff fares better than others because they can engage their recipient into long interesting conversations.

LOl, What a logic dude..:tup: :lol:

Is there any source to prove this BS...:lol:

India is a cosmetic country..the look good feel good factor is very important..indians spend 90% of their brain power in convincing and manipulating others and into "make believe" type debates and 10% into actually delivering something. The ratio is reverse for China..Chinese deliver more and talk less. That is why seriously and logically speaking Indian sales men and tele-support staff fares better than others because they can engage their recipient into long interesting conversations.

we see this here on PDF every day... on every thread.

why do indians behave like this ?
we see this here on PDF every day... on every thread.

why do indians behave like this ?

Firstly your conclusion about Indians worthless, You can think whatever you want..!

Secondly, How can you make conclusion for 1.2 billion people on the basis of 50 or 60 members of any forum???:what:

Anyway keep beleive on this BS and stay happy..:wave:
India is a cosmetic country..the look good feel good factor is very important..indians spend 90% of their brain power in convincing and manipulating others and into "make believe" type debates and 10% into actually delivering something. The ratio is reverse for China..Chinese deliver more and talk less. That is why seriously and logically speaking Indian sales men and tele-support staff fares better than others because they can engage their recipient into long interesting conversations.

its really fascinating to know how our neighbours know more about us than we do ourselves.:coffee::coffee: and give some kudos to guy for atleast agreeing that INDIANs are good at something :taz::taz:
Plenty of dollars, and also helping our indian friends with Pakistani onions, we hear poor people are suffering, so we send 450 tons, so you can have some nice daal. :azn::pakistan:

you did not do any favour for sending onions.we bought these by paying our own money & we do not beg like our neighbour..:wave:
India is indeed shining, but just pale in comparison to China.

Not every country is like China, so i do not fully agree with this article.

ya,i don't know india is shining or not,but indeed it is growing..

every country is special of its own not just china.you should better compare china with europe or US,as you think it is superior.you will get the clear picture...:tup:
Have you ever been to India?
Don't just talk and guess.
Give some proof and source.
India is becoming better and better day by day.
You will be writing the same ill posts just because of hatred towards India.
Grow up kid and start some constructive posts.

LOl, What a logic dude..:tup: :lol:

Is there any source to prove this BS...:lol:


its really fascinating to know how our neighbours know more about us than we do ourselves.:coffee::coffee: and give some kudos to guy for atleast agreeing that INDIANs are good at something :taz::taz:

Guys i have worked with both Indians and Chinese day and night on various projects and this is my honest assessment. The Indian teams talks a lot but productivity suffers however they will compensate with sweet heart melting conversations. The Chinese prefer to the point conversation and talk about entertainment culture and cuisines irritate them during work. They will not care about hurting your feeling or your mood with blunt statements. And annoyance to work could be met with some harsh "verbal violence".

Something to do about being able to convince others has very high obsession among Indians..They will use all sort of arguments, manipulation and tricks to make other believe in them. The problem is when innocent people fall into their tall claims trap and project turns $hit !

Its nothing to do with the hatred other than your accusations. India will not be China for anytime in near future.
India is a cosmetic country..the look good feel good factor is very important..indians spend 90% of their brain power in convincing and manipulating others and into "make believe" type debates and 10% into actually delivering something. The ratio is reverse for China..Chinese deliver more and talk less. That is why seriously and logically speaking Indian sales men and tele-support staff fares better than others because they can engage their recipient into long interesting conversations.

Amazing only 10% people can drive $1.3 trillion economy...:tup:
i can't guess what happen if the rest works...we gonna land on mars next day..:rofl:
Guys i have worked with both Indians and Chinese day and night on various projects and this is my honest assessment. The Indian teams talks a lot but productivity suffers however they will compensate with sweet heart melting conversations. The Chinese prefer to the point conversation and talk about entertainment culture and cuisines irritate them during work. They will not care about hurting your feeling or your mood with blunt statements. And annoyance to work could be met with some harsh "verbal violence".

Something to do about being able to convince others has very high obsession among Indians..They will use all sort of arguments, manipulation and tricks to make other believe in them. The problem is when innocent people fall into their tall claims trap and project turns $hit !

Its nothing to do with the hatred other than your accusations. India will not be China for anytime in near future.

Okay, Thanks for your "Personal Experience and opinion" . You are Giving a conclusion about 1.2 Billion people with your experience of working with bunch of Indian people on any project..:tup:

Good..! I my self personally know many pakistanis and chiness and there way of work, But i don't think Posting any comment here about the working nature and mentality of those ppl reflects the working nature and mentality of Whole pakistanis and chiness..! :what:

Okay whatever dude..! Thanks for your personal assessment about Indians.
Its nothing to do with the hatred other than your accusations. India will not be China for anytime in near future.
neither are we trying to be china we just want our INDIA to get better in our way rather than just imitating someone
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