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The Horror's of the Taliban

Why sick ? This is the way punishment is rendered in Orthodox Islam.

No it isn't - thee are several conditions that a society needs to meet, (not to mention the most basic one of a proper trial and the need to establish guilt) before any Islamic punishment can be meted out.

This isn't Islamic by any way - it is pure criminal behavior.
No it isn't - thee are several conditions that a society needs to meet, (not to mention the most basic one of a proper trial and the need to establish guilt) before any Islamic punishment can be meted out.

This isn't Islamic by any way - it is pure criminal behavior.

I agree. But then everyone has his own interpretation of Islam. There is sufi version, Talibani version, Ahmadiya version, Shia version, Sunni version and so on.. How will one convince a Talibani that his version of Islam is not the right one ?

Adopting the philosophy of dialectic - that to effect change, things must first dramatically deteriorate- Taliban’s have been too desperate in trying to provoke this notion. In doing so they have twisted the values of noble religion to extreme and have made up some stupid version that fits them only…The damage is not only limited to Non-muslim but Muslims too have became their victim….

Beating, killing, torturing and humiliating is inconsistent with Islam’s teachings and principles…While such example show their abysmal mindset , they fail to realise that such acts are doing them no good rather turning an average Muslim against them….What a shame…..I hope they all burn in hell….
Adopting the philosophy of dialectic - that to effect change, things must first dramatically deteriorate- Taliban’s have been too desperate in trying to provoke this notion. In doing so they have twisted the values of noble religion to extreme and have made up some stupid version that fits them only…The damage is not only limited to Non-muslim but Muslims too have became their victim….

Beating, killing, torturing and humiliating is inconsistent with Islam’s teachings and principles…While such example show their abysmal mindset , they fail to realise that such acts are doing them no good rather turning an average Muslim against them….What a shame…..I hope they all burn in hell….

My very dear friend,

Religion has always been used as a tool to govern by some and as a tool to achive divinity by others. There has been nothing which can be called balck and white. There are many shades of grey in between. Meanings of same word change from place to place. There are no absolute definitions. Talibanis are distorting ( according to us) or correctly interprating ( according to them). They want to use Islam for their own benefit like it has always been all over world and all through history. If others can not match them by force, then brain power has to come in action. Outcome will depend upon who is stronger. In this world there is nothing right or wrong, its all a matter of perception.

I don't think the report is too credible as some private tv channel quoted the news, i haven't seen or heard about it on the tv. Also even if we agree that it is true, even then we should also realize that everyone these days claim to be a Taliban yet the original taliban refused to support what Mehsud and his ilks were doing.
The point that i am trying to make is that there are many here who would do something bad against the state, army, civilians and then become a Taliban in order to serve vested interests. We have to be careful of the wannabes.
Taliban means Student. Now what kind of taliban are they? Are they talib of Criminalism? I think so.......
My very dear friend,

Religion has always been used as a tool to govern by some and as a tool to achive divinity by others. There has been nothing which can be called balck and white. There are many shades of grey in between. Meanings of same word change from place to place. There are no absolute definitions. Talibanis are distorting ( according to us) or correctly interprating ( according to them). They want to use Islam for their own benefit like it has always been all over world and all through history. If others can not match them by force, then brain power has to come in action. Outcome will depend upon who is stronger. In this world there is nothing right or wrong, its all a matter of perception.

Religion is simple: it only provides correct guide lines for the ones who want to follow it or the ones who are interested in it…You can also call it a certain set of DOs and DONTs…..Rest its all upto people how they interperate these rules…You cant blame the religion, blame the ones who twist the rules or use it for their own good for whatever reason…...
MINGORA, Pakistan (Reuters) – Pakistani Taliban insurgents blew up four schools in the northwestern Swat region Monday hours after a cabinet minister vowed that the government would reopen schools in the violence-plagued valley.

The scenic Swat Valley was until recently one of Pakistan's prime tourist destinations but Islamist militants aiming to impose a harsh form of Islamic law began battling security forces in 2007.

Residents say the militants are now virtually in complete control of the valley, which is 130 km (80 miles) northwest of Islamabad and not on the Afghan border, including its main town of Mingora, where the schools were destroyed early Monday.

"Militants blew up two girls schools and two boys schools," a top government official in the valley, Shaukat Yousafzai, told Reuters. "Attacks on troops are understandable but why are they destroying schools?"

Schools are closed for a winter break and no one was hurt in the attacks.

As with Afghanistan's Taliban, their Pakistani counterparts oppose education for girls and they recently banned female education in Swat altogether.

The militants also see schools as symbols of government authority and they say the army posts soldiers in them.

Yousafzai said the militants had destroyed 170 schools in the valley where about 55,000 girls and boys were enrolled in government-run institutions.

Pakistan is struggling to stem growing Islamist influence and violence in the northwest as it keeps a wary eye on its eastern border with India after militant attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai led to a spike in tension between the neighbors.


Information Minister Sherry Rehman told reporters on Sunday

the government aimed to ensure that schools in Swat would reopen on March 1, when they are due to go back after the winter break.

But that would seem like wishful thinking.

The militants have shot, blown up or beheaded their opponents while broadcasting edicts and threats over their FM radio.

Many families have fled to the nearby cities of Peshawar and Mardan, while many police officers have either deserted or simply refused to serve, residents say.

Yousafzai said teachers were also refusing to work.

"I try to convince them but they're scared. They doubt the government's ability to protect them," he said.

Provincial Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain vowed action against the militants.

"They're out of control," Hussain told reporters in Peshawar.

"In the past, when we took action against them, we were criticized ... Now people realize that they're cruel and they want us to go after them and we'll do it."

The president of a Swat teachers' association said his members would only go back to work if the government restored peace and shut down the militants' radio, or if the militants issued an order over their radio for a return to work.

"The ground reality is there's no safety," said association president Ziauddin Yousafzai. "If they're destroying schools during a curfew, they can do anything. Even if the authorities announce schools are open, nobody will go and parents won't send their kids."

Many of the militants in Swat infiltrated from al Qaeda and Taliban enclaves in ethnic Pashtun lands on the Afghan border.

The military launched a big offensive in late 2007 to clear them out. The militants withdrew up remote side valleys to avoid government artillery and air attacks but slipped back into the main valley when the offensive ended.

(Writing by Kamran Haider; Editing by Robert Birsel and Sugita Katyal)
There is no organisation named pakistan talaban in SWAT ,these are jehadi mullahs who have distructive mind set which is against islamic teachings.
reading these reports makes one feel as if there is a civil war going on in pak. looks like taliban wants to repeat the feats of afghanistan in pak.
taliban is knocking on doors.:frown::eek:
the people in swat are smart enough to not fall in the hands of miltants
and i recently read an article that the army has posts in/around every school
as for the taliban goes they have no future in pakistan
everyone knows that [even them but they are retarded so they want to fight]
as people say
"laton ke bhooth bathon se nahi samaj the"
The only reason behind blowing schools is that they want to show locals that even after military operation they are still very powerful....and you can't run from us.
Yes....Pakistan has so many insurgencies now. It wasn't like this in the past if i remember correctly.

Errr. we really only have one that is not under control yet, which is the Taliban one.

Compared to the low lever Baluch Sardar insurgency, the Taliban insurgency isn't separatist either. Were the Taliban to gain power in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, you would likely see a unified 'Islamic Emirate'.

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