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The hypocrisy of Pakistani politics - With proof


May 24, 2014
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Many Pakistanis over here at PDF are very familiar with Pakistani politics. However, when you look at the international theater of politics, you'll realize how bias, wrong, and hypocrites we become.

1) Let's start with recent picture that has been floating around. This is fake one.


When @Leader posted this image, everyone started copying this picture and posting this picture on other threads. Indians and Pakistanis together were laughing at our prime minister, looking over how there are bunch of empty seats. Many people here started saying the UN rejects Nawaz as the leader of Pakistan. Some also added that the occupiers of such seats were protesting along with others Pakistanis outside.

Below is the real picture.


Here we have is prime minister of Canada, Stephen Harper. You'll see the empty chairs. Canada is a democratic country and has been since its birth. Now are these occupiers of empty seats protesting outside the UN? Has UN rejected the mandate of Harper?

So this tells, if hypothetically believing it was Nawaz with empty seats around, it's an end of the world, how Nawaz is rejected in Pakistan and abroad. But if it's Harper, it's not talk worthy and perfectly normal to have empty chairs.

2) Let's move over to Imran Khan talk about how Korean prime minsiter resigned after the ferry disaster. First, the prime minister of Korea is similar to president of Pakistan. The real power is in President's hand. In Pakistan, the real power is in prime minister's hand. It is worthy to note, the prime ministers of Korea have been changed many times. Take a look. List of Prime Ministers of South Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . In the spawn of 14 years, there have been 15 prime ministers. Often the term lasts a year. In addition, the prime minister who tendered his resignation letter still seems to be incumbent. In other words, he is still the prime minister.

Now the hypocrisy time. When model town incident happened, and I agree that the law minister was made scapegoat, how is that wrong? When the real power holder, the president of Korea, didn't resign over ferry sinking, why should Nawaz or Shahbaz? It was never proven that the President of Korea was behind sinking of ship, just as Nawaz, Shahbaz or Rana Sanaullah were not behind Model town incident.

It's funny Imran doesn't know world politics, to know that prime minister of korea is different than Pakistan. I'm sure Nawaz can have president resign over model town, if that appeases Imran. Even then, it'd be bigger sacrifice from Nawaz as korea has seen 15 prime ministers in 14 years and Pakistan has seen only 3.

3) Many people here are posting over how Nawaz is living in luxurious hotels and flying private aircraft. Well, do you know that half of India population doesn't use toilets? Yet their prime minister flies in Boeing 747, which is over 10 times bigger aircraft that Nawaz may have used? The private jet of state of Pakistan is a small jet. Compare 15 seat aircraft of Nawaz to over 500 seats aircraft used by Modi.

But many people start saying "Pakistan has debt and borrows money!" Well then, US has 17 trillion debt, yet the president of US has 2 747s ready all the time. They carry around vehicles in there, consume ample amount of fuel and whatnot. The point is, each US citizens owes over $50,000 of debt (pop/17tr), yet the president stays at luxury hotels.

Finally, let's not forget that Hashmi was flying in private jet (he owns it likely) when he was president of PTI. In addition, Imran khan also flew in private jet from Dharna to Karachi.

4) Let's talk about Qadri. What business does he have that he can fly in business/first class of emirates that costs well over $5-10,000? Why does he get to dine at a luxurious restaurant and decide there the fate of poverty in Pakistan? If you wanted to combat poverty, you'd act like Edhi, have 2 dresses and donate all your wealth in the interest of people. You'll have a small house. Yet Qadri lives in lavish container, drives around in bullet proof cars, and have expensive properties around the world.

5) Many people also reference how the police shelled people to death. They reference how in the west, police doesn't beat their public or shell at them. Well, they're misinformed. In Quebec, Canada, students protested against tuition hikes. Police resorted to using tear gas. Compare that to the protesters of Pakistan. They break down fences of Parliament, take over PTV, do manual checking of politicians. Police themselves were attacked. Yet, they only used shells.

Anyways, I could go on and on. I can provide proof if anyone requests it. I could also add more details if anyone requests.

@orangzaib @Fracker @cb4 @Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz @IMRAN KHAN MOSSAAD AGENT @imran khan nasrand
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hypocrisy is bedmate of politics worldwide dude.... pakistan and every nation of the world is effected by it...
hypocrisy is bedmate of politics worldwide dude.... pakistan and every nation of the world is effected by it...
But giving an analysis should be OK, no? It's good to tell public truth.
Offcouse.... the only defence against the politicians is an informed polity.....
true. In today's world, power isn't hereditry over span of centuries. Informed public makes desicsions, and letting them know that what Imran says or does is no different than Nawaz himself. Both leaders are awful. What we need are new promising leaders, which will only come through as democracy moves on. Otherwise same old faces will come in, like in case of military dictatorship (PML-Q from nawaz league under Mush) etc.

I don't see hope in any current Pakistani political leader. I prefer military rule or technocracy, but these only bring temporarily goodness, not long term.
the subcontinent is going through post colonial phase with the same power structure, the same native elite with a sense of entitlement left behind by the raj..... it will take time for maturity to come ......
Many Pakistanis over here at PDF are very familiar with Pakistani politics. However, when you look at the international theater of politics, you'll realize how bias, wrong, and hypocrites we become.

1) Let's start with recent picture that has been floating around. This is fake one.


When @Leader posted this image, everyone started copying this picture and posting this picture on other threads. Indians and Pakistanis together were laughing at our prime minister, looking over how there are bunch of empty seats. Many people here started saying the UN rejects Nawaz as the leader of Pakistan. Some also added that the occupiers of such seats were protesting along with others Pakistanis outside.

Below is the real picture.


Here we have is prime minister of Canada, Stephen Harper. You'll see the empty chairs. Canada is a democratic country and has been since its birth. Now are these occupiers of empty seats protesting outside the UN? Has UN rejected the mandate of Harper?

So this tells, if hypothetically believing it was Nawaz with empty seats around, it's an end of the world, how Nawaz is rejected in Pakistan and abroad. But if it's Harper, it's not talk worthy and perfectly normal to have empty chairs.

2) Let's move over to Imran Khan talk about how Korean prime minsiter resigned after the ferry disaster. First, the prime minister of Korea is similar to president of Pakistan. The real power is in President's hand. In Pakistan, the real power is in prime minister's hand. It is worthy to note, the prime ministers of Korea have been changed many times. Take a look. List of Prime Ministers of South Korea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . In the spawn of 14 years, there have been 15 prime ministers. Often the term lasts a year. In addition, the prime minister who tendered his resignation letter still seems to be incumbent. In other words, he is still the prime minister.

Now the hypocrisy time. When model town incident happened, and I agree that the law minister was made scapegoat, how is that wrong? When the real power holder, the president of Korea, didn't resign over ferry sinking, why should Nawaz or Shahbaz? It was never proven that the President of Korea was behind sinking of ship, just as Nawaz, Shahbaz or Rana Sanaullah were not behind Model town incident.

3) Many people here are posting over how Nawaz is living in luxurious hotels and flying private aircraft. Well, do you know that half of India population doesn't use toilets? Yet their prime minister flies in Boeing 747, which is over 10 times bigger aircraft that Nawaz may have used? The private jet of state of Pakistan is a small jet. Compare 15 seat aircraft of Nawaz to over 500 seats aircraft used by Modi.

But many people start saying "Pakistan has debt and borrows money!" Well then, US has 17 trillion debt, yet the president of US has 2 747s ready all the time. They carry around vehicles in there, consume ample amount of fuel and whatnot. The point is, each US citizens owes over $50,000 of debt (pop/17tr), yet the president stays at luxury hotels.

Finally, let's not forget that Hashmi was flying in private jet (he owns it likely) when he was president of PTI. In addition, Imran khan also flew in private jet from Dharna to Karachi.

4) Let's talk about Qadri. What business does he have that he can fly in business/first class of emirates that costs well over $5-10,000? Why does he get to dine at a luxurious restaurant and decide there the fate of poverty in Pakistan? If you wanted to combat poverty, you'd act like Edhi, have 2 dresses and donate all your wealth in the interest of people. You'll have a small house. Yet Qadri lives in lavish container, drives around in bullet proof cars, and have expensive properties around the world.

5) Many people also reference how the police shelled people to death. They reference how in the west, police doesn't beat their public or shell at them. Well, they're misinformed. In Quebec, Canada, students protested against tuition hikes. Police resorted to using tear gas. Compare that to the protesters of Pakistan. They break down fences of Parliament, take over PTV, do manual checking of politicians. Police themselves were attacked. Yet, they only used shells.

Anyways, I could go on and on. I can provide proof if anyone requests it. I could also add more details if anyone requests.

@orangzaib @Fracker @cb4 @Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz @IMRAN KHAN MOSSAAD AGENT @imran khan nasrand
ah yes you tagged all the imran khan haters lol... now all of you can have a party amoungst your selfs.
ah yes you tagged all the imran khan haters lol... now all of you can have a party amoungst your selfs.
And I get tagged by democracy haters. But this isn't troll thread that I want a fight over here between the two. I've added facts, so read them up and offer argument if any.

Also I only tag 2 people, 3 of them banned, 2 are mods and 1 is anti imran. So your reason is invalid. 3 people can't have party (but read nonetheless), 2 are mods (are you calling them anti mod?) and then theres only one person, cb4 left. So yes, your reason is invalid.
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@WishLivePak thanks for inviting me here. I was away from PDF for the past 4 days.

I do not take anything posted by PTI propagandists seriously any more. They are all a bit like Mubashar Luqman.

Equally, I do not take PML-N propaganda seriously either.

I have my own mind, and though I may sometimes be wrong, I do not fall for lies told by others. I just support our system in Pakistan and I wish for it to evolve. I do not want or support anarchy.

I do notice that @Leader has not replied despite being tagged. For PTI supporters "Ends justify the Means" is the operative axiom.

Apologizing for error helps a person grow. But PTI people do not bother because they are busy piling up more and more stories atop the house of cards. Admitting an error would mean admitting that they are human - and thus the house of cards may collapse.

There should be a difference between a deck (or two) of cards and a political party.
@WishLivePak thanks for inviting me here. I was away from PDF for the past 4 days.

I do not take anything posted by PTI propagandists seriously any more. They are all a bit like Mubashar Luqman.

Equally, I do not take PML-N propaganda seriously either.

I have my own mind, and though I may sometimes be wrong, I do not fall for lies told by others. I just support our system in Pakistan and I wish for it to evolve. I do not want or support anarchy.

I do notice that @Leader has not replied despite being tagged. For PTI supporters "Ends justify the Means" is the operative axiom.

Apologizing for error helps a person grow. But PTI people do not bother because they are busy piling up more and more stories atop the house of cards. Admitting an error would mean admitting that they are human - and thus the house of cards may collapse.

There should be a difference between a deck (or two) of cards and a political party.

Being on this is fun, to see the stupidity of some. It explains why Pakistan cannot progress forward. And a bunch of these are my Guinea pigs, they're useful to reference in my classes.

You've your mind, just as others, but we carry the duty to explain others how wrong they're. Such as Imran confusing Korea's prime minister with Pakistan's prime minister to pursue his goal, which people fall for.

True PTI don't apologize. @Leader posted fake picture of Nawaz in UN and when I gave him real pic, he didn't reply back, apologize or deleted the fake pic. Now all the Indians are using that picture as an embarrassment tool. They've nothing against nawaz, but Pakistan. So these potians have brought shame to the state, not Nawaz. Outside world doesn't see parties, but state itself.

@Leader wasn't mentioned, but i bet he saw this thread. I just don't mention potians as they don't read what's being conveyed and start talking about their opinion. Plus, they start fighting. This thread was meant to give factual proof, not quote some ARY or Geo channel. But that is what sets us apart, i get mentioned by famous potians and receive daily notification in ARY sourced threads.

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