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The Holocaust Lie.

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Let's not speak blindly here. :rolleyes:
RazPak, 500 is ABSOLUTELY correct in what he is saying. I have seen the ungrateful pigs living a nice life, inside Palestine and Israel. The problem is that Palestinians think that they deserve even better by being lazy and not loyal.

Progress is not something that 'The Divine' bestows upon you, it's something you have to sweat and work hard for!
RazPak, 500 is ABSOLUTELY correct in what he is saying. I have seen the ungrateful pigs living a nice life, inside Palestine and Israel. The problem is that Palestinians think that they deserve even better by being lazy and not loyal.

Progress is not something that 'The Divine' bestows upon you, it's something you have to sweat and work hard for!

And what about the land grabs?

If some Hindu came up to me and told me his family owned my land thousands of years ago and that I need to leave, I'd kill him.
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And what about the land grabs?

If some Hindu came up to me and told me his family owned my land thousands of years ago and that I need to leave, I'd kill him.
Lands are bought. If some settlers illegally captures land then they are evicted by force.

By the way, inside Israel there are many Arab land grabbers. Who illegally capture lands and state does very little against them.
I NEVER said the holocaust is a lie! ALL I say is the stories are over exaggerated!

Oh wait, the case has turned into "you either accept OR you deny it"

No middle ground! O don't think just swallow it whole...

As for WESTERN DOCUMENTATION...it is the only ones left after all others were burnt...
RazPak, 500 is ABSOLUTELY correct in what he is saying. I have seen the ungrateful pigs living a nice life, inside Palestine and Israel. The problem is that Palestinians think that they deserve even better by being lazy and not loyal.

Progress is not something that 'The Divine' bestows upon you, it's something you have to sweat and work hard for!

Progress and Advancement comes when you have Freedom, when you are Free & Safe, when you have plenty of food, water, shelter, medicine-healthcare institutions, schools-colleges.

You have not visited Palestine and the situation on ground is worst then the term Terrible word of my Canadian friend who visited Twice a Journalist and seen the photographs. You and your friend is absolutely wrong people are not living nice comfy.
OP you believe the work of a Neo Nazi member? I'm sure he would appreciate the color of your brown skin

I love how Zionist-Jews spin this BOTH ways: First you suggest that Hitler would kill all people with "brown skin" and then other Zionist-Jews claim hitler was working in partnership with the Palestinians. Which version of these so-called truths should we believe? Did Hitler arrest Africans living in Germany too? Did Germany round up diplomats from African countries?

I found the "Nazis"

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Some pretty 'cool' stuff....

Albanian Muslims' Role in the Holocaust
by Carl Savich
20 Feb, 2007

Albanians murdered 7% of the Jews in Albania proper and 40% of the Jews in Kosovo

In the Associated Press story “Albanian family honored for helping Jews”, Marcus Franklin rehashed and regurgitated the Albanian propaganda claim that Albanians “rescued” Jews during the Holocaust and played no role in the Holocaust. This is a total falsification, distortion, and manipulation of the Albanian role in the Holocaust.

The Holocaust Chronicle, researched by prominent Holocaust historians and scholars, documents that 10 to 12 Jews from Albania proper were sent to the Nazi death camp at Bergen-Belsen. This research disproves the Albanian propaganda claim that 100% of Albanian Jews were “rescued” during the Holocaust. Moreover, Harvey Sarner reported that the Ardel family, an Albanian Jewish family, was killed by the Nazis in Albania proper, although he qualified this by saying they were killed because they were partisans, not because they were Jews.


Albanian Nazi Waffen SS Unterscharfuehrer from the Albanian 21st Nazi SS Division Skanderbeg. The Albanian Nazi SS troops are wearing the SS-issued gray Albanian skullcaps or Albanerfez. (Source: Siegrunen, Albanian SS Volunteers, 55, January 1994. ISSN 0733-0367.)

Two factors explain why Albanian Jews were “rescued” in Albania proper. First, the Italian occupation authorities did not support the Final Solution in Albania and did not implement it. Albanian Jews were allowed to disperse within the population and to lose their Jewish identity. Second, there were only 33 known Jewish families in Albania proper before the war. The Wannsee Conference listed only 200 Jews in Albania. Italian non-enforcement of the Final Solution and the minuscule Jewish population, dispersed in the rural areas, explains why so few Jews were sent to the death camps.

But the Albanian government did make a major effort to exterminate all the Jews of Albania proper.

In a July, 1944 report by US intelligence, the OSS, on Albania entitled “Political and Internal Conditions”, it was reported that “Xhafer Deva, Rexhep Mitrovic[a] and Midhat Frasheri are with the Germans. … Anti-semitic measures are being adopted now. A captured SS document “revealed that Deva had been responsible for the deportation of ‘Jews, Communists and partisans’ to extermination camps as well as for punitive raids by the SS Skanderbeg Division. The small mountain territory had few Jews, so relatively few were captured and killed.” This proves that the Albanian government instituted anti-Semitic measures and did deport Albanian Jews to the death camps.

Christopher Simpson, in Blowback: America’s Recruitment of Nazis and its Effects on the Cold War, noted that relatively few Jews were captured and killed but “not for lack of trying by the Balli Kombetar organization and the Albanian SS” which had orchestrated “a series of anti-semitic purges that rounded up about 800 people, the majority of whom were deported and murdered.” There was no “lack of trying” by the Albanian government. Anna Kohen recites only selective instances when Albanian Jews escaped capture and deportation. The Albanian government, however, did try to round up and deport and to kill every single Albanian Jew.

The Albanian government and Albanian authorities took an active part in the extermination of Albanian Jews: “In June, 1943…the Albanian police chief suggested the jailing of certain Jews:

‘According to our investigation the Jews listed below are dangerous because they are propaganderizing [sic] against the Axis (Rome-Berlin) and they want to organize and hold meetings. We think these people should be taken away from here as soon as possible to one of the concentration fields, because their staying here could be dangerous to the regime.’”

Sarner conceded that the Albanian government and the Albanian people did play a major role in the Holocaust and Final Solution: “In April, 1944, the Germans shipped 400 Jews from the annexed territories to Bergen-Belsen; 100 survived the war.”
The way the Albanian propagandists get around this problem is by arguing that Kosovo-Metohija and Western Macedonia were not a part of a Greater Albania. This is absolute nonsense and rubbish. From 1941 to 1944, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini created a Greater Albania that was made up of Kosovo and Western Macedonia. Kosovo was regarded as the “New Albania” and “the annexed territories”, but Kosovo was part of Hitler’s Greater Albania nonetheless. This Albanian self-delusion is a rhetorical and nonsensical propaganda trick. Yes, Albanian Nazis did round up and murder hundreds of Kosovo Jews who were gassed at Bergen-Belsen. Yes, Kosovo was part of a Greater or Ethnic or Natural Albania. But, no, Albanians “rescued” 100% of the Jews in Albania. This is mindless and duplicitous. Many of the key political leaders who ran Albania proper were Kosovo Albanian Muslims. Both Kosovo and Albania proper were under the control and authority of the same people. This is a meaningless and specious argument. It is misleading and falsifies the actual history of Albania during the Holocaust.


A company of the Albanian Nazi SS Division Skanderbeg awaiting orders in the Kosovo-Metohija city of Pec, 1944. The Albanian Nazi SS troops, wearing the SS-issued gray Albanian skullcaps, are assembled under a large Albanian flag between two Nazi swastika banners.

The 21st Albanian Nazi SS Division Skanderbeg played a key role in the Holocaust. This Nazi SS Division was made up of Albanians from Albania proper and Kosovo. The first operation of Skanderbeg in Kosovo-Metohija was the raid on Kosovo Jews in Pristina on May 14,1944. The Albanian SS troops raided apartments and homes belonging to Kosovo Jews and looted their possessions, and rounded them up for deportation to the death camps. Kosovo Jews were then placed in makeshift jails. The 21st SS Division Skanderbeg apprehended 281 Kosovo Jews, which included men, women, and children. From May to June 1944, the Nazi SS Division Skanderbeg apprehended a total of 519 Kosovo Jews and Serbs.

During the initial German occupation of Pristina in 1941 before it was turned over to Italian administration, the property of Kosovo Jews was seized and they were conscripted for forced labor. In Kosovska Mitrovica, Jewish shops and stores were closed down and Kosovo Jews were ordered to wear a yellow band to identify themselves as Jews.

Albanians collaborated with the Nazis in exterminating the Jews. The seizure of Jewish property was organized and conducted by the Gestapo and members of the Albanian Committee. On May 20, 1941, Dzafer Deva, the leader of the Mitrovica district, ordered the seizure of Jewish property. Jewish businesses had been put under the supervision of members of the Albanian Committee.

The seizure of Jewish businesses and property was conducted by Albanians: Mamut Perijuc, Ramiz Mulic and Osman Ibrahimovic, who worked in conjuction with the German Gestapo. Ibrahimovic was the head of the commission overseeing Jewish property. This Albanian leader ordered the demolition of the Jewish synagogue and the destruction of papers and documents in the Jewish archive. In Pristina, the seizure of Jewish property and anti-Jewish measures were undertaken by the Kosovar Albanian regime placed in control and by members of the Albanian Kosovo Committee, Maljus Kosova, president of the Committee, Dzemal beg Ismail Kanli, head of the police, Rasid Memedali, and Rifat Sukri Ramadan. Albanians were collaborating with the Germans in expropriating the property of Jews.

Yugoslav Jewish survivors put the responsibility on the Kosovar Albanian Committee for inciting the first and second internments of Kosovo Jews. In the Jewish historical archives of Yugoslavia, the role of the 21st SS Division in the Holocaust and in the genocide of Kosovo Jews and Serbs is described as follows: ‘’From May 25 to July 2, 1944 the Division ‘Skanderbeg’ apprehended 510 Jews, Serbs… They were put in jails, while 249 were sent as forced laborers to the Reich.'’

The Albanian Nazi SS Skanderbeg Division played a hitherto unacknowledged role in the Holocaust. It was made up of ethnic Albanians from Albanian proper and from Kosovo, the New Albania. Why doesn’t Sarner and Anna Kohen mention the Skanderbeg SS Division? It they revealed its existence, their propaganda argument would collapse and their claims would be laughable. So what do they do? They meticulously cover up and censor any mention of the Albanian Nazi SS Division Skanderbeg. And for good reason as it turns out. In Kosovo: A Short History, even noted Albanian propagandist, shill, and apologist Noel Malcolm conceded that in the Djakovica region of Kosovo-Metohija, the Albanian Nazi SS Skanderbeg Division engaged in ‘’the round-up and deportation of 281 Jews'’ to the concentration-extermination camps in May 1944. According to Malcolm, ‘’they took part in the most shameful episode in Kosovo’s wartime history.'’ But these Nazis who murdered Jews were ethnic Albanians from Albania proper and from Kosovo. Albanians didn’t “rescue” 100% of the Jews in Albania. Albanians murdered 7% of the Jews in Albania proper and 40% of the Jews in New Albania, or Kosovo.

The Albanian role in the Holocaust does not end here. In fact, Albanians made up two Nazi SS Divisions, Skanderbeg and Handzar, the 13th Nazi SS Division formed in Bosnia and made up of Bosnian Muslim and Albanian Muslim Nazi SS troops.

The role of Albania and of Albanians in the Holocaust has been carefully falsified, manipulated, and covered-up

This 'mufti' fellow is pretty 'interesting'...

Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin's Role as an Instigator of the Shoah (Holocaust)
by Jared Israel
2 December 2003]

There is overwhelming documentation of the role of Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, as a leading instigator of Nazi mass murders.

For example, during UN Security Council discussions in 1947, the Nation Associates, which owned what is now The Nation magazine, presented photostats of letters written by Hajj Amin al-Husseini, proving his complicity in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Jews. The text of one such letter is posted below.

As you read this letter, please note the understated language. The Mufti was arguing against allowing Hungarian Jews to "escape" (his term). Instead they should be sent "to other countries where they would find themselves under active control, for example, in Poland." The phrase of note is "active control." Poland was the site of Chelmno, Treblinka, Sobibór, Majdanek, Belzec and of course Auschwitz-Birkenau, to name just the six biggest death camps. All of my Polish relatives succumbed to "active control" at these Nazi death camps.

[Letter from Mufti starts here]

Mufti Asks Hungary to Send Jews to Poland

[The Nation appended their own note to this document: "As a Sequel to This Request 400,000 Jews Were Subsequently Killed."]

June 28, 1943
His Excellency
The Minister of Foreign Affairs for Hungary
Your Excellency:

You no doubt know of the struggle between the Arabs and Jews of Palestine, what it has been and what it is, a long and bloody fight, brought about by the desire of the Jews to create a national home, a Jewish State in the Near East, with the help and protection of England and the United States. In fact, behind it lies the hope which the Jews have never relinquished, namely, the domination of the whole world through this Important, strategic center, Palestine. In effect their program has, among other purposes, always aimed at the encouragement of Jewish migration to Palestine and the other countries of the Near East. However, the war, as well as the understanding which the members of the Three-Power Pact have of the responsibility of the Jews for its outbreak and finally their evil intentions towards these countries which protected them until now - all these are reasons for placing them under such vigilant control as will definitely stop their emigration to Palestine or elsewhere.

Lately I have been informed of the uninterrupted efforts made by the English and the Jews to obtain permission for the Jews living in your country to leave for Palestine via Bulgaria and Turkey. I have also learned that these negotiations were successful since some of the Jews of Hungary have had the satisfaction of emigrating to Palestine via Bulgaria and Turkey and that a group of these Jews arrived In Palestine towards the end of last March. The Jewish Agency, which supervises the execution of the Jewish program, has published a bulletin which contains important information on the current negotiations between the English Government and the governments of other interested states to send the Jews of Balkan countries to Palestine. The Jewish Agency quoted, among other things, its receipt of a sufficient number of immigration certificates for 900 Jewish children to be transported from Hungary, accompanied by 100 adults.

To authorize these Jews to leave your country under the above circumstances and in this way, would by no means solve the Jewish problem and would certainly not protect your country against their evil influence - far from it! - for this escape would make it possible for them to communicate and combine freely with their racial brethren in enemy countries in order to strengthen their position and to exert a more dangerous influence on the outcome of the war, especially since, as a consequence of their long stay in your country they are necessarily in a position to know many of your secrets and also about your war effort. All this comes on top of the terrible damage done to the friendly Arab nation which has taken its place at your side in this war and which cherishes for your country the most sincere feelings and the very best wishes.

This is the reason why I ask your Excellency to permit me to draw your attention to the necessity of preventing the Jews from leaving your country for Palestine and if there are reasons which make their removal necessary, it would be indispensable and infinitely preferable to send them to other countries where they would find themselves under active control, for example, in Poland, in order thereby to protect oneself from their menace and avoid the consequent damages

Yours, etc.

Source: The Arab Higher Committee. Its Origins, Personnel and Purposes. Documentary Record Submitted to the United Nations, May 1947, by the Nation Associates. Hungary acceded to the Mufti's request and sent Hungarian Jews to the death camps ("where they would find themselves under active control") in Poland. The Nation Associates added their own note stating that as a result of this request, 400,000 Jews were killed.

[Letter from Mufti ends here]

Due to the September 13th crash of my computer, we lost the jpeg file of the actual photostat of the above document. However, that the Nation did indeed submit such evidence is attested to by the current Nation publisher, Victor Navasky. Navasky, though fervently anti-Israel, had the honesty to confirm that the Nation Associates produced such documents. On the other hand, as quoted below, Navasky whitewashed the Mufti's Nazism by describing him as a collaborator. Collaborators do not organize SS divisions of tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslims who slaughter *many thousands* of Yugoslav Serbs, Jews and 'Gypsies'. Just look at the pictures in the article, "Himmler was their defender." Not only did the Mufti, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, organize the Nazi Waffen SS divisions in Yugoslavia, he was adored by the Nazi-Islamist troops.

As demonstrated by the Mufti's appeal to the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs, posted above, Hajj Amin was a fanatical enough Nazi - and a powerful enough Nazi - to instigate the murder of 400,000 Jews with a letter, according to The Nation Associates.

One letter written. 400,000 human beings dead. A terrible silence.

Or, to put it another way, at least one out of every 15 Jews killed in the Holocaust was killed with the top-level involvement of the Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini. (This doesn't count all the other human beings he helped kill, such as the Serbs, Jews and 'Gypsies' slaughtered by his Waffen SS troops in Bosnia and Croatia.)

By murdering his Arab opponents, and through the help given him by Britain, Hajj Amin controlled the Arab movement in Britain's Palestine Mandate area with an iron hand.

So this father of the Palestinian movement was not merely a Nazi collaborator; he was not merely a full-fledged Nazi; he was one of the arch criminals of the Holocaust. And today he is venerated by every Palestinian faction.

Here is the quote from Nation publisher Victor Navasky, who mixes some truth and some whitewashing of a Nazi leader, perhaps because said leader was a Palestinian Arab:

"The Nation Associates supported the magazine [i.e., The Nation] through fundraising but also ran conferences and conducted research. (For example, it commissioned twelve studies on the Middle East, some documenting collaboration between the Nazis and the Mufti of Jerusalem.)

The following is testimony from the trial of Holocaust chief Adolph Eichmann concerning his relationship with the Mufti, Hajj Amin al-Husseini.

Dieter Wisliceny was Adolph Eichmann's representative in Bratislava:

[Testimony from Eichmann trial begins here]

State Attorney Bach: This is our document No. 281. Mr. Steiner first tells us that Wisliceny described his talks with Eichmann, why Palestine cannot be considered as the destination for [Jewish] emigration: "When I asked him why, he laughed and asked whether I had never heard of the Grand Mufti Husseini. He explained that the Mufti has very close contact and cooperation with Eichmann, and therefore Germany cannot agree to Palestine being the final destination, as this would be a blow to Germany's prestige in the Mufti's eyes."

Then he goes on: "At this further conversation Wisliceny gave me more details about the cooperation between Eichmann and the Mufti. The Mufti is a sworn enemy of the Jews and has always fought for the idea of annihilating the Jews. He sticks to this idea always, also in his talks with Eichmann" - and here we have one of the points about which Wisliceny has reservations - "who, as you know, is a German who was born in Palestine. The Mufti is one of the originators of the systematic destruction of European Jewry by the Germans, and he has become a permanent colleague, partner and adviser to Eichmann and Himmler in the implementation of this programme."

Here Wisliceny adds: "I have read these descriptions and find them correct, except for this, that Eichmann was born in Palestine, and that the Mufti was a permanent partner of Himmler's; this is not what I said."

[Testimony from Eichmann trial ends here]

It's fun to watch muslims squirm to deny the Holocaust. They make up the most preposterous scenarios to avoid admitting something even they, deep inside know is true. It's just like the conspiracy theories they LOVE to believe. The wackier the better !!!
Here is another side if the same albanians---this was new 2 or 3 days ago

Albanian Muslims took vow to save Jews, photographer says
by Toby Tabachnick
Staff Writer The Jewish Chronicle 3 years ago | 6692 views | 13 | 30 | | Buried for decades by a rigid Communist regime, the story of how Albanian Muslims saved thousands of Jews during World War II is brought to life in the moving pictorial history, “BESA Muslims Who Saved Jews in World War II,” by photographer Norman H. Gershman.

Over a five-year period, Gershman visited Albania several times to record the stories and photographs of these heroic people and their families, documenting their unwavering vow, or besa, to protect their Jewish brothers and sisters.

“Besa is a code of honor of the Albanian people,” said Gershman, speaking by telephone from his home in Colorado. “It goes back probably thousands of years. It is more than just hospitality. If someone comes into their aura, they will lay their lives down for anybody.”

The book documents some 65 Albanian families, and depicts the actual heroes, if they are still alive, or their spouses, children and grandchildren.

Although there were not too many Jews living in Albania at the time, many Jews fled to Albania in search of safety. During World War II, there were only two countries in Europe “that actively refused to cooperate with the Nazis: Denmark and Albania,” said Gershman.

Through the efforts of the Albanians, more than 2000 Jews were saved.

While in other parts of Europe, gentiles hid Jews in attics or in the woods, said Gershman. In Albania, “Jews were treated like guests. They were given peasant clothing and Muslim names.”

Although besa is older than Islam, and not specifically mentioned in the Koran, Gershman explained the Albanians nonetheless incorporate the concept into their religion.

“Albanians will say, ‘There is no besa without the Koran, and no Koran without besa,’” Gershman said.

“It’s an unusual culture,” Gershman added, noting that one Albanian told him earnestly, ‘“I would sooner have my son killed than break my besa.’ It’s more than strong. It’s inconceivable for an Albanian to break his besa.”

The honor of helping someone in need is so prized, Gershman explained, the Albanian people actually fought over who would take the Jews in. And, Gershman continued, there is no evidence of any Jew ever being turned over to the Nazis by an Albanian.

Gershman, a self-described “head-hunter” in the securities industry, has a talent for finding people. His quest for these righteous Albanians began in 2003, at Yad Vashem, when he told the director of special projects, Mordechai Paldiel, of his wish to photograph non-Jews living in Europe who had rescued Jews from the atrocities of the Holocaust. Paldiel told him about the rescuers of Albania and directed him to the Israeli Albanian Friendship Association, which knew the identities of many of those people. From there, he contacted another organization, the Albanian Israeli Friendship Association, which knew the identities of many more.

Seventy percent of Albanians are Muslim, while 30 percent are Catholic or Orthodox. For his book, though, Gershman said he decided to focus only on the Muslims, because “who ever heard of a Muslim saving a Jew?”

Many Albanian families remember well the Jews they saved, most of whom fled to Israel after the war. Most lost touch with those they rescued, and long to again be in contact.

Gershman spoke of one particular Albanian family that showed him a table made for them by a Jewish carpenter.

“They asked me if I could find him. They said his name was Joseph, and they thought he went to Israel. That was all they knew. Could I find Joseph in Israel?”

Gershman sees his calling as finding and honoring families who saved Jews, regardless of their religious heritage or cultural background.

“Look, you’re not talking to someone who is pro-Arab. It’s really quite simply that there are good people in this world. I found Muslims who saved Jews. The perception of the religion of Islam as crazy is nonsense. I am a Jew to my core. I would lay down my life for Israel … However, we have objectified Muslims. They are just people. And in this little people [Albanians], they have a message for the world. I defy anyone to look at these people and say these are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers.”

Through his Eye Contact Foundation (eyecontactfoundation.com) Gershman says he strives to use his art to “break down stereotypes and build upon the deep roots of humanism that cross racial, ethnic, religions and national boundaries.”

A full-length documentary, based on Gershman’s work, will soon be in theaters.

“If there’s some family that saved Jews, I’ve got to find them. I just do,” Gershman said.

(Toby Tabachnick can be reached at tobyt@thejewishchronicle.net.)

Read more: The Jewish Chronicle - Besa Albanian Muslims took vow to save Jews photographer says

It's fun to watch muslims squirm to deny the Holocaust. They make up the most preposterous scenarios to avoid admitting something even they, deep inside know is true. It's just like the conspiracy theories they LOVE to believe. The wackier the better !!!


That is a strange comment---Pretty much all the muslim countries are grateul to the germans for the 2ndww if it was not for the war---most of muslim nations would still be slaves to the white nations.

We were slaves---we care less if holocaust happened---we were living a holocaust of our own in hindustan under the british rule---.

Have you ever heard the term Cannon Fodder----it is not what you understand----it was the term manufactured----when the british captured the freedom fighters during the 1857 war of independence of HIND---thousands got tied to the mouths of the cannons and got blown to smithereens---have you heard about ht holocaust of the indigo plantation of bengals---where weavers had their thumbs chopped off so that their muslin could not compete with the fabric made in britain---or did you hear about the holocaust of calcutta---where a white woman was raped and the governor punishes the whole province by creating an artificial famine---hundreds of thousand died in that famine---how about the holocaust of the belgium congo in the 60's---.

The holocaust in germany did not give a right to the jews to create a holocaust for the palestinians.

The jews did pretty much the same to their saviours in spain some 600 + years ago. The jews invited muslims to attack spain in year 700 and abouts---because they were being persecuted by the christians---during the muslim rulew the jews prospered beyond their wildest dreams---then these same jews turned on the muslims---funded the campaign of the catholic church---arranged the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella---asked for promises for business oppurtunities---gues what---the church came into power---promises and promises were not kept.

We hear so much of the inquisition and jews being taken out---but what happened to the ruling class--the muslims in spain----where did the stories of holocaust of the spanish muslims disappear---where did those hundreds of thousands of muslims disappear.

The only reason you hear about the holocaust is that it happened to the 'white jews'---the money jews---.

Now how about the russian holocaust at the hands of the jews---the marxist bolshevik jews---millions of russians killed by these communists jews---you pakistanis know why the russians hate the jews----because these jews slaughtered millions of russians in russia.

What the jews did to the muslims in spain---pay back is a bi-tch----to those pakistanis who believe that muslims had great relationship with the jews---well as long as the jews needed it----.
Where did I mention Iqbal?
Gandhi and Jinnah were totally oblivious to the whole second world war?
Are you kidding me, do you know how many from the sub-continent fought in the second world war? AND NO not all were in the Eastern theater, numerous units operated inside Europe as well!

Were you the book-keeper during the war, that you're better informed?

How the hell can you attest to the numbers? As I said, I am not saying that it was a lie or it didn't happen, I'm challenging the scale of it.

Which historical records actually do check out? Or is it just the word of victor that you're used to believing in blindly? On that accord, think about it, EVERYONE in Pakistan still believes that we won the war with India in 1971! :D Maybe you're from the same stock of people, devoid of relative thinking! :blink:

Stop being a smarty-pant, and li**** your masters balls without using all the grey matter. Or is it defiance just for the sake of adversity that you crave against muslims as a whole?

Umm, poets? Revered poets?

Are you aware where the camps were located? And that not one Indian soldier came even close to them, closer than Italy?

Or that nobody knew about their existence until the last days of the war, when the Russians, the Americans and the British actually stumbled across them?

Even a book-keeper would have known more. Perhaps if you do some elementary reading about the Holocaust, instead of coming to startling conclusions by applying first principles, it might help to generate more sensible comments.

At the end of the war how many germans were killed n raped by allies and the soviets?

You mean they killed 9 million people, including 3 million gypsies and Slavs, to take revenge in advance?
Some Historical facts related to the Jewish holocaust in NASI Germany

Why Did the Germans Dislike the Jews?
Why Did the Germans Dislike the Jews? - YouTube

Jews Killed Millions part1
Jews Killed Millions part1 - YouTube

The GENOCIDE of 65 million Russians
The GENOCIDE of 65 million Russians - YouTube

Hitler's Jewish Army

"Not every victim was a Jew but every Jew was a victim." --Elie Wiesel speaking of World War Two.

"If there were Jews in (Hitler's) armed forces...who served knowing what was going on and made no attempt to save (lives), well then that is unacceptable and dishonorable." --Rabbi Marvin Hier, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Institute.

Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called 'full Jews' served in the German military with Adolf Hitler's knowledge and approval.

Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler's soldiers, including two field marshals and fifteen generals (two full generals, eight lieutenant generals, five major generals), "men commanding up to 100,000 troops."

In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany's highest military honor, the Knight's Cross.

One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war.

One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch's Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.

In one of the famous anecdotes of the time, Goering falsified Milch's birth record and when met with protests about having a Jew in the Nazi high command, Goering replied, ``I decide who is a Jew and who is an Aryan.''

Rigg's research also shed light on stories surrounding the rescue by German soldiers of the Lubavitcher grand rabbi of that time, who was in Warsaw when the war broke out in 1939.

Joseph Isaac Schneerson was spirited to safety after an appeal to Germany from the United States. Schneerson was assisted by a German officer Rigg has identified as the highly decorated Maj. Ernst Bloch, whose father was a Jew.

Jews also served in the Nazi police and security forces as ghetto police (Ordnungdienst) and concentration camp guards (kapos).

So what happens to the claim that Hitler sought to exterminate all Jews, when he allowed some of them to join in his struggle against Bolshevism and International finance capitalism?


William D. Montalbano, "The Jews in Hitler's Military," Los Angeles Times, Dec. 24, 1996.

Tom Tugend, "Grad student uncovers Jews who fought for Adolf Hitler," Jewish Telegraph Agency, Dec. 26, 1996.

Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators.

Hoffman: Hitler's Jewish Army
At the end of the war how many germans were killed n raped by allies and the soviets?

7 Million Germans Died in World War II

5,300,000 German Soldiers were killed (4,300,000 died fighting the Russians, 800,000 died fighting against the Allies, and 200,000 against the Partisan attacks)

1,700,000 German Civilians were killed (1,000,000 died fleeing the Russians, 300,000 were killed by the Nazis and 400,000 died in Allied Air Bombings)

So around 10% of the entire German population was killed in World War II
Plus two million German women were raped by the Russian soldiers, after the invasion of Germany.
While the Germans have raped soviet women during their eastern campaign it never reached this staggering record.
Hmmm...Some parts of Asia were colonies, what did you want them to do? They were barely capable of being a free nation! Winners of wars write the history books...

Surprisingly no one mentioned how many the Japanese raped and killed...Was that because all involved were Asians and their lives do not live up to the Westerners?

Rapes started in February 1945 and did not end until October 1945.

Read Antony Beevor's Book Fall of Berlin. It describes Russian Soldiers Raping German Women in great detail

The Fall of Berlin 1945: Amazon.ca: Antony Beevor: Books

None of this - NONE of this has a bearing on the original subject, the massacre of Jewish civilians in an organised and systematic fashion.

It is a gross mistake, and hugely improper, to put it mildly, to imply that an informed view on the Holocaust is inconsistent with knowledge of and condemnation of atrocities committed elsewhere. Whether by the Japanese, the Germans towards other groups, the Russians or any other group. Those are separate issues, and they represent crimes neither balancing the Holocaust nor justifying it as one among many.
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