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The Grand Modi illusion

Social parity can only be achieved with economic parity which in turn is achieved by development.
and can that be achieved by withdrawing the reservations for the SC/ST ???
so we are to revert back to the status quo post 1947. let the SC/STs rot in their hellholes. who gives a $hit , huh ?
remember, Ambedkars/Nehrus/Patels were much more thoughtful (and able) than ppl here. Give them some credit , dude.
(Credit dene me koi reservations nahi hai :-))

. Monkeys have classes.

Suddenly "class" is a "Hindu" problem. Sick :sick:
hey, we are talking about humans.
and can that be achieved by withdrawing the reservations for the SC/ST ???
so we are to revert back to the status quo post 1947. let the SC/STs rot in their hellholes. who gives a $hit , huh ?
remember, Ambedkars/Nehrus/Patels were much more thoughtful (and able) than ppl here. Give them some credit , dude.
(Credit dene me koi reservations nahi hai :-))
hey, we are talking about humans.

Who is "we" ? :coffee:
Stop denying it. Caste discrimination is the only evil we've not been able to get to grips with. I have seen how our society functions, and my previous post is nothing but a brusque take on it. Albeit the present generation may not pay heed to the caste system, which is good.
The quota system is the root of all problems right now, which in my opinion is the remnant of caste system.

I have already spoken to you about Varna system, the system got later corrupted due to human greed but it has nothing to do with Hinduism at all... British education system focused on Caste system(conveniently ignoring Varna system) only to make Hindus embarrassed of their culture and religion and make them British. Its what British did in every country they conquered...
I have already spoken to you about Varna system, the system got later corrupted due to human greed but it has nothing to do with Hinduism at all... British education system focused on Caste system(conveniently ignoring Varna system) only to make Hindus embarrassed of their culture and religion and make them British. Its what British did in every country they conquered...
The world doesnt know who corrupted the varna system, but they do know that we follow an evil caste system, to this day untouchability is still widely practised in India. That's the reason we've quota system and reservations. Isnt it???
Pakistani's are not my concern. Indians who claim absurdities about Hindus are.
So you're on a Pakistani forum to pick on Indians??? Did i read it right?
Not surprised! Thats what I've seen you do since last 2 years on pdf.
The world doesnt know who corrupted the varna system, but they do know that we follow an evil caste system, to this day untouchability is still widely practised in India. That's the reason we've quota system and reservations. Isnt it???

I don't really care what the western world thinks, the reality is Caste system as a discriminatory idea has never ever been a part of Hinduism... Reason we have quota system and caste system today is due to vote bank politics and caste system being ingrained in the constitution. Caste system is a problem with our laws and the constitution and not with Religion.
I don't really care what the western world thinks, the reality is Caste system as a discriminatory idea has never ever been a part of Hinduism
It might not have been a part of Hinduism but it is followed by Hindus. Right?
Reason we have quota system and caste system today is due to vote bank politics and caste system being ingrained in the constitution.
Quota system came into existence to uplift the backward classes. But over a period of time this was used for vote bank politics.
Caste system is a problem with our laws and the constitution and not with Religion.
Sorry you got me wrong.
I never said that Hinduism was at fault, I blamed it on Hindus, the followers.
Btw your sentence doesn't make sense since our constitution came into existence post-independence while caste system has existed since long....very long.
Last time patels turned against congress and congress won. Because others united to vote against patel. This time patels turned against BJP, Its possible that others will support BJP and congress will neither get patel vote nor KHAM vote. This is also a possibility. Patel was VHP man its not possible all of the sudden he can go against them
It might not have been a part of Hinduism but it is followed by Hindus. Right?

Its followed because it was imposed on the country. Varna system was never taught in our schools. Caste system was institutionalized , used and abused only against Hindus.

Quota system came into existence to uplift the backward classes. But over a period of time this was used for vote bank politics.

Quota system came into existence to further divide the population, otherwise the Quota system would have been used only on economically backward and not on caste basis.

Sorry you got me wrong.
I never said that Hinduism was at fault, I blamed it on Hindus, the followers.
Btw your sentence doesn't make sense since that our constitution came into existence post-independence while caste system has existed since long....very long.

Wrong, Hindus followed the Varna system. Any system is vulnerable to corruption. It is not isolated to Hinduism or Caste system.

The Caste System of Hindu Society | Pankaj Jain, Ph.D.

According to Bhagavada Gita, varna is conferred on the basis of the intrinsic nature of an individual, which is a combination of three gunas (qualities): sattva, rajas, and tamas. In the Mahabharata SantiParva, Yudhisthira defines a brahmin as one who is truthful, forgiving, and kind. He clearly points out that a brahmin is not a brahmin just because he is born in a brahmin family, nor is a sudra a sudra because his parents are sudras. The same concept is mentioned in Manu Smrti. Another scripture Apastamba Dharmasutra states that by birth every human being is a sudra. It is by education and upbringing that one becomes 'twice born', that is, a dvija.
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The world doesnt know who corrupted the varna system, but they do know that we follow an evil caste system, to this day untouchability is still widely practised in India. That's the reason we've quota system and reservations. Isnt it???

Rest of the world does not have a moral leg to stand upon ,when commenting upon Varna or Caste. Both Christians and Islam permit outright slavery in their theology.

First;A slaver could never claim moral ascendency on a feudal lord ,and have no doubt; caste system is basically an institutionalized feudalism or class system. For any amount of discrimination in caste system (and that too milder one by medieval standards. I would come to this later in my post) could not stack up with outright slavery in which person is property to be sold for profit, or murdered for amusement, whose wives and children could be räpєd at will. An "untouchable" for all practical purpose had an independent agency.He could own property, and does not run a risk of being killed for amusement, or suffering indignity of having his family räpєd at whim of his master. He was an "outcaste" pretty much like a Jew in Christian and Muslim world, but with less threat to being killed at regular intervals.

Second; Historically, comparison with USA here is apt because USA had both slavery and government enforced caste like system at different time; with a major difference being that racial discrimination is much deeply entrenched than caste discrimination ,and blacks of USA less integrated in US society than "untouchables" in India. The same people people who lament about evils of caste system treated blacks worse than lepers even half a century ago, and blacks even today are less integrated in USA's society than Dalits are in India's..

Third, and probably the most important point pertain to "discrimination" in caste system. Most of Indian out of political correctness never make this point, but you have to actually ponder over whether that "discrimination" was even "discrimination", even by today's standards. Most of outcasts indulged in trade which were considered dirty. Now while we may and do condemn those who shunned contact with them on that account, it is a poignant question to as as to whether in supposed "casteless" societies of people harping on "evils of caste" hail from, such shunning was practiced or not, or whether it is practices today or not. Thus I would like to ask anyone who makes that point as to when was the last time they invited an on duty garbage collector to their home for dinner, or even shared food with one. Or when has any of you had sєx with one; because though I may be wrong here but having sєx while being covered with filth is pretty deep Kinky territory.

In every society, even today, there exist a social stratification which is akin to caste system with only marginally better social mobility than caste system.This could be seen in both socializing and marriage. I would say that only difference between caste system and social system of today (west included) is that caste became an institution in India,in which Britishers also played a role as by codifying and compartmentalizing castes they made castes permanent in their position.Now even a successful caste/person could not claim mythical high caste origin ,mostly Brahmin and Rajput, like many kings did in past, neither could castes move up the social ladder by accumulating material wealth (An example of this would be Patels of Gujarat who moved up from Shudra to Vaishya varna).Caste system is class system with illusion of social mobility in latter.
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Rest of the world does not have a moral leg to stand upon ,when commenting upon Varna or Caste. Both Christians and Islam permit outright slavery in their theology.

First;A slaver could never claim moral ascendency on a feudal lord ,and have no doubt; caste system is basically an institutionalized feudalism or class system. For any amount of discrimination in caste system (and that too milder one by medieval standards. I would come to this later in my post) could not stack up with outright slavery in which person is property to be sold for profit, or murdered for amusement, whose wives and children could be räpєd at will. An "untouchable" for all practical purpose had an independent agency.He could own property, and does not run a risk of being killed for amusement, or suffering indignity of having his family räpєd at whim of his master. He was an "outcaste" pretty much like a Jew in Christian and Muslim world, but with less threat to being killed at regular intervals.

Second; Historically, comparison with USA here is apt because USA had both slavery and government enforced caste like system at different time; with a major difference being that racial discrimination is much deeply entrenched than caste discrimination ,and blacks of USA less integrated in US society than "untouchables" in India. The same people people who lament about evils of caste system treated blacks worse than lepers even half a century ago, and blacks even today are less integrated in USA's society than Dalits are in India's..

Third, and probably the most important point pertain to "discrimination" in caste system. Most of Indian out of political correctness never make this point, but you have to actually ponder over whether that "discrimination" was even "discrimination", even by today's standards. Most of outcasts indulged in trade which were considered dirty. Now while we may and do condemn those who shunned contact with them on that account, it is a poignant question to as as to whether in supposed "casteless" societies of people harping on "evils of caste" hail from, such shunning was practiced or not, or whether it is practices today or not. Thus I would like to ask anyone who makes that point as to when was the last time they invited an on duty garbage collector to their home for dinner, or even shared food with one. Or when has any of you had sєx with one; because though I may be wrong here but having sєx while being covered with filth is pretty deep Kinky territory.

In every society, even today, there exist a social stratification which is akin to caste system with only marginally better social mobility than caste system.This could be seen in both socializing and marriage. I would say that only difference between caste system and social system of today (west included) is that caste became an institution in India,in which Britishers also played a role as by codifying and compartmentalizing castes they made castes permanent in their position.Now even a successful caste/person could not claim mythical high caste origin ,mostly Brahmin and Rajput, like many kings did in past, neither could castes move up the social ladder by accumulating material wealth (An example of this would be Patels of Gujarat who moved up from Shudra to Vaishya varna).Caste system is class system with illusion of social mobility in latter.

I do not think you can educate her. She is incapable of being educated.
So you're on a Pakistani forum to pick on Indians??? Did i read it right?
Not surprised! Thats what I've seen you do since last 2 years on pdf.

Not surprised that it took you 2 years to figure that out. Intelligence was never your strength, sucking up to pakistanis and being a collaborator was.

"we" means "u , me, and the rest of india.
but i can see where u want to tread, no problems from my side.

Rest of India is not participating in this thread, I have spoken about monkeys and chicken so I cant be part of "we", so as per your definition, "WE" actually meant YOU :lol:

Speaking in the third person is a sign of a Narcissist. So I think you just tread in the wrong waters.
It's a democracy and Hardik Patel or anyone else has a right to protest non-violently.

India has had sufficient time under caste based quotas and reservations. It is time to get rid of that.

Assisting economically poor - even with reservations in schools and colleges, regardless of what religion/caste/creed should be the medicine.

Without that the caste and communal leaders continue taking advantage of their own castes & communities.
Not surprised that it took you 2 years to figure that out. Intelligence was never your strength, sucking up to pakistanis and being a collaborator was.

Rest of India is not participating in this thread, I have spoken about monkeys and chicken so I cant be part of "we", so as per your definition, "WE" actually meant YOU :lol:

Speaking in the third person is a sign of a Narcissist. So I think you just tread in the wrong waters.
formulate ur own logic and dance on it
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