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The Glory of The Past: The Imperial Japanese Navy In Color

I would have loved to see a gun duel between the IJN Yamato and USS Missouri. I actually have a model of IJN Fuso sitting on my book shelf, which I assembled when I was 10 years old.
I so wish for Battleships to make a comeback. Carriers are all well and good but they tend to involve combined arms aspects of warfare hence not pure navy but the sheer aura and presence of Battleships of yore leaves me speechless

The Battleship of the Kriegsmarine , Scharnhorst:


The Battleship Tirpitz,



I would have loved to see a gun duel between the IJN Yamato and USS Missouri. I actually have a model of IJN Fuso sitting on my book shelf, which I assembled when I was 10 years old.

The Imperial Navy's Battleship Fuso was, truly, a behemoth. Full displacement , she weighed at 36,500 tonnes. And bristled to the core. :)


Japan still has the most powerful navy in Asia.

Yes they do have not only the most advanced navy in asia, but they also have the most advanced shipbuilding tech in asia.
Afterall, they are the first asian country to industrialized and reach parity with the best western countries. So no surrpise there.

They are actually one of the very few countries in Asia i really respect, not just because they have the highest living standards in Asia, but also because they are one of the most humble people i have ever met(despite being the most advanced in Asia for a longgggg time now) and the most organized/clean/orderly society/country in Asia and even the world, plus they excel in everything they do. A model society indeed . Give credit when due, Nippon Banzai.:cheers:
They are actually one of the very few countries in Asia i really respect, not just because they have the highest living standards in Asia, but also because they are one of the most humble people i have ever met(despite being the most advanced in Asia for a longgggg time now) and the most organized/clean/orderly society/country in Asia and even the world, plus they excel in everything they do. A model society indeed . Give credit when due, Nippon Banzai.:cheers:
Asia would be an underestimation, they are actually the most organised, polite, clean country in the world. My father studied in Japan and one thing he always says that, if you leave a bike in the streets of Japan without any protection and come back in few days, the bike would be there. Japan is his favourite country. :partay: It's the same traits that led them to be the first industrialised country in the world. In fact, Asia including China owes quite a lot to Japan for their success too because they all took inspiration from Japan to industrialise and develop their own countries.
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