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The Great Global Warming Swindle: Interesting Documentary On Global Warming


Jun 2, 2011
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While looking for some stuff to watch on youtube, i came across this documentary which aims to expose the hoax of global warming.

The general idea of this documentary is that there is climate change happening, but there is no evidence whatsoever to link it to the CO2 emissions we produce. On the contrary, there is enough evidence to disprove the mainstream idea of CO2 based Global Warming. It further states that the main reason for this global warming myth is to stop/slow development of the developing world. We can already see that happening, with many of the big economies among the top 10 CO2 emissions, fingers are already being pointed.

Hoping to know your views on this.
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by virtue of global warming....govrnments have been able to tax the last remaining non taxed natural resource.....air.....
they use the fancy name carbon foot print.
but thats simply a way of taxing you on how much air you consume.
for example in UK cars are taxed according to carbon emission...more carbon emission means more tax....bigger engines are taxed more than smaller.
but look from a different angle and this is simply a tax on how much oxygen the engine burns.
so thanks to global warming...air is now a commodity.
by virtue of global warming....govrnments have been able to tax the last remaining non taxed natural resource.....air.....
they use the fancy name carbon foot print.
but thats simply a way of taxing you on how much air you consume.
for example in UK cars are taxed according to carbon emission...more carbon emission means more tax....bigger engines are taxed more than smaller.
but look from a different angle and this is simply a tax on how much oxygen the engine burns.
so thanks to global warming...air is now a commodity.

No carbon tax here. We seek to solve the problem by increasing efficiency through technology, not through an arbitrary carbon tax. If they wanted a real carbon tax, double the price of coal, gas and oil. Developing countries can live with higher oil and gas prices since their economies have a greater marginal utility for each unit of fossil fuel consumed, developed countries sink if oil rises above 110 USD/barrel, and that's what they're scared of.

Global warming is real, and as a Pakistani you must be concerned about it, because Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are the 3 major nations that will be affected by it most. No one cares if Maldives drowns beneath the waves (sorry, its true) but if the Indus starts drying, or Bangladesh starts sinking, then that is the beginning of the end.
the logic of the minority is that 99% of scientific community is wrong and 1% who disagree is right. these same anti climate change folks when going to a doctor, would have 9 out 10 who say he needs an operation for an ailiment like cancer , not listen to to them, because 1 out 10 said " go have a smoke and drink and enjoy life".
the logic of the minority is that 99% of scientific community is wrong and 1% who disagree is right. these same anti climate change folks when going to a doctor, would have 9 out 10 who say he needs an operation for an ailiment like cancer , not listen to to them, because 1 out 10 said " go have a smoke and drink and enjoy life".

They recently published a paper in science where they tell the effects of CO2 are grossly over estimated
They recently published a paper in science where they tell the effects of CO2 are grossly over estimated

yeah and... does 99% of scientific community change its mind on climate change and its effects through man?
No carbon tax here. We seek to solve the problem by increasing efficiency through technology, not through an arbitrary carbon tax. If they wanted a real carbon tax, double the price of coal, gas and oil. Developing countries can live with higher oil and gas prices since their economies have a greater marginal utility for each unit of fossil fuel consumed, developed countries sink if oil rises above 110 USD/barrel, and that's what they're scared of.

Global warming is real, and as a Pakistani you must be concerned about it, because Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are the 3 major nations that will be affected by it most. No one cares if Maldives drowns beneath the waves (sorry, its true) but if the Indus starts drying, or Bangladesh starts sinking, then that is the beginning of the end.

Well mate this is coming from a Bangladeshi, we are in the cross hairs of Climate Change. No one is denying climate change here, the point of this documentary is to prove beyond doubt that man made CO2 emissions has no relation what so ever with Climate Change, or "Global Warming". There is Global Warming happening, it is a natural process and it is beyond our control, so charging carbon tax and paying the tax money to World Bank wont help to solve it, neither will going nuclear or buying solar panels and wind energy solve the problem.

We can say we dont have carbon tax here, so it is not affecting us. But the truth of the matter is carbon tax is not actually a tax on the producers, it is ultimately a tax on the consumers, since industries are increasing their prices accordingly to cope with whatever tax they have to pay. So at the end of the day, the effects of this carbon tax are being felt everywhere.
the logic of the minority is that 99% of scientific community is wrong and 1% who disagree is right. these same anti climate change folks when going to a doctor, would have 9 out 10 who say he needs an operation for an ailiment like cancer , not listen to to them, because 1 out 10 said " go have a smoke and drink and enjoy life".

and these are the same people who say condoms wont be necessary?
and these are the same people who say condoms wont be necessary?

The 1% might be more likely to say condoms won't be necessary, but that isn't necessary for JayAtl's argument...
Well mate this is coming from a Bangladeshi, we are in the cross hairs of Climate Change. No one is denying climate change here, the point of this documentary is to prove beyond doubt that man made CO2 emissions has no relation what so ever with Climate Change, or "Global Warming". There is Global Warming happening, it is a natural process and it is beyond our control, so charging carbon tax and paying the tax money to World Bank wont help to solve it, neither will going nuclear or buying solar panels and wind energy solve the problem.

We can say we dont have carbon tax here, so it is not affecting us. But the truth of the matter is carbon tax is not actually a tax on the producers, it is ultimately a tax on the consumers, since industries are increasing their prices accordingly to cope with whatever tax they have to pay. So at the end of the day, the effects of this carbon tax are being felt everywhere.

I agree that a carbon tax is useless. Even if not for global warming, economically we are going to run out of cheap coal and oil within 2040. At that point, it will be too late for anyone that has not developed (GDP>10000 USD) to develop, because the remaining coal and oil will be insanely expensive, and nuclear's price will skyrocket due to increased demand and less energy left to even build the nukes in the first place.
I agree that a carbon tax is useless. Even if not for global warming, economically we are going to run out of cheap coal and oil within 2040. At that point, it will be too late for anyone that has not developed (GDP>10000 USD) to develop, because the remaining coal and oil will be insanely expensive, and nuclear's price will skyrocket due to increased demand and less energy left to even build the nukes in the first place.

You are right that we need alternative sources of energy. But what the west is doing is, they are saying sub saharan africa and south asia to provide access to the people who do not have electricity with solar panels.

Bangladesh recently posted the fastest expansion of solar panel sales, and it is projected to shoot up in the future aswell. And if you consider how much energy you get per $ in solar panels, it is stunningly expensive. Add to that the fact that these solar panels are being sold in rural areas where people's income is even lower. But the question is, who should gamble with the expensive solar panels and wind powers? Asking village people to pay 4x the price of conventional electricity because it is "green" is pretty ridiculous. How about they subsidize the price of solar panels for us? Noway they wont do that either.

Dont get me wrong i am not against renewable energy, we need to get into that sooner or later, but the technology has not matured enough for us yet, and if you consider the amount of national wealth being wasted in inefficient solar panels in countries like Bangladesh, it will sum up to be a huge national loss which is slowing down our development.
While looking for some stuff to watch on youtube, .

There is your problem, you tube is for watching kittens and guys getting hit in the crotch by baseballs it is not a research tool
There is your problem, you tube is for watching kittens and guys getting hit in the crotch by baseballs it is not a research tool

Hmm, instead of disproving this documentary, you come up with this? Are you kidding me? This documentary is not made by some Youtube armchair general, this is a well funded documentary which takes interviews of some of the biggest names in climate science.
Hmm, instead of disproving this documentary, you come up with this? Are you kidding me? This documentary is not made by some Youtube armchair general, this is a well funded documentary which takes interviews of some of the biggest names in climate science.

That's what I'd expect. Reminds me of these guys:

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