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The Ground-zero mosque, continued


Dec 12, 2008
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United States
United States
Unexpectedly, debate on this issue increased sharply yesterday, even though Cordoba House has been approved. Splits are occurring within both Republican and Democratic parties, not just at the leadership level but at the grass-roots, too. People who have gotten along with each other in the past are calling one another lunatics! The Washington media is jumping on this issue even more, publicizing the Cordaba imam's taxpayer-funded trip to the Gulf.

Myself, I pointed out that the legal right to build Cordoba House was enshrined in the constitution, but that doesn't address the moral right, and it was up to Muslims themselves to argue it. That is happening, but neither people on the left nor people on the right understand this. Some sort of deep button has been pushed, a socio-political shift of unknown ramifications.
I don't see any big deal about it frankly.It's a private property.Citizen can do whatever the hell he wants to do on it minus any illegal work.
Apparently Prez Bush was asked to comment & he totally avoided speaking in favor stating it was apolitical issue.
I don't see any big deal about it frankly.It's a private property.Citizen can do whatever the hell he wants to do on it minus any illegal work.

Mr. Patroit the 70% of US Public has the right to fire the President of US, do not forget it, and while in this subject, My prediction is that, if the Mosque is built, Obama Will be fired (Impeachment), that will be the high coorelation of future forcasting!!!!!!!
Mr. Patroit the 70% of US Public has the right to fire the President of US, do not forget it, and while in this subject, My prediction is that, if the Mosque is built, Obama Will be fired (Impeachment), that will be the high coorelation of future forcasting!!!!!!!
So what?You maen 70% of American Citizens are bigots who think freedom should apply to them only?Keep in mind those who are building mosques are Americans not some other nationality.
So what?You maen 70% of American Citizens are bigots who think freedom should apply to them only?Keep in mind those who are building mosques are Americans not some other nationality.

Bigot is a really strong word, Mr. Patriot. It is more of sentimental issue, but the problem is, that the Majority of Americans Sentimental views do not mean anything to Muslims communities. And here lies the Paradox, where the Muslims are asking for freedom of Religion and the Americans are asking for Sentimental views.

All I can say is that, This Nation is a Republic, and that is why there are numerouse amendments (Changes) to the original constitutions of this nation, and those Amendments have always been ruled by sentiments or the rights of majority. And If it does not conform to those actions, then the individual state start to take control, just look at Arizon immigration law know!!!!
Repost from previous thread.

A very important point showing the hypocrisy of the Americans.
At least those who oppose the building of this mosque/community center.

Some 70% Americans oppose the building of this mosque/community center.

The reason why it's wrong to build the mosque? The sensibilities, the sentiments, the feelings and the emotions of Americans - particularly those who had loved ones killed in 9/11 - would be hurt.

Here's the important part.

A similar reason was given by muslims to Americans (and to westerners in general) for why prophet Mohammad caricatures should not be published and painted. That the sensibilities, the sentiments, the feelings and emotions of Muslims would be hurt.

However, Americans and westerners laughed Muslims off for that and kept talking about their freedom of expression. They said that being hurt, hurting sensibilities is not a good enough reason for why the caricatures should be not be published.

Don't try to give me the simplistic argument of "it's just a cartoon vs 3,000 people being killed". That argument is utterly simplistic.

I am not sure someone else noticed this here -- I am sure someone must have. But the hypocrisy is as clear as day light.
Some 70% Americans oppose the building of this mosque/community center.
The reason why it's wrong to build the mosque? The sensibilities, the sentiments, the feelings and the emotions of Americans - particularly those who had loved ones killed in 9/11 - would be hurt.

True, But!!!!!!!

Here's the important part.
A similar reason was given by muslims to Americans (and to westerners in general) for why prophet Mohammad caricatures should not be published and painted. That the sensibilities, the sentiments, the feelings and emotions of Muslims would be hurt.

However, Americans and westerners laughed Muslims off for that and kept talking about their freedom of expression. They said that being hurt, hurting sensibilities is not a good enough reason for why the caricatures should be not be published.

Don't try to give me the simplistic argument of "it's just a cartoon vs 3,000 people being killed". That argument is utterly simplistic.

No comparison on your Rebuttal, but did many Muslims died in regards to the outrage of the Mohammad caricatures also!! That was also a great tragedy wasn't it... A new symbol has to be built in Europe for that occassion also, don't you think....
No comparison on your Rebuttal, but did many Muslims died in regards to the outrage of the Mohammad caricatures also!! That was also a great tragedy wasn't it... A new symbol has to be built in Europe for that occassion also, don't you think....

Actually there is a very good comparison. Because the two situations are the same in the context (i.e. talking about freedom vs sentiment, feelings and sensibilities).

How many Muslims died is completely irrelevant. A red herring.

What I am talking about is the reasons given by muslims for why the caricatures shouldn't be made. They are the similar reasons as why Americans are asking for this building shouldn't be constructed.

And Americans were flaunting their freedom in response to muslims asking them to not make the caricatures.
As soon as you say "Ground Zero Mosque", you have lost the point. Its not at Ground Zero and people have cried themselves hoarse on this. And its not a Mosque either. Its a cultural centre that will serve the local community irrespective of faith. It will provide the lower mahattan area with a food court area, swimming pool, a 500 seater auditorium among others as well as a memorial for the 9/11 attacks open to all faiths. Just one floor of the building will be a prayer area.

If a college or university has a prayer room on its premises, then you dont' start calling the university a mosque.

On lighter vein, Jon Stewart weighs in on the debate
WATCH: Jon Stewart Confronts Critics of Ground Zero Mosque | Politically Illustrated

Watch the video here with what some republicans think of whats happening.

I think the bad economic situation and lack of jobs is also playing into the hand of politics here. Its a fact that in times of hardships populations turn intolerant. Until the American economy turns around and starts creating jobs we might see similar sentiment and not just about this cultural center but any prayer/cultural center across the US. Even Gurudwaras and temples for that matter as the general American public would hardly care to differentiate at the end of the day.

If the struggles of the Jewish and African American community is anything to go by, then this would be a passing storm as long as the American Muslim community openly reach out to the people and keep trying no matter how hard it may seem.
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What? When you use the phrase "ground zero mosque", you're suggesting it's a mosque being built on ground zero. Add in what nearly all the opponents to the project are saying - that it symbolizes some sort of a conquer of ground zero - and the picture is exactly what many think it is.
And btw, the building will look almost the exact same after the project is done.
Bigot is a really strong word, Mr. Patriot. It is more of sentimental issue, but the problem is, that the Majority of Americans Sentimental views do not mean anything to Muslims communities. And here lies the Paradox, where the Muslims are asking for freedom of Religion and the Americans are asking for Sentimental views.

All I can say is that, This Nation is a Republic, and that is why there are numerouse amendments (Changes) to the original constitutions of this nation, and those Amendments have always been ruled by sentiments or the rights of majority. And If it does not conform to those actions, then the individual state start to take control, just look at Arizon immigration law know!!!!

Bigot is a really strong word

Applies to prominent people like Brad Blakeman perfectly:
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