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The fiction of the Ideology of Pakistan: YLH


Dec 1, 2016
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On the Higher Education Commission’s data base, one finds two PhD theses on Jinnah, one discussing his leadership skills and the other his brief time as the Governor General of Pakistan. Both are quite mediocre, badly researched and based on literature review of only a piddling subsection of the biographies on Mr Jinnah. It would seem that PhD on Jinnah is unofficially banned in Pakistan.

There is a very good reason for it and I only discovered it once I started researching my second book on the life of Mr Jinnah, which is a detailed biography of our founding father to be published by an international publisher. Since this was a very serious undertaking, I spent the last several months going through the great man’s speeches and letters right from his days in Lincoln’s Inn to his dying day.

The answer to why the committed secularist, Indian Nationalist and the Best Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity turned into an apostle of Muslim Nationalism is there in that primary record for those who want to actually research it. It also contains conclusive answers to what kind of state Jinnah wanted and what his ideas were with respect to citizenship, constitution and organisation of the state. No the answer cannot be found in snippets and out of context quotes but you have to see the documents in a continuity as a lawyer would in the process of due diligence. The reason why PhDs on Jinnah are actively discouraged is because any honest perusal of the record would bury the fiction of the ideology of Pakistan as it is taught in Pakistani schools, colleges and universities. This ignorance and sheer dishonesty is not limited to Pakistan based professors and PhD scholars. Many a professor emeritus of political science who apparently taught at European Universities also suffer from this delusion that they can comment on history without looking at primary source record.

This legal fiction called the ideology of Pakistan has made it into our constitutional oaths but any attempts to get the courts or the parliament to define what it means inevitably fail. Ideology of Pakistan means essentially what General Ziaul Haq thought it was which is that Pakistan was created as an ideological Islamic state. Misquotes, fabricated quotes and quotes out of context are taken to prove this position and meanings are extracted from them which had nothing to do with the circumstances that led to the partition of India and the resultant twin Dominions that replaced British India as successor states. It has been invented to control constitutional democracy in Pakistan and give unelected institutions a whip to beat up elected ones from time to time.

It certainly has nothing to do with Jinnah, whose one major consistent theme was the unfettered march of humanity — something that he harked back to throughout his life in a multitude of his speeches. He did not believe for example that any one generation could bind the next for all times to come. This was the essence of Jinnah’s political thought — that nothing is static in politics and that the march of humanity will not be thwarted. A militarised Pakistani state at odds with its neighbour and non-identical fraternal twin was not what Jinnah had in mind. The mutual hatred and constant interference in each other’s affairs was not Jinnah’s idea of India post partition. This was not Jinnah’s idea of a Pakistani state.

A modern democratic state does not need an ideology of any kind to exist. Pakistan has to be what the people of Pakistan decide in consonance with Pakistan’s international obligations. It cannot be a shibboleth or an outmoded idea of national identity that can hold a country of 210 million people together. It is service delivery, economics, and constitutional rights. You cannot continue to impose this fiction of ideology of Pakistan on the state indefinitely, just as you cannot go on jailing legislators as was the case with Mohsin Dawar and Ali Wazir, both gentlemen who I have huge disagreements but who are the elected representatives of the people. To treat them as they were treated in Peshawar recently is the defeat of reason, logic and power of persuasion. If you are going to drive people to desperation, you will force them into roles that they have so far abjured. By adopting Constitutional method of elections and democracy, Dawar and Wazir were putting their faith in the state to mature and finally become a democracy. By denying them their liberty you are undermining their freedom.

The powers that be in Pakistan need to rethink their hackneyed narrative and instead think of history, ideology and identity holistically, informed by real history and facts. No one can undo a country that has nuclear weapons, except its own people. Do not alienate our own people for god’s sake. Bury this fiction of the ideology of Pakistan and instead focus on making Pakistan a progressive and liberal state. Nothing will serve our people and indeed our religion better than a Pakistan that is at peace within and without, at home and abroad. This can be the only ideology that Pakistan can truly have because everything else is necessarily a personal choice and the personal faith of an individual. I did not say it, the founding father did. Time to follow to what he actually said instead of concocting a historical fiction that has no roots in reality.

The answer to why the committed secularist, Indian Nationalist and the Best Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity turned into an apostle of Muslim Nationalism is there in that primary record for those who want to actually research it. It also contains conclusive answers to what kind of state Jinnah wanted and what his ideas were with respect to citizenship, constitution and organisation of the state.
Why do people think that Jinnah was the sole founder of Pakistan? Compared to others, he joined the movement late.
Its rich coming from a Qadiyani :D

and its funny.... to the level of sheer entertainment.
If you go through it, turns outs it’s essentially a rehash of his 90 previous articles that also said nothing except obvious requirements(only people can change things.. duhh).. and then his need to diss Mullah and military.
Its rich coming from a Qadiyani :D

That's pretty insensitive. Delete that comment. You are an administer on a Pakistani forum and a Pakistani is not just sunni Muslim. Its everybody of all religion that call themselves a Pakistani.

and its funny.... to the level of sheer entertainment.

No its not. There are many things that one can disagree with in this article but there are some good points. There is little research on the founding father. We need to study our founding fathers more and more. Understand them to understand their thoughts.

and to this day we struggle with our ideology. In fact pakistanism and religionism have been more in question in Pakistan then they are now. Questions of what should Pakistan do? And whether whatever benefits Pakistan benefits the Islamic world at large from religious sense?

Plus I agree. One of our greatest issue has been that we have been tied by our previous generation's whims.

What our founding father wanted was for Pakistan to be a prosperous state where people can live happily as respected citizens of a respected state.

That is the goal.

To reach that goal we must carve our own path even if it takes us very far from the view point of our ancestors...

Thanks. The only poster who has tried to debate the content of the article, rather than the alleged religion/allegiance of the author.


@Talwar e Pakistan

Why do people think that Jinnah was the sole founder of Pakistan? Compared to others, he joined the movement late.

Dear sir, here indeed I agree with you and disagree with the author, who btw is a very dear friend of mine. My belief is that the bulk of yesterday's and today's Pakistanis disagree with our beloved Qaids conception of Pakistan. They want a very different Pakistan and Inshallah it looks like they will get their wish.

There is little research on the founding father.

Why did he start wearing Shirwani and Jinnah cap and dropped suit? A person of Jinnah's stature doesn't change all of a sudden for nothing.

To reach that goal we must carve our own path even if it takes us very far from the view point of our ancestors...

So Jinnah is irrelevant today. He was a mortal being who served his purpose and died, making him controversial or trying to impose some ideology by associating with him ...... isn't going to work in this age.

The author of this article doesn't say anything about what Pakistan should do when war gets imposed on it from outside, why the author keeps assuming that it's only Pakistan that doesn't want peace and others wish peace and no harm to Pakistan?

Pakistan doesn't have a populace that can bring a real democratic change, Dawar and Wazir weren't elected for some vision they held for Pakistan, they simply exploited grievances of a particular set of population and tried furthering their own agenda. Hardly any legislators they are .....
So Jinnah is irrelevant today

Thats not what i said. We found out what our ancestors wanted for our country. as time goes by we will have to take steps that may differ from what they stated to reach that goal. Infact this is something that we will always have to do bcz what they stated from their own sense of time and vision. Pakistan a hundred years from now will have to make decisions based on its interest considering the geopolitics of the world at play.

You are taking it the wrong way.

you speak of imposing ideologies. this is exactly what i mean by carving our own path by our own tools by our own vision to fulfill the dream of our ancestors. By imposing ideologies and saying that since our founding father wanted us to be like this, so we must be like this for all times and dont deviate from this at all no matter what happens or how much it may actually harm pakistan. Just follow it to the step. It was doing this that has harmed us the most. You are talking islamic ideology and liberal ideology yet i am not even touching them. Both of them are part of this long chain we have attached ourselves trying to decipher in great detail exactly what was the dream of the founding father when it was simply a dream of a prosperous and respectable country.

I will give you an example. even the form of the nature of the state is seen from this lense. Did he want federation of union states autonomous or did he want centralized country ruled from strong center. A massive argument placed against merger of Fata was that the founding father didn't envision the FATA to be part of KPK and respected their autonomous status.

All i am saying is that our ancestors and founding father gave us this country with a simple wish to make it prosperous. They gave us the tools and their wishes. It is now our job to chart the path and reach that goal and fulfill their wish and prove that they were not wrong or flawed in their thinking. We cannot keep looking back. We have to look forward.

The prosperous Pakistan state can take any form. It can base itself on any system or any ideology as long as its prosperous.

If you ask me. I believe that the islamic route is the way to go in Pakistan as it is now. Islamic principles implemented in its true spirit will lead Pakistan to prosperity. Proper interpretation through state and control on religious institutions will control extremism and along with that federated union of several provinces carved from current provinces with the evolution of the 18th amendment autonomy and proper and uninterrupted democracy along with a foreign policy based on pakistan first will help achieve our ancestors dream. this is a very short version ofcourse but this is my view and many might disagree which is fine. It may even differ from their point of view but its fine. your ancestors and my ancestors and all of our ancestors irrespective of religion died together and worked and day night to give us this country so that we can live together in harmony and prosperity whilst disagreeing with each other.

Why did he start wearing Shirwani and Jinnah cap and dropped suit? A person of Jinnah's stature doesn't change all of a sudden for nothing.

All of our founding fathers dont get the adequate research should be done on them. We should be writing papers on them in great detail. Explaining. bringing arguments to what were their views and how they differed not just from their peers but from their own past selves as all were humans and prone to changes that all humans are.

Islamic principles implemented in its true spirit will lead Pakistan to

Although I am neither Muslim nor a Pakistani, that indeed is the right way to go, because that is what the Pakistani majority wants.....

I respect your opinion and thoughts ....... please excuse me for cherry picking.

Thats not what i said. We found out what our ancestors wanted for our country. as time goes by we will have to take steps that may differ from what they stated to reach that goal. Infact this is something that we will always have to do bcz what they stated from their own sense of time and vision. Pakistan a hundred years from now will have to make decisions based on its interest considering the geopolitics of the world at play.

You are taking it the wrong way.

Jinnah post Pakistan is irrelevant, its sad period and the most damaging one for Pakistan, it is what it is, the man sadly didn't get enough time to govern. Pre Pakistan he has a history, post Pakistan he doesn't have much.

Now based on these two periods of his life (Pre and Post Pakistan), what is more prudent while conducting a research on him. It's obvious, the choice would be Pre Pakistan Jinnah, his sacrifices and struggles to achieve an independent country for Muslim majority. No mai ka lal can write a thesis on something which Jinnah didn't get a chance to do ....... and i.e. governance.

So basically the question of how Jinnah wanted Pakistan to be governed is irrelevant. His speeches and addresses yes may be ........ but the amount of action post Pakistan is negligible.

People should stop spreading confusion and instead making the man disputable, respect him for the miracle he did.

You are talking islamic ideology and liberal ideology yet i am not even touching them.

I don't agree one bit with both liberal and Islamic ideology of Pakistan. Both happen to be far away from Islam.

If you ask me. I believe that the islamic route is the way to go in Pakistan as it is now.

So when the government of Pakistan is planning implement Zakat? Pakistan is hardly Islamic. Building mosques, prostrating 5 times is not sufficient Islam.
So when the government of Pakistan is planning implement Zakat?

Dude. We have state controlled zakat. Zakat and ushr ordinance 1980. Basically every year around June when the bank year ends and they take a holiday for accounting, you savings get zakat cut from them automatically. So state does implement zakat as far as it can.

respect him for the miracle he did

Yep. Can't thank him enough. Living in Pakistan I couldn't be more thankful to Jinnah.
Dude. We have state controlled zakat. Zakat and ushr ordinance 1980. Basically every year around June when the bank year ends and they take a holiday for accounting, you savings get zakat cut from them automatically. So state does implement zakat as far as it can.

You sure about that? I can open a current account and avoid state's deduction of Zakat. Plus what does it do with Zakat it has deducted from interest based accounts?

How do Pakistanis look at Zakat? A tax (which it is) or a ticket to heaven? Zakat in Pakistan doesn't have its real meaning. It was always a state levied tax, in Pakistan it is an individual's personal matter, at a ridiculous rate of 2.5%. Clergy defines Zakat in Pakistan ........ not the legislators of Pakistan.

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