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The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

As PAKISTANIS & MUSLIMS we will only be able to move in any direction when we will stop 'expecting' from UN & others. Our QUAID was a visionary & a man of great wisdom. He clearly stated KASHMIR as the 'JUGULAR Artery'. We cannot compromise on it and sit with eyes shut & assume HINDUS will be nice. Why are they trying to stop our water resources, to cut this 'Jugular Artery'. And we still try to ssume that US, UN will not let them!!!.
On the other hand the day they loose KASHMIR, there 'MAHABHARAT' is over. Shattered into BLOCK A BHARAT, BLOCK C BHARAT etc. So its do or die for them & same for us. No other solution is possible.
As PAKISTANIS & MUSLIMS we will only be able to move in any direction when we will stop 'expecting' from UN & others. Our QUAID was a visionary & a man of great wisdom. He clearly stated KASHMIR as the 'JUGULAR Artery'. We cannot compromise on it and sit with eyes shut & assume HINDUS will be nice. Why are they trying to stop our water resources, to cut this 'Jugular Artery'. And we still try to ssume that US, UN will not let them!!!.
On the other hand the day they loose KASHMIR, there 'MAHABHARAT' is over. Shattered into BLOCK A BHARAT, BLOCK C BHARAT etc. So its do or die for them & same for us. No other solution is possible.

And yet you couldnt keep up with your pep-talk in the last 3 Kashmir wars.:crazy:
And yet you couldnt keep up with your pep-talk in the last 3 Kashmir wars.:crazy:

No one is dead yet :enjoy:
Who dies its yet to be determined. Its not going to be over till its over. No 2 suns in the sky, there never has been 2 powers in the sub-continent. Either it will be PAKISTAN or INDIA. :whistle:
No one is dead yet :enjoy:
Who dies its yet to be determined. Its not going to be over till its over. No 2 suns in the sky, there never has been 2 powers in the sub-continent. Either it will be PAKISTAN or INDIA. :whistle:

So isn't the competition already over?
And yet you couldnt keep up with your pep-talk in the last 3 Kashmir wars.:crazy:

hmmm 1948...INDIA went to UN....1965 STALEMATE....1971 pakistan CIVIL WAR india came in...we haven't forgotten that....so yes....this in itself is a victory for pakistan keeping a 6 times larger enemy occupied....for more than 60 years...!!!:pakistan::pakistan:
So isn't the competition already over?

lol well this is a victory that india even thinks of us worthy of competition.....given our size and india's......
If Pakistan is irrelevant to the Kashmir Dispute, what is all this noise all about? The Issue then is only between the people of Kashmir and Indian federation. Pakistan has no locus-standi in this issue.
Please read your history. Pakistan is partially responsible for the UN sponsored plebiscite not taking place (by not de-miltarising the Kashmir under its control). Pakistan has relinquished any demand for Kashmir plebiscite by forcing a military solution (and failing) in 1965 by initiating the war.

Clearly Pakistan hopes that the people of Kashmir choose to ascend to Pakistan so that's Pakistan's interest in the affair.

But you're basing all of your opposition to the referendum on the actions of Pakistan which is missing the point completely. I can not be more clear about that. Pointing out actions of the Pakistani government are a cop out.

It's sad - we see it in Israel and now in India - the oppressed become the oppressors and it's done under the facade of democracy.
If anything, your size was your strong point. Look at countries of your size in Asia who also got independent around same time.

You never have any legacy to keep you bogged down. You had clean slate to start with.

Bang on play by rule.
For a while Pakistan was expected to be the Asian economic tiger, much like the south-east Asian nations. It had a near homogeneous population and less diverse culture. The 50's and 60's saw tremendous growth in the country, thanks to its alignment with the western block. But this growth was mostly artificial and superficial since it mostly depended on foreign aid. On the other hand India was considered a basket case and the collapse of the Indian federation was considered imminent. This was due to the abject poverty and backwardness of the people, diverse and non-homogeneous population, internal contradictions in the form of religious, racial, regional and caste differences. However India survived and grew stronger in its fight for survival. While Pakistan was lavishing on external aids, India went on the path of self-reliance and building of institutions (democracy, federal state structure, land reforms, secularism, socialism, social empowerment etc.) Today the situation is exactly turned 180 degrees.

Friday, 08 May, 2009 | 02:54 PM PST |

Kashmir's chief minister Omar Abdullah speaks to supports during an election camping rally in Ganderbal, 25 km east of Srinagar. -Reuters File Photo

SRINAGAR: The chief minister of Indian Kashmir, Omar Abdullah, has acknowledged Pakistan's contribution to the 'remarkable' drop in violence in the volatile region in recent years.

A 20-year Muslim insurgency against Indian rule in the divided region has claimed more than 47,000 lives, but peace talks initiated between India and Pakistan in 2004 resulted in a sharp fall in violence levels.

'I would call it remarkable,' Abdullah told AFP in an interview this week at his high-security residence in the Kashmiri summer capital Srinagar.

'It would be impossible for levels of violence to be where they are if there wasn't some amount of influence being brought to bear from Pakistan,' Abdullah said.

'I tend to believe that we have reached this point because perhaps Pakistan has also realised it is not in their interest to have these levels of violence, which leads to the alienation of the people here,' he added.

India and Pakistan's territorial dispute over Kashmir has sparked two wars between the nuclear-armed South Asian rivals. Islamabad denies Indian charges that it trains and arms the insurgents operating in Indian Kashmir.

Abdullah's comments came against the backdrop of New Delhi's refusal to restart peace talks in the wake of the attacks on Mumbai in November last year that were blamed on a Pakistani-based militant group.
IF Kashmir is THE ARTERY or JUGGLAR VEIN of India the loss of which will lead to the death of India wen its shattered into peices like a deck of cards wat hope is there to a solution.

The Americans and the UN will sit on the fence and say make LOC the permanent border.

I can,t see any light at the end of the Tunnel.
About all the arguments by Indians about Kashmir, this one will settle their arguments as this will show them the truth based on the desires of the people of Kashmir. A survey by an Independence source. Accept it and let kashmir go if you believe in Democracy rights and about boasting of BIGGEST Democracy of the world. "Put you money where your mouth is". or else stop callinf yourself the Biggest Demiocracy of the world.

Indian and Pakistani Publics Show Flexibility on Kashmir - World Public Opinion
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