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" The increased sum in our budget can only afford several B-2"


Jun 27, 2008
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China increases military budget to benefit soldiers rather than buy fighters

BEIJING, (Xinhua) -- China has raised the defense budget to improve the benefits for soldiers and officers rather than buy advanced fighters, said a political advisor here on Thursday.

The increased sum in the budget can only afford several B-2 stealth bomber, said Zhao Qizheng, who is here attending the annual session of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the top political advisory body.

B-2 is a type of costly U.S. fighter, which has been brought under the media spotlight after a recent crash accident. It is reported that each B-2 bomber cost about 1.2 billion U.S. dollars to build.

"We won't buy fighters, but will try to improve the benefits for soldiers and officers. There's not much money left for high-tech researches," said Zhao, also former head of the Information Office of the State Council.

Jiang Enzhu, spokesman for the annual parliamentary session, revealed on Tuesday that China plans to increase its defense budget by 17.6 percent to 417.769 billion yuan in 2008.

The budget equals 57.229 billion U.S. dollars if converted at the exchange rate by the end of last year.

Liao Xilong, an NPC deputy and director of the General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), told Xinhua that the defense budget is raised mainly to increase subsidies and food for soldiers and officers and improve input in oil purchase, considering the price hike.

Zhao called on the international community to view China's military spending impartially. "With a far-flung territory, China has invested insufficiently in national defense," he said.

He also pointed out that China's defense budget is transparent, but the United States remains opaque in military spending, with expenditures on nuclear research as well as Afghan and Iraqi wars not included in its budget.

The United States repeatedly fabricates its annual report on Chinese military power, which Chinese Foreign Ministry condemns as a distortion of facts.

China's military no threat to other countries: advisory body spokesman
English.news.cn 2010-03-02 16:21:27 FeedbackPrintRSS

BEIJING, March 2 (Xinhua) -- China's modern military forces would not pose threat to any other country, said Zhao Qizheng, spokesman of the annual session of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Tuesday.

China's development of its military is completely for the sake of safeguarding sovereignty and territorial integrity, Zhao said at a press conference of the top political advisory body's annual full session, which will open Wednesday.

National defense budget has accounted for around 1.4 to 1.5 percent of China's gross domestic product (GDP) in recent years, a percentage of medium level among all countries, Zhao said.

The budget has mainly been used to raise salaries of officers and soldiers and on replenishment, research and development, he said.

This year's national defense budget will be made public during the upcoming annual session of the National People's Congress, the top legislature.
A spokesman of CPPCC talk about the defence budget? It's funny, CPPCC is just a flower vase of gov and can do nothing related defence

When I saw this news on TV, I can't help myself from laughing ...... a really trash propaganda :rofl:
in fact I remenber he said the increased sum in our defence budget can't afford a B-25 :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Why? I believe it :D

How do you know how much they are spending and the cppcc (or whatever) is not telling the truth? :partay:
For 2010, I don't care whether China reveals it or not, but the defense budget must be more than 200 billion US dollars at least, if China wants to survive.
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100 bln for 2010 is probably a more realistic mark imo, there are plenty of other critical tasks need funding too, spend 3~4% of gdp on military means there'll be less for education, health care etc etc, they are all important. :D
100 billion $$ for 2010? You want the largest creditor of US to spend only 100 billion $$!! The country which can invest billions of $$ in other countries, make largest deals with other countries cannot spend 200 billion $$ for its defense? And isn't defense the top priority of a nation?

Should China remain as a third rated peasants' militia style military power? China has the opportunity to build her military potential this time and if China misses this opportunity, China will remain as a Mao era peasant military forever... China must spend more than 200 billion $$ this time, NOW or NEVER...
100 billion $$ for 2010? You want the largest creditor of US to spend only 100 billion $$!! The country which can invest billions of $$ in other countries, make largest deals with other countries cannot spend 200 billion $$ for its defense? And isn't defense the top priority of a nation?

Should China remain as a third rated peasants' militia style military power? China has the opportunity to build her military potential this time and if China misses this opportunity, China will remain as a Mao era peasant military forever... China must spend more than 200 billion $$ this time, NOW or NEVER...

200b$.... that would be nearly 5% of china's GDP...... can't reach that number before 2020,and there is no way to spend 200 b $ if we cann't make breakthroughs in the core areas,100B$ is enough for the projects like J-XX,Y-20 .
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Now we are spending more than 100 billion, about 110-120b$
double for the budget opened
200b$.... that would be nearly 5% of china's GDP...... can't reach that number before 2020,and there is no way to spend 200 b $ if we cann't make breakthroughs in the core areas,100B$ is enough for the projects like J-XX,Y-20 .

But China needs to buy some high tech military weapons. Look at india, how it is stockpiling high tech weapons which are aimed at China. China must have the minimum deterrence to counter any indian aggression.
from where,russia?:hang2: you can alway buy high tech weapons,but you can't never buy the best weapons

Yeah, thats true. :undecided:

Well, even to develop the indigenous industries, China needs to spend some money on research and development programs. I am not sure, if 100 Billion $$ are sufficient for that. Hope the amount works.

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