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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Turkey launches Operation Claw-Tiger in northern Iraq
ANKARA- Anadolu Agency

Turkey has launched Operation Claw-Tiger against terrorists in northern Iraq, the National Defense Ministry announced early on June 17.

The ministry said on Twitter that Turkish commando forces are already in Iraq’s Haftanin region, adding the operation is taking place in order to neutralize the PKK and other terrorist elements that threaten the security of Turkish people and borders.

Turkish commandos supported by the Air Force, ATAK helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) have entered the region in an air attack operation.

"#Operation Claw-Tiger is being carried out as part of our legitimate defense rights arising from international law oriented against the PKK and other terrorist elements that have recently attempted increased harassment and attacks on our police station and base areas," the statement added.

Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and the Turkish Armed Forces Command are managing and dispatching the operation from the Army Command Control Center.


According to the security sources, Turkish forces hit over 150 targets of the PKK terror group in the region with howitzers and multiple rocket launchers.

Following airstrikes, Turkish commandos have also conducted an infiltration operation through land and air to the terrorist targets.

"You have always shown the power of the Turkish commando, we believe that you will show it once again in those mountains today, and make history as you have done before,” Akar told the commanders of the troops.

On June 15, the ministry announced the start of Operation Claw-Eagle in northern Iraq, noting that Turkish fighter jets had destroyed caves where terrorists were taking shelter and the caves had collapsed on them.

The operation was being carried out against terrorist bases in Sinjar, Qandil, Karacak, Zap, Avaşin-Basyan and Hakurk.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the European Union – has been responsible for the deaths of nearly 40,000 people, including women, children and infants.

Turkey slams Arab League chief’s remarks on operation

Meanwhile, Turkey on June 16 slammed the Arab League chief for his statement against the country’s ongoing anti-terror operation in northern Iraq.

Hami Aksoy, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, said in a written statement it is strange that the Arab League's Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit ignores oppression of PKK terror organization which not only threatens Turkey's sovereignty but also Iraq, a member of Arab League.

"We invite the Arab League secretary-general, who ignores the ethnic cleansing policy and crimes of the PYD/YPG/PKK terrorist organization, to adopt a principled and consistent discourse on the fight against terrorism," Aksoy added.

Retir. general explaining the necessity of this operation (claw-eagle).

After Hafters defeat Russias plans became air, thus US and western allies focus on pressuring Turkey because the democratic western countries are not interested in a democratic Libya.

Turkey had to show our capability of striking and taking out PKK which is the westerns countries method of trying to constrict Turkey.
No he just said, I can't wait to go to Turkiye and spend money, which means he is looking forward to going there. He's probably already been there plenty of times.

Like me, I used to travel every year since I was a kid.
You've never been in Turkey?

he will be disappointed to be the only turk in many areas..

specially the only one who has principles not to eat here and there not to buy here and there and not to go here and there..
Only in 2002 when i was in grade 3
That's too long ago. But I can't imagine the ticket being cheap, after all it's like 30 hours flight or so. And in these times and afterwards it's probably going to be more expensive.

Maybe 90's price range one ticket from Denmark to Turkey cost around 5k+ for economy class (DKK of course), before crises you could get tickets for 2,8k-3,3k. Summer time prices of course.
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