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The Grand Modi illusion

Hardick is a strawman- part of a greater RSS strategy to completely abolish all reservations. Also to keep some control on Mr. Modi.
I remember long back I had an argument with a Tam Brahm about reservation and he said, "I don't understand why some people are demanding reservation, only if they become friendly, we would give it to them without asking". :cheesy:

.....and this was one of the Good Guys. They are so full of themselves that they think what exist is the natural order of things. Either that, or they go the other extreme and proclaim that Hinduism and caste is the greatest evil and we must destroy both :P

Who is the great pious "brahmin" soul who shares his food with the lower castes ? Do tell :D

I don't remember the exact name now, the guy is studying at Jadavpur university. He was told off by a Pakistani guy then who told him he is doing no favor to himself by making such statements.
Did you really do that ?

I wear mine with pride in my ancient faith.
Yeah,i literally did that,not because i hate my religion but because it(the so called holy thread) represents the evils of the so called "Caste system" which has been going on in our religion for the last 2 thousand years.I am a proud Dharmic by faith but i hate the caste system from the core of my heart because it discriminates people based on their births and is the main reason why we as members of Sanatan Dharma never got united under a common banner in the past and hence got invaded and enslaved by the central asian Islamic barbarians!!I hope you have already understood what i am trying to convey here:)
Yeah,i literally did that,not because i hate my religion but because it(the so called holy thread) represents the evils of the so called "Caste system" which has been going on in our religion for the last 2 thousand years.I am a proud Dharmic by faith but i hate the caste system from the core of my heart because it discriminates people based on their births and is the main reason why we as members of Sanatan Dharma never got united under a common banner in the past and hence got invaded and enslaved by the central asian Islamic barbarians!!I hope you have already understood what i am trying to convey here:)

While the circumstances were different (political, geographical, demographic, military), you guys did a lot better than mine could.

So never sell Hinduism short.

And yes, I hear you about the caste bit. But its not your fault being born a Brahmin, as its not mine being a Athravan.

No sense carrying the burden of others on your shoulders.

Be a good man. Be pious. Don't hurt others. Let others deal with the baggage they have.
While the circumstances were different (political, geographical, demographic, military), you guys did a lot better than mine could.

So never sell Hinduism short.
Well,i understand what you're trying to say here but we as Hindus could have done a lot better if we had fought those barbarians as an united race!!In our case only the Rajputs(who were themselves a minuscule demographic minority at that time) fought against them because our ancestors thought that it was the holy duty of only the Rajputs/Khatriyas to ward off any foreign invasion.Plus the Rajputs at that time had a lot of moral and ethical codes in the battlefield like sparing a defeated enemy combatant,not to attack any injured,unarmed enemy etc. unlike their Muslim adversaries who never cared for such moral codes and hence in the battlefield the Rajputs got vanquished by both the superior no. and fighting skills of those barbarians.Had there been no caste system then the outcome would have been totally different:rolleyes:.
Now regarding the capitulation of Persia,your ancestors bore the brunt of the Arab assault for over 20 years.Waves after waves of Arab invaders invaded Persia and tried to conquer it but your ancestors stood their grounds and continued to face the assaults until the superior enemy numbers coupled with their superior fighting skill finally prevailed in the battlefield and your "ancestral" country was finally conquered by the Arab hordes in 654 AD.:)
Well,i understand what you're trying to say here but we as Hindus could have done a lot better if we had fought those barbarians as an united race!!In our case only the Rajputs(who were themselves a minuscule demographic minority at that time) fought against them because our ancestors thought that it was the holy duty of only the Rajputs/Khatriyas to ward off any foreign invasion.Plus the Rajputs at that time had a lot of moral and ethical codes in the battlefield like sparing a defeated enemy combatant,not to attack any injured,unarmed enemy etc. unlike their Muslim adversaries who never cared for such moral codes and hence in the battlefield the Rajputs got vanquished by both the superior no. and fighting skills of those barbarians.Had there been no caste system then the outcome would have been totally different:rolleyes:.
Now regarding the capitulation of Persia,your ancestors bore the brunt of the Arab assault for over 20 years.Waves after waves of Arab invaders invaded Persia and tried to conquer it but your ancestors stood their grounds and continued to face the assaults until the superior enemy numbers coupled with their superior fighting skill finally prevailed in the battlefield and your "ancestral" country was finally conquered by the Arab hordes in 654 AD.:)
Persia had no chance. There were very few places for the natives to hide and organize resistance.

s its not mine being a Athravan.
Do you have any connections with Rishi Bhrigu?

Did you really do that ?

I wear mine with pride in my ancient faith.
Me too. Proud to be Hindu. Not ashamed. Not one wee bit.
I don't remember the exact name now, the guy is studying at Jadavpur university. He was told off by a Pakistani guy then who told him he is doing no favor to himself by making such statements.

Chalo he was a kid. Its understandable then.

Well,i understand what you're trying to say here but we as Hindus could have done a lot better if we had fought those barbarians as an united race!!In our case only the Rajputs(who were themselves a minuscule demographic minority at that time) fought against them because our ancestors thought that it was the holy duty of only the Rajputs/Khatriyas to ward off any foreign invasion.Plus the Rajputs at that time had a lot of moral and ethical codes in the battlefield like sparing a defeated enemy combatant,not to attack any injured,unarmed enemy etc. unlike their Muslim adversaries who never cared for such moral codes and hence in the battlefield the Rajputs got vanquished by both the superior no. and fighting skills of those barbarians.Had there been no caste system then the outcome would have been totally different:rolleyes:.
Now regarding the capitulation of Persia,your ancestors bore the brunt of the Arab assault for over 20 years.Waves after waves of Arab invaders invaded Persia and tried to conquer it but your ancestors stood their grounds and continued to face the assaults until the superior enemy numbers coupled with their superior fighting skill finally prevailed in the battlefield and your "ancestral" country was finally conquered by the Arab hordes in 654 AD.:)

You are forming opinions about things you do not know nor understand.

If Farmers take up arms and die or get injured in wars, the entire Kingdom and Nations starves to death and civilization and society starts to die ANYWAY.

There are 14 recorded famines in India between the 11th and 17th centuries. Famines in India resulted in more than 60 million deaths over the course of the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. THAT is what happens when FARMERS become Soldiers. The Next invasion just becomes easier and easier and easier.
Now regarding the capitulation of Persia,your ancestors bore the brunt of the Arab assault for over 20 years.Waves after waves of Arab invaders invaded Persia and tried to conquer it but your ancestors stood their grounds and continued to face the assaults until the superior enemy numbers coupled with their superior fighting skill finally prevailed in the battlefield and your "ancestral" country was finally conquered by the Arab hordes in 654 AD.:)

Persia had no chance. There were very few places for the natives to hide and organize resistance.

The Persians fought the Arab hordes for over 300 years before the entire populace finally converted to Islam. Not 20.

The first waves of Parsis reached Indian shores around 700 AD. This continued for 300 years till towards 1000 AD Iran had nearly totally capitulated and it became clear to the Parsis in India that this was no longer a temporary move and there was now no going back.

Superior fighting skills? The Persians were conquering continents till Greece and Sparta while the Arabs were still lizard eating Bedouin tribes.

I see it as a combination of many things. War weariness of centuries. Weak rulers/corrupt dynasties. Opportunities taken. A much smaller population than India's. No geographic barriers to horse mounted armies. Close proximity.

And eventually the same conversion at the tip of a sword and broken under the economic burden of taxes.

Do you have any connections with Rishi Bhrigu?

No man. Parsis have the Behdin (commoners) and Athravan (rulers - which in Zoroastrianism is the religious clergy and the royals/nobility).

We also have a lower class, the khandiyas, whose job it is to tend to the dead and the towers of silence.

Me too. Proud to be Hindu. Not ashamed. Not one wee bit.

Glad to hear that. I stopped wearing my sudreh and kusti briefly in my college days. But age has brought me closer to my faith.
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The Persians fought the Arab hordes for over 300 years before the entire populace finally converted to Islam. Not 20.

Superior fighting skills? The Persians were conquering continents till Greece and Sparta while the Arabs were still lizard eating Bedouin tribes.
Sorry my bad,i thought the war between the Arabs and the Persians lasted for a little over 20 years but i guess i was completely wrong in this regard.My intention was not to insult or ridicule the Persians,on the contrary i have got high regards for them for creating the 1st global empire in the history of mankind.Maybe i used the wrong term in this context,the correct term would be the "religious fervor" in case of the Arab fighters which made them so formidable fighters.Plus like you pointed out the population of medieval Persia was way smaller than that of India and the terrain was also a disadvantage in your case.But still your ancestors resisted against those invaders for 300 years and that i must say is a remarkable achievement according to me:)
This is the main reason.

One of the reasons. On the military side when looking at campaigns and tactics.

But there was something else. In my eyes the main angle.

The timing of these wars.

Who the opponents were.

What (who) they were fighting for.

What drove them.

And the racial angle, coming down centuries, between the Persians and the Arabs.

All of these were different for the Indian civilization.

But still your ancestors resisted against those invaders for 300 years and that i must say is a remarkable achievement according to me

Not near remarkable enough.

But the aftershocks are still being felt, so in all likelihood the war never finished.

It just morphed.

P.S. Are we derailing the thread?

Modi baiters must not be feeling the love.
Modi baiters have something to shed their tears on. The JNU election has seen a Hindu winning a post! :D The commie bastion is breached!!!

Not to mention anything about DU.

Sorry my bad,i thought the war between the Arabs and the Persians lasted for a little over 20 years but i guess i was completely wrong in this regard.My intention was not to insult or ridicule the Persians,on the contrary i have got high regards for them for creating the 1st global empire in the history of mankind.Maybe i used the wrong term in this context,the correct term would be the "religious fervor" in case of the Arab fighters which made them so formidable fighters.Plus like you pointed out the population of medieval Persia was way smaller than that of India and the terrain was also a disadvantage in your case.But still your ancestors resisted against those invaders for 300 years and that i must say is a remarkable achievement according to me:)
No, yeah. The conventional war lasted for a little more than two decades. But eliminating a civilization takes a much longer time.
A post graduate kid.

There are grown ups talking "secular" rubbish, centuries of social programming cannot be wished away. For the longest time, saying such stuff was essential for survival. Its only now Hindus have found their voice. Hopefully it will get louder with time.

You can already see the butt-hurt for the meat ban, imagine what happens when Hindu voice gets louder.

Most people don't realize that those who controlled the education and knowledge were the Brahmins. Today in India its the church who control much of the education, combine that with the Christian West, the control is total and absolute. The New age "Brahmins" (X'tians) teaching "secularism" to hindus. The Psy Ops never ends. The war of the civilizations will continue into the next century too.

Thank God China escaped the ghetto and is poised to provide a balance to this one sided battle.
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