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The Founder Of Child Benefits, Pensions, Disability Benefits - First Welfare System of Humanity


Nov 15, 2013
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The Founder Of Child Benefits, Pensions, Disability Benefits - First Welfare System & Social Justice System for Humanity
Umar (Omar) bin al-Khattab, the Second Khalifa of the Muslims


Umar (Omar) was the second muslim Caliph and reigned during 634 to 644 CE
This article details the reforms of Umar's era. Umar undertook many administrative reforms and closely oversaw public policy, establishing an advanced administration for newly conquered lands, including several new ministries and bureaucracies, as well as ordering a census of all the Muslim territories. During his reign, the garrison cities of Basrah and al-Kūfah were founded or expanded. In 638, he extended and renovated the Grand Mosque in Mecca and the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina. He also began the process of codifying Islamic law, Omar r.a. is considered the first Person in the History of Mankind, who introduced the System of Welfare, Child benefits, Pensions, Old Citizens Benefits, Disability Benefits, Jobless Allowances i.e. first Welfare Empire at least 1300 years any such system ever applied in Modern World, so He is the first one who gave Welfare Benefits to Humanity

Watch following Youtube Video for Introduction of How Omar r.a. started Child Benefits in his Islamic Caliphate


Umar is one of the few leaders of Islamic Civilization that is unique other than the career of the Prophet Muhammad with whom this whole cycle of events started. From his early days he had shown signs of greatness and the future to come

It was Abdullah ibn Masood who said of him, "We are still noble since Omar’s Submission to Islam" He also said "Omar’s Submission to Islam was a conquest, His Migration was a victory, His Immate [period of rule] was a blessing, I have seen when we were unable to pray at "the house" [Kaba] until Umar submitted, when he Submitted to Islam he fought them [the antagonistic idolaters] until they left us alone and we prayed"

There are many traditions that speak of the high regard that the companions of Muhammad had for Umar. He was the one of the two main counselors of the Messenger, the other being Abu Bakr. There are many reasons for the greatness of this man. He was of paramount importance in the early formation of the Islamic State

During his time many new innovations were adopted. The state was expanding at a unprecedented rate and swift action needed to be taken which he did not hesitate to take or adopt. His bravery and simple life were trademarks of his era. His genius for leadership clearly is shown in his many accomplishments. The great prose writer Abas Mahmoud al-Aqad, at the turn of the century had written a volume dedicated to him called, Abqaryat Umar, [The Genius of Umar]

There is quite number of good works on Umar in Arabic. There also seems to be quite a number of books just about him either popular or scholarly. Al-Aqad’s book is one of the popluar works so is Ali Tantanwi, the famous Muslim TV personality, book about Umar. The Fiqh Council of (al-Majmah al- Fiqhi li Jamat al-Imam Muhammad bin Saud) Muhammad bin Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia had published a 3 volume book on the Fiqh of Umar. There is also a Ph.D. thesis that is only dedicated to the Innovations of Umar in Administration and Judicial Affairs

While in this short thesis we can only point to some of his most important contributions there are still many others that must be ignored for the sheer number of them. A work of this size will only limit it self to the most evident and important of these accomplishments. Further this thesis will also concentrate on the conquests of the Islamic State during his rule

The turning points during Umar’s life are in his Submission to Islam and in his rule after the death of Abu Bakr the Caliph of the Messenger in 13 A.H./634 AD. He ruled for ten years and was assassinated by a Magian named Abu Lulu Feroze, who had a attacked him during prayer with a dagger and stabbed him several times


Umar was born in Mecca 13 years after the incident of the Elephant, In 583 A.D. Of his early years there are not many recorded details save that he grazed camels for his father who was very harsh with him. In his reign he would recall his father’s harshness to him when he passed the field which caused him pains early in his life

We later see him as wrestler who used to attend the famed Ukaz (the annual fair.) Also due to his family’s position in the Meccan Hierarchy he would receive an above average education and would travel throughout Arabia and Greater Syria

Umar’s personality was dynamic, self-assertive, frank and straight forward. He always spoke whatever was on his mind even if it displeased others


Umar belonged to the Adi clan from the Tribe of Quraish. His full name is: Umar ibn al-Khattab ibn Nufail Ibn Abdul-Uzza Ibn Riyah Ibn Qart Ibn Razah Ibn Adi Ibn Ka’b Ibn Lu’ayy ibn Fihr ibn Malik. Ameer al Muminin, abu Hafs, al-Qurashi, al-Adwai, al-Farooq

Umar’s family was considered among the families that served as arbitrators that would settle the tribal disputes and disagreements. Also ambassadors were chosen from his family as well UMAR’S SUBMISSION TO ISLAM

There are three versions of Omar’s conversion, the story Anas bin Malik relates is this version: One day, full of anger against the Prophet, he drew his sword and set out to kill him. A man from Bani Zuhrah (perhaps an acquaintance, who secretly professed Islam) met him on the way. When Umar told him what he planned to do, he informed him that Umar’s own sister, Fatimah, and her husband had also accepted Islam and abandoned your faith

Umar went straight to his sister’s house where he found her reading from pages of the Qur’an. He fell upon her and beat her mercilessly. Bruised and bleeding, she told her brother, "Umar, you can do what you like, but you cannot turn our hearts away from Islam." These words produced a strange effect upon Umar

What was this faith that made even weak women so strong of heart? He asked his sister to show him what she had been reading; he was at once moved to the core by the words of the Qur’an and immediately grasped their truth

Umar went straight to the house where the Prophet was staying and vowed allegiance to him. It is also mentioned in more than one version that before he spoke the formula the Messenger took him by the shirt and shook him u

Shortly after the conversion Umar and Hamza had led the Muslims in a March on the Kabaa to worship there Later on he would openly proclaim his emigration to Medina and in one version he would dare the Meccans to harm him


There are many narrations that the Messenger was hoping that Umar would accept Islam and when Umar because of the bright future that the Messenger was hoping. It is as if he was recruiting the right people for the future of the Islamic State. In one of the traditions that is mentioned by as-Suyuti we see the Messenger praying that Umar accept Islam.

There are other traditions that point to the excellent qualities of Umar in matters of advice. One such tradition is: "Ibn Umar related that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, ‘Allah has put the truth upon Umar’s tongue and in his heart." And another is "If there were to be a prophet after me it would be Umar ibn al-Khatab" narrated by: Uqbah bin Amir

As-Suyuti further states that Abu Abdullah ash-Shaybani in his book Fada’il al-Imamayn (the Merits of the two Imams [Abu Bakr and Umar]) had listed 20 different points in which Umar’s Opinions matched the later revelations of the Qur’an

For the above mentioned reasons that the Messenger always sought the advice of Umar. It was not that the Messenger always followed Umar’s Consultation but he still utilized him on many occasions


When the Prophet died Umar was in denial and refused to believe that he died. Umar promised to strike the head of any man who would say that he died. Abu Bakr kept his cool about him and reminded the people that the Messenger was human. Then the Medinaites namely the Awas and Khazraj tribe were in dispute as to who would take charge after the Messenger, it was then that Umar gave biyah (oath of Allegiance) to Abu Bakr.

Umar had convinced them that Abu Bakr was the ideal choice to be the successor of the Messenger. He spoke about the excellent qualities of Abu Bakr and how the Messenger had left some clues at to whom to lead after his death



Abu Bakr had high regard for Umar who said: "There is not on the face of the earth a man more beloved to me than Umar." Umar was also highly regard among the companions of the Messenger. Aisha has said: "He was, by Allah, skillful in managing affairs, absolutely unique." And Muawiyah has said: "…Umar, the world wanted him and he did not want it…"

Further Abu Bakr had asked Usmah bin Zaid permission to use Umar because at the time of the death of the Messenger, Umar was part of an Invasion force that was led by Usamah

Although Abu Bakr did not take every advice that was given to him by Umar, namely the affairs of the Ridda Wars and when the Arabs refused to pay the Zakah (Alms, poor due, tax) in which Abu Bakr acted correctly and successfully. Abu Bakr had said: "By Allah, I will fight whoever makes a distinction between the prayer and the Zakah…" It was at this point that Umar saw the error of his way, retracted and joined Abu Bakr in the wars.


The appointment of Umar to office of Khalifah is a well recorded event. It is not as troublesome as any of the others. His was perhaps one of the smoothest transitions to power from one authority to another in the Muslim lands. When Abu Bakr was dying he only appointed Umar as his successor and no other

Umar succeed Abu Bakr the day after his death Abu Bakr was well aware of Umar’s powers and of his ability to succeed him. When he was dying he consulted with Abdur-Rahman bin Awaf and Uthman bin Affan who regarded him quite highly

Umar rule was to last ten years which are full of accomplishments. In this paper I will deal with some of them in detail. His most apparent achievements are in two major categories namely, the conquests and the innovations in ruling


In this area Umar would excel as no other for many reasons some of which are that in his time the state would be stable. He dealt with many matters quickly and before they would rise to cause. It was also the sharpness of his personality and austerity that quelled many of the troubles that would appear to his successors. Here is some of his major achievements in list form

  1. Establishment of Public Treasury
  2. The Founder Of Child Benefits, Pensions, Disability Benefits - First Welfare System & Social Justice System for Humanity
  3. Establishments of courts of Justice and appointment of Judges
  4. Placing the reserve army on the state’s Payroll and organization of the War department
  5. Establishment of Postal service
  6. Establishment of the Land Revenue department
  7. Survey and assessment of lands
  8. Public census
  9. Punishment of those who practice Monopoly by exile to different lands
  10. Establishment of and use of Jails
  11. Building of Canals and Bridges
  12. First to use the
  13. Establishment of Public Rest Areas, hostels and Wudu (Ablution) Stations
  14. Fixing the date to the Start of the Migration of the Messenger
  15. Dividing the state and the conquered territories into provinces
  16. Founding of new cities (al-Amsar) such as Kufah , Basarah and Fustat
    • Zakat on Produce of the sea, such as fish, Lobster, shrimp etc., and appointment of a responsible official.
  17. Use of secret reports and specially designated emissaries to provide first reports as what is really going on in different provinces
    • Salary for Imams, Muadhans (Callers to prayer) teachers and public lectures.
    • Stipends for the poor among the Jews and Christians who lived in conquered lands.
    • Punishment for drunkenness, written satires and lampoons.
  18. Establishment of Guilds for certain trades
    • Prohibition of the mention of women’s names in poetry.
    • Holding tarawih (Ramadan night prayers) in congregation, before his time it was done individually
  19. Providing lighting in the Mosques at night
    • Persuading Abu Bakr to collect the Qur’an in one book
    • Establishment of Military bases at strategic points in the different provinces.
  20. Establishment of the Police department
    • Personally making nightly rounds to check on the condition of the people first hand.
    • Formulation of the Principal of Qiyas (Analogical Reasoning.) for determining rulings on newly encountered matters in Fiqh (Jurisprudence)
    • Establishment of a more exact system of calculation of the inheritance.
  21. Limiting the relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslims
  22. Establishing a stable for the lost camels
  23. State intervention to control the price of merchandise
  24. First to enlarge the al-Haram (the Sacred Mosque) at Mecca. First to place a cover on the Kaaba
  25. Discovered the place of Isra, Ascension of the Messenger to heavens at Jerusalem


As was mentioned Umar had the respect and sometimes fear of many of his contemporaries. He personally involved himself in many of the states affairs. He was the hands on type and if he saw anything that did not please him he made no secret of it. He would constantly write letters of advice and guidance to his generals

Umar had the welfare of the Muslims in his mind at all times. Umar’s food was simple which consisted of bread and olive oil. Rarely would he eat anything else, at times it is recorded that he eat meat, vegetables milk and vinegar. His dress was also simple such as a shirt only which was known to have a number of patches in it. He also wore a cap and sandals


…the immense power which the Caliphate had achieved during the reign of ‘Umar. His armies tore from the Roman empire some of its fairest provinces in the East, annexed the fertile land of Egypt, and pushed their way westward along the coast of North Africa; they overran Palestine and Syria, and after crushing the armies of the Persian King, established Arab rule over practically the whole of the old Persian empire, until they reached the banks of the Oxus in the extreme north east
The conquests during Umar’s time are not to be taken lightly the state was expanding at an exceedingly fast rate during Umar’s ten year rule like at no other time in the history of the Muslim Civilization As to the reasons for the high success rate of the conquests at this time period Prof. Donner states:

The Muslims succeeded, then primarily because they were able to organize an effective conquest movement, and in this context the impact of the new religion of Islam, which provided the ideological underpinnings for this remarkable breakthrough in social organization, can be more fully appreciated. In this sense, the conquests were truly an Islamic movement. For it was Islam- the set of ramifications- that ultimately sparked the whole integration process and hence was the ultimate cause of the conquests’ success

Further Umar had an excellent organizational skills and a very good knowledge of people. He would not only choose who are his Army generals but also would give them very detailed orders. He divided up the Empire into states and placed governors in each state that he would personally assign. He would keep in constant communication with all his generals and Governors

Omar (Umar) would also make good use of agents to keep watch over the performance of the governors. He would also periodically ask the residents of different cities of the performance of the governors. In al-Kufa he would recall Saad bin Abi Waqas due to complaints about him. He would than look into the matter and explain to the people

The City of Hims (Emas) was also a city that complained about its governor. Umar also took appropriate action to remedy the situation

In his lifetime the following conquests were completed:
Fall of Damasucus in 14/635
Fall of Fahl in 14/635
Fall of Hims in 14/635
Fall of Balbak and Basrah
Fall Ublah and the bridge of Abi Ubydiah in Najran in 14 /635
Fall of Yarmouk in 15/636
Fall of all of the Jordan except of Tabarias in 15 /635
The Battle of Yarmouk in 15 / 635
The Battle of Qadisyah in 15 /636,

In 16 /637
Battle of Jaljulah and Qansreen
Fall of Ahoz
Fall of Madain
Fall of Jerusalem in 16/637
Fall of Jazirah in 16/637

In 17/638
Fall of Hims again in 17/638
Fall of Hurmuz in 17/637

In 18/638
The City of Kufah is built in 18/639
The great Plague of Amwas, Abu Ubydaih bin al-Jarah dies and many Muslim soliders.

In 19/640
Fall of Qaisariah in 19/640
Battle of Sohab in 19 /640
Fall of Takrit in 19/640
An Army is sent Aremina in 19/640

In 20 /641
Fall of Egypt in 20 /641
Fall of North Africa
Fall of Alexandria in 21/642
Fall of Nahwind in 21/641
Fall of Khorasan in 21/641
Fall of Antioch and Qalqalyia Pecefuly.
Fall of Adharbaijan in 22 /642
Fall of Masbithan in 22/642
Fall of Hamathan in 22 /642
Fall of Tabaristan in 22 /643
Fall of Armenia in 22 /643
Fall of Jarjan in 22/643
Fall of Koos and Raiy in 22/643
Fall of Tripoli (North Africa) in 22/643
Fall of Fars in 23/644
Fall of Kirman in 23/644
Fall of Sajastan in 23/644
Fall of Makran in 23/644
Fall of Khurasan (including Khawarazm, Farghanah, Takharistan) in 23/644


In the year 23/644 Umar was assassinated by Abu Lua’Lua the Magian, who had a personal grudge against Umar. The assassin stabbed Umar in the back and in his side below the belt with a poisoned dagger during the morning prayers. He also had stabbed thirteen others seven of which died. Abd ar-Rahman bin Awaf finished the prayers quickly as soon as Umar fell. They rushed to the fallen Umar and knew that he was dying and that there was no hope of recovery. Abdallah bin Abbas came to comfort him.

Umar appointed the office of Khalifah to one of six ( Uthman, Ali, Talha bin Ubiduallah, Zubair bin al-Awam, Abd ar-Rahman bin Awaf, and Saad bin Abi Waqas) to be chosen in three days. He commanded that Suhaib (the Roman) to lead the prayers. He made sure that his son would not get the office but made him one of the consultants His Khalifah was for a total of 10 years, six months and four days

Sayings of Umar ibn Al-Khattab:
Umar ibn Al-Khattab always had a sound opinion, which made him a very powerful leader who expected higher degree of integrity from the people working with him during his Khilafate. Some of his wise sayings are quoted here:

One who keeps his own counsel keeps his affairs in his own hand
Fear him whom you hate
The wisest man is he who can account for his actions
Do not put off today’s work till tomorrow
What regresses never progresses?
He who does not know evil will fall into it
When a man asks me a question, I know his intelligence
Don’t forget your own self while preaching to others
The less of the world, the freer you live
Avoidance of sin is lighter than the pain of remorse
If patience and gratitude had been two she camels, it would have mattered little on which I rode. May God have mercy on him who sends me my faults for a present!

Umar ibn Al-Khattab established many institutions in the Islamic state’s administration. Historians have called his reforms as innovations. The achievements of Umar ibn Al-Khattab are numerous. The most important achievements are listed below:

Umar ibn Al-Khattab established the public treasury: Bait-ul-Mal
Established courts of justice and appointed judges
Proposed and enforced use of the era of Hijra
Assumed the title of Amir-ul-Mu’minin
To engage the anti-Islamic forces he organized and established the War Department

Placed army reserves on the pay-roll. In addition to this, Umar Ibn Al-Khattab improved the army administration by providing every army corps with an officer of the treasury, an accountant, and number of interpreters, physicians and surgeons. He instructed the army commanders to submit accounts of war expenditures and list of the spoils of war. Historical records show that in 16 Hijri Ziyad bin Abi Sufyan came from city of Jalula Ð after its conquest – and brought with him the records of the accounts to Madinah and submitted them for Umar ibn Al-Khattab’s perusal and review.

Established Land Revenue Department, ordered survey and assessment of lands and also ordered conducting census. This required maintenance of the land revenue records in Persian, Syriac and Coptic languages. The accounts were kept on long rolled-up sheets.

Founded cities: Kufah, Basra, Jazirah, Fustat and Musal and undertook construction and building of canals.
Divided conquered countries into provinces.
Ordered collecting customs duties.
Appointed officials for the collection of tax on the produce of sea.
Gave permission to traders from foreign countries to conduct business in the Islamic territory.
Organized jails and enforced use of the whip.

Made rounds at night to gauge and evaluate the condition of the people. For relaxations he enjoyed lighter pursuits including poetry. Once he asked Abdullah bin Abbas to recite him poetry the whole night. At the time when dawn was breaking, he said, “Now recite the Holy Qur’an.” During one of his night rounds around the city he heard the sound of music. He stopped and listened to the music and then moved on.

Established military cantonments and had them located at strategic points.
Organized Police Department.
Set up a system to classify pedigree and non-pedigree horses.

Built houses on the road from Makkah to Madinah for the comfort of the travellers and also established guest-houses in different cities. At that time a system was established for the clearance of land, construction of roads, building of bridges and other operations which are carried out by sappers and miner in present day armies. The local people of the lands were recruited to perform these duties

Provided stipends for the poor Jewish and Christian people
Established schools and provided salaries for school teachers and public lecturers
Proposed the principle of Qiyas and its formulation
Proposed exact division of inheritance
Proposed and inserted additional statement “Prayer is better than sleep” in the call for Fajr prayers
Ordained performing taraweeh prayers in congregation
Established law for the punishment of alcohol drinkers with eighty lashes
Proposed a method for preparing trusts
Obtained consensus of opinion for saying four takbirs in funeral prayer

Made arrangements for providing lights in mosques at night. It is stated that until the Khilafate of Umar ibn Al-Khattab there were no arrangements for lights in the mosques. A person by name Tamim Dari made the arrangements and supplied lamps for the mosques with Umar ibn Al-Khattab’s permission

Established a procedure to giving salaries from the public treasury to Imams and Muezzins


In the end Umar wanted nothing of this earth, it was as Muywiah said of him. His age was the age of Justice. Later on after he passed away his hut would still be called the house of Justice. Of wealth he left nothing behind. He willed that his hut be sold to pay off his debts. Muywaih would buy his house and payoff whatever remained of his debt. He was Eulogized by many of his companions who remember him well. His was a time of stability and growth. Peace and constant war. It was not such a time of contradiction perhaps a time of harmony.

In His lifetime he had seen the Muslims go from being the meekest of the earth to being one of the major powers to be contended with. He would remember well that in his youth how he was being beaten by his father for taking a short break to rest to being the most powerful man in the Arabian peninsula. He was also content that in the end he was not killed by his own people but at the hands of a Magian.

Umar had warned against such people living among Muslims. Since his warning went unheeded it was the cause of his own death. He prided himself in serving not his own interest. It is said that he feared the burden of leadership and how that he might one day be asked why he did not pave the road for a stray sheep in Persia.

Umar continued to live simply to his final day. One of his companions reminiscing about Umar’s days he said of him: "When he walked, he did so quickly as to get someplace, when He spoke he was loud enough to be heard and when his hit it would hurt." He was a man of purpose and a Mission. He left a legacy that is not easy to follow.


    • al-Baladhuri. Ahmad bin Yahya Futuh al-Buldan (Conquests of Nations).
    • al-Qarashi, Ghalib A.K. Awliyat al-Farooq fi al-Idara wal-Qada (Firsts of the Farooq in Adminstration and Judicial affairs), being a Ph.D. thesis, Muasast al-Kutub al-Thaqafiyah, Beirut, 1990.
    • al-Tabari, Muhammad bin Jarir Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l Muluk (History of the Prophets and Kings), 10 Vols. Ed. Muhammad Abulfadl Ibrahim. Dar Suywdan, Beirut, copy of the Dar al-Ma’raf, Cairo 2nd edition, 1960-69.
    • Arnold, Thomas W. The Caliphate, Barnes and Noble, New York, 1966
    • as-Suyuti, Jalal ad-Din The History of the Khalifahs who took the right way, being a portion of as-Suyuti’s tarikh al-Khulafah, translated by: A. Clarke, TaHa Publishers, London, 1995
    • Blankinship, Khalid Y. The History of al-Tabari, Volume XI: The Challenge to the Empires, Translated by: State University of New York Press, 1993
    • Donner, Fred M. The Early Islamic Conquests, Princeton University Press, 1981.
    • Jandora, John W. The March from Medina, A Revisionist Study of the Arab Conquests, The Kingston Press, Clifton, 1990
    • Khatab, Mahmoud S. Bayan al-Aqeedah Wal-Qayidah (Between Creed and Leadership) Dar El-Fikr, Beirut, n.d.
  1. Nu’mani, Shibli Al-Farooq, The Life of Omar the Great, Translated from the original Urdu by: Zafar Ali Khan, International Islamic Publishers, New Delhi, 1992
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His administrative achievements were indeed great,his military ones were however won by khalid mostly.And also this welfare state extended mostly to muslims ,and many of these constructions were created by enslaved persian artisans.[like piruz who assasinated him].
Such a great leader of humanity need not necessarily have depended on practice of slavery,when cyrus the great could do without it a thousand years ago.
His administrative achievements were indeed great,his military ones were however won by khalid mostly.And also this welfare state extended mostly to muslims ,and many of these constructions were created by enslaved persian artisans.[like piruz who assasinated him].
Such a great leader of humanity need not necessarily have depended on practice of slavery,when cyrus the great could do without it a thousand years ago.
There were only few Slaves left during Omar r.a. time so donot say enslaved Persian work as slaves as there were very few dozens left as Islam slowly eradicating Slavery and in just 2 Centuries after arrival of Islam, There were no Slaves in Whole of Arabia, Pls. Correct Yourself
Our king Ashoka built hospitals for animals and humans, irrespective of genus, species, sub species ...
No slaves in arabia?Ur quite funny u know that?Arabians were pioneers of the slave trade.Islam changed none of that.Slavery was abolished in saudi arabia as late as 1962.

Our king Ashoka built hospitals for animals and humans, irrespective of genus, species, sub species ...

Yes asoka's can be said to be the first welfare state.
Our king Ashoka built hospitals for animals and humans, irrespective of genus, species, sub species ...
Ashoka was even Cruel to Humans, He wipe out millions in his Domination and Occupation of Whole India and he made Hospitals for Animals, What a JOkE, Stupid Evil Liar enough of your JOKES! :crazy_pilot:
Ashoka was even Cruel to Humans, He wipe out millions in his Domination and Occupation of Whole India and he made Hospitals for Animals, What a JOkE, Stupid Evil Liar enough of your JOKES! :crazy_pilot:

Thanks for your frustrations, I feel better now:enjoy:

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