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The Great Dance: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the Yemen Question


May 19, 2015
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The Great Dance: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the Yemen Question
by Vijay Prashad

Pakistan refused to send troops to help Saudi Arabia and the UAE fight its war in Yemen. The Saudis and the Emiratis were furious. Ties seemed on the brink of being snapped.

Then, last week, generals from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia met as their troops conducted a joint exercise. All seemed well. So, what was all that about?

In early April, Pakistan’s parliament held a crucial debate over five days. Saudi Arabia and the UAE had begun an assault on Yemen. They requested Pakistani troops. Neither the Saudis nor the Emiratis have the capacity for ground warfare, but their fighters are comfortable in the air.

The Pakistani parliament surprised both the Saudis and the Emiratis with a twelve-point resolution.

Unanimously, the parliament vowed to defend Saudi territory, as the home of Mecca and Medina. It called upon the UN and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation to bring the parties to ceasefire negotiations.

The most significant of their points was number eight: “[Parliament] desires that Pakistan should maintain neutrality in the Yemen conflict so as to be able to play a proactive diplomatic role in the crisis.”

In other words, no Pakistani ground troops to enter on the Saudi-Emirati side.

The UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said that the Pakistani decision was “dangerous and unexpected”. He accused Pakistan of siding with the Iranians.

Saudi Arabia dispatched its trusted Minister for Religious Affairs, Saleh bin Abdul-Aziz bin Mohammad al-Sheikh. It is said in Islamabad that he came to chide Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for the caprice of the Pakistanis.

Prime Minister Sharif said that the resolution had been “misinterpreted”, and that Pakistan did indeed pledge to support the Saudis in a defensive war. The problem that he had to face was that the Pakistani parliament had refused to allow its troops to enter an aggressive war against Yemen.

In the salons of Pakistan, they say that Nawaz Sharif is a Saudi holding company. When he fled the country in 1999, he went to the Saudi kingdom, where he lived in central Jeddah until his return in 2008. That he could not deliver troops when the kingdom demanded them was seen as an insult.

Nawaz Sharif rushed off to Riyadh ten days later. He took with him General Raheel Sharif and Defence Minister Khawaja Asif. This was a top brass visit. The Saudis met him cordially, but would not shake off their anger. They expected more. Nawaz Sharif could not deliver their needs.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan – along with Morocco – formed the World Muslim League in 1964 and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in 1969 as part of a global offensive against Communism.

These links drew Pakistani fighter pilots to Saudi Arabia in 1969 to take on a South Yemeni incursion. Pakistani troops became a frequent presence in the kingdom in the following decades.

In the 1980s, Riyadh’s money – and its jihadis – had gone to Pakistan’s northern border to fight in Afghanistan. These bonds had been forged in money and blood. So why did Pakistan decide not to join the latest war?

The surface answer given in Islamabad and Rawalpindi, the civilian and military capitals, is that the Pakistanis are too busy fighting their own war – Operation Zarb-e-Azb [“Sharp Strike”] in Waziristan.

That war is not against the Pakistani Taliban, but against foreign fighters of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Chechen Islamic Jihad Union, Imarat Kaukaz and the East Turkmenistan Islamic Movement.

It is hard to determine how the Pakistani army has been doing. The only information comes from its Inter-Services Public Relations wing. There is consensus, however, that Pakistan’s army is tied down by its own wars.

A second, less obvious, reason comes from a senior Pakistani diplomat. He told me a few months ago that sections of the Pakistani military worried about the nature of Saudi conflicts.

In 2014, when King Salman was crown prince, he visited Pakistan and urged Nawaz Sharif to come out in public for the removal of Bashar al-Assad. This is precisely what Nawaz Sharif did, much to the chagrin of his military brass.

In earlier conflicts in the Middle East, the Pakistani military went willingly because these were being framed in terms of the defense of Islam. This battle in West Asia now seems less about the defence of Islam and more on sectarian lines – as a Sunni-Shia conflict.

The war in Yemen seemed framed in sectarian terms. That the UAE’s Foreign Minister accused Pakistan of being an Iranian stooge seemed to prove the point.

The Pakistani military does not want to enter such a conflict, as it would merely create more problems along sectarian lines in Pakistan itself.

Last week, Pakistan’s military chief, General Raheel Sharif, who was not keen on the Yemen war, visited King Salman and his own Saudi counterpart, General Abdul Rehman Bin Saleh al-Bunyan.

At al-Yamamah Palace in Riyadh, General Sharif met with King Salman to rebuild “close relations between the two brotherly countries”. Outside, a contingent of Saudi and Pakistani troops conducted a joint military exercise.

It was symbolic, but it showed that the ties are not utterly frayed.

What gave the Pakistani military confidence to walk away from the Saudi request, says the senior diplomat, was the gradual alignment of Pakistan to a Chinese and Russian axis. In November 2014, Russia and Pakistan signed a “military cooperation” agreement, with secret discussions about Pakistani purchases of Russian military hardware.

The Chinese have pledged to invest $46 billion in Pakistan, some of which is more than likely to go to the Pakistani military. Saudi money is not the only game in town. It is perhaps one of the reasons why a section of the Pakistani elite is no longer utterly beholden to Riyadh.

This article originally appeared on
al-Araby al-Jadeed.

That war is not against the Pakistani Taliban, but against foreign fighters of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Chechen Islamic Jihad Union, Imarat Kaukaz and the East Turkmenistan Islamic Movement.

Height of incompetent journalism !

The war in Yemen seemed framed in sectarian terms. That the UAE’s Foreign Minister accused Pakistan of being an Iranian stooge seemed to prove the point.

Now he is putting words in Gargashes mouth. When did UAE FM call pakistan an iranian stooge ?

As I have stated before---Pakistan played its hand real bad. It has been a beggar for so long---that when the time came for it to give----it was extremely confused and lost.

The question that the Pakistani asked---" what s happening with all this money that the Saudi's and the emiratis are spending on their defences----" " and what is up with the military that they have ".

Well---if a friend of mine would have asked for help----I would not have been looking at the loopholes or excuses---. I would have said " when do you need and where do you need it ".

In its first major incidence of importance on the world scene---pakistan flopped on its face and the Pakistanis showed their true colors---the true shallowness of the Pakistani became evident----oil and water got seperated.

Pakistan' military was the pride and joy of the Saudis and the Emiratis---. They cherished the name of the Pak military and used it as a pride for its utility.

And it was a shame that Pakistan smacked both the Saudis and the emiratis down right on their faces and in front of the world----and made their DISGRACE visible to the world----thus making them a laughing stock.

Just like George Bush did---Nawaz Sharif did not have to go to the parliament----he should have just passed a directive to his military to do so----but the problem is that Nawaz and his team---they are friggin illiterate to the game plan military strategy and how to do what and different ways and means to accomplish it.

The refusal was a total failure of pakistan foreign strategy and game plan----. Pakistan would have regained all the losses that it had suffered in the last 14 years by forming this alliance.

As I have stated before---Pakistan played its hand real bad. It has been a beggar for so long---that when the time came for it to give----it was extremely confused and lost.

The question that the Pakistani asked---" what s happening with all this money that the Saudi's and the emiratis are spending on their defences----" " and what is up with the military that they have ".

Well---if a friend of mine would have asked for help----I would not have been looking at the loopholes or excuses---. I would have said " when do you need and where do you need it ".

In its first major incidence of importance on the world scene---pakistan flopped on its face and the Pakistanis showed their true colors---the true shallowness of the Pakistani became evident----oil and water got seperated.

Pakistan' military was the pride and joy of the Saudis and the Emiratis---. They cherished the name of the Pak military and used it as a pride for its utility.

And it was a shame that Pakistan smacked both the Saudis and the emiratis down right on their faces and in front of the world----and made their DISGRACE visible to the world----thus making them a laughing stock.

Just like George Bush did---Nawaz Sharif did not have to go to the parliament----he should have just passed a directive to his military to do so----but the problem is that Nawaz and his team---they are friggin illiterate to the game plan military strategy and how to do what and different ways and means to accomplish it.

The refusal was a total failure of pakistan foreign strategy and game plan----. Pakistan would have regained all the losses that it had suffered in the last 14 years by forming this alliance.
Oh come on man.

So you think PA is rent a army and we should be fighting that nonsense and never ending yemen war

Mind you dear, it isnt the yemeni people who attacked sheikhs. It is the sheikhs and their "impotent" air forces who are aggressor and killing yemeni people in aerial bombing.

Saudi, uae and their allied forces are bunch of cowards who cant dare to die with honour like a true soldier, hence they haven't dared to launch any ground assult inaide yemen and now asking pakistan to do the killing on their behalf.

And stop giving those childish examples of my friend needs me and i should help them in international politics.

We already hepled those coward sheikhs in arab isreal wars. Why should we help these sheikhs in killings the yemeni people?
The article is full of shyt.. But I agree with the parliaments decision .. We shouldn't get involved in secterian wars.. For our own good! The position of a mediator is the right way ..


As I have stated before---Pakistan played its hand real bad. It has been a beggar for so long---that when the time came for it to give----it was extremely confused and lost.

The question that the Pakistani asked---" what s happening with all this money that the Saudi's and the emiratis are spending on their defences----" " and what is up with the military that they have ".

Well---if a friend of mine would have asked for help----I would not have been looking at the loopholes or excuses---. I would have said " when do you need and where do you need it ".

In its first major incidence of importance on the world scene---pakistan flopped on its face and the Pakistanis showed their true colors---the true shallowness of the Pakistani became evident----oil and water got seperated.

Pakistan' military was the pride and joy of the Saudis and the Emiratis---. They cherished the name of the Pak military and used it as a pride for its utility.

And it was a shame that Pakistan smacked both the Saudis and the emiratis down right on their faces and in front of the world----and made their DISGRACE visible to the world----thus making them a laughing stock.

Just like George Bush did---Nawaz Sharif did not have to go to the parliament----he should have just passed a directive to his military to do so----but the problem is that Nawaz and his team---they are friggin illiterate to the game plan military strategy and how to do what and different ways and means to accomplish it.

The refusal was a total failure of pakistan foreign strategy and game plan----. Pakistan would have regained all the losses that it had suffered in the last 14 years by forming this alliance.

I hate this mindset that even some sensible folks like you have ..!
The article is full of shyt.. But I agree with the parliaments decision .. We shouldn't get involved in secterian wars.. For our own good! The position of a mediator is the right way ..

I hate this mindset that even some sensible folks like you have ..!

I don't want to respond to your post.

Oh come on man.

So you think PA is rent a army and we should be fighting that nonsense and never ending yemen war

Mind you dear, it isnt the yemeni people who attacked sheikhs. It is the sheikhs and their "impotent" air forces who are aggressor and killing yemeni people in aerial bombing.

Saudi, uae and their allied forces are bunch of cowards who cant dare to die with honour like a true soldier, hence they haven't dared to launch any ground assult inaide yemen and now asking pakistan to do the killing on their behalf.

And stop giving those childish examples of my friend needs me and i should help them in international politics.

We already hepled those coward sheikhs in arab isreal wars. Why should we help these sheikhs in killings the yemeni people?


You need to accept that you absolutely have no vision at all---and on top of that---you are totally clueless---. I do not want to write and open strategic piece on the issue----

Before you say something---just remember that you are a Pakistani----and by default---you are wrong about almost everything that you and your country does----
I don't want to respond to your post.


You need to accept that you absolutely have no vision at all---and on top of that---you are totally clueless---. I do not want to write and open strategic piece on the issue----

Before you say something---just remember that you are a Pakistani----and by default---you are wrong about almost everything that you and your country does----
This is what you say when you have nothing to support your aragument.

Stop thinking yourself as a self proclaimed one man think tank and learn to argue with decency and logic.

Your approach of using PA as an army on rent is simply pathetic.
I did not read the article and I am least interested in reading it................. but what I don't understand is that when Pakistan assures "We won't tolerate any territorial threat to Saudi Arab, and any misadventure will be met with harsh consequences" how is it possible? I mean what Pakistan is going to do if it already does not have significant forces on ground there? How can Pakistan make such moves in very little time then?
I did not read the article and I am least interested in reading it................. but what I don't understand is that when Pakistan assures "We won't tolerate any territorial threat to Saudi Arab, and any misadventure will be met with harsh consequences" how is it possible? I mean what Pakistan is going to do if it already does not have significant forces on ground there? How can Pakistan make such moves in very little time then?


That was the illusion that the Pakistani generals were living under and still are----. And this is coming from the top. Their mindset is of " after the fact "---it will happen---we will retaliate---meaning---if it s not happening then the threat does not exist.

What they do not understand is that we are in a ' time warp ' right now----the time is compressed and it moves at a lightening speed.

If you are not in the arena----you have missed the opportunity---. The best choice is to take the troubles head on---Pakistan military as always choses to take it after the fact.

As @Indus Falcon suggested that this deal had the likings of a 100 billion dollars in the making----which means that the issues and concerns of Pakistan and saudia araba---emirates---Qatar---etc would have been nicely and easily been met.

And as I stated before---if Pakistan was to send over 100 k troops to gulf---india dare not attack Pakistan---because all the indian expats would be flying home in the next fights or on chartered planes----.

Pakistan could also have asked saudia to deploy a sqdrn of F15 SA at Jacobabad and emirates 3/4 of a sqdrn of F16 blk60's nd 3/4 of a sqdrn of Mirage 2K9's---.

You Pakistanis are giving too much credit to your generals----. Do understand that some of them are not the brightest light bulb on the pole---.

Instead of looking at it as to who will think what---if they had looked at what we will gain out of it---would have totally turned things arounds----.

But as Indira Gandhi had stated to her generals----Pakistani generals have no BALLZ----and that is the ultimate truth----. I would add NO VISION to that as well.

Pakistan listened to Iran---not realizing that IRAN is the KNELL OF DEATH---every country that Iran has associated with since the 80's---has faced utmost death destruction and misery----.

Most of you people think cheap----rental army my ar-se---standing on the corner soda shop and spitting paan saliva on he street---. I mean to say---how stupid and miniscule this kind of thinking is---.

This intrusion would have been like an expeditionary force that would be taking charge of the area---taking charge of the area means bringing the area of interest under your military influence---which is the first step towards expansion of political and military goals.

Suddenly these states wanted to be a part of your protectorates----.

You fools---did you not read you history books----are you kids so illiterate----has no one told you how the English conquered Hindustan----you dumb morons---God gifted you the arab peninsula and the emirates on a platter---and you fools living in houses in communities where the stench of defecation and rot never goes away from the air----where you walk looking down so that you don't put your foot in the filth and not slip ad fall into it----how could you be able to look up into the skies and understand that the stars were yours for the taking---.

Is this what happened 350 years ago----the states came under the protection of the forces of east india company and in due time there was only east india company left----.

Pakistan's LOTTERY had come thru for the second time in 14 years---and both the times---out of sheer stupidity and ignorance---you wasted the God given gift.
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