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The F 16 Game---Paf Should Have Had A Different Game Plan


Dec 26, 2005
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United States

Damnnnnnnnnn----some long long posts on the F16 subject and the recent procurement options----.

F16 BLK52 the pakistani version is a wonderful aircraft---superior to any other aircraft in its class and to some supposedly above its class---and as for the cost factor to operate and maintain it---it is flawless.

But the issue is not of what it can do and not do---the issue is about when the string could be pulled. And the situation is very similar to as it was in the late 80's prior to the sanctions.

At that time---an out going president promised us the sale of the F 16's---and the incoming president could not hold onto the promise at the time of delivery.

So as Obama is on his way out---the coming congress and the president may not think that same way as Obama did---because Pres Obama is trying to preserve and salvage some of his legacy---thus agreeing to the sale of the F16's so that pakistan could help save the face of the U S in afghanistan .

But the coming president may not have any interest in upholding what Obama did---and same for the congress---. He or she may just simply want to smash Obama's legacy and put a stop to the sale.

The primary issue is that of the delivery of this aircraft when Pres Obama would not be in the office---otherwise---it is a wonderful aircraft.

The U S thinks that the F16 is the last hold it has left over pakistan---and it would desperately try to hold on to control that option.

So---for free F16's---I don't have any issues---they are welcome---I would rather have 36 of them----but the thing over here that I would like to say---that Paf should have orderered a different aircraft of a non U S origin---a 4.5 gen aircraft---so that the balance of power of the air force could be maintained at all costs---..

Now going back to the 80's---if after the purchase of the F16's----if the paf had gone in and procured the mirage 2 k's as a second option---the sanctions might not have come---because they would not serve any purpose.

So---for the same reason----another aircraft procurement prior to getting the F 16 was a must---at least another 2 sqdrn's---so that the talk of sanctions would die down---.

If I had a way of doing things---I would not have brought up the procurement of the F 16 on my own---I would have gone for another 4.5 gen aircraft with an AESA radar---just kept quiet about the F16 and when the americans enquired about why not getting the F16's---I would say---hey guys---we are getting an aircraft with an AESA---so we don't want to go backwards---with something without AESA---and if you have one available---please come and talk to us---we will be more than glad to hear from you.

The problem is---you can't negotiate from a position of weakness---the americans would slaughter you---.

When the americans give you an aircraft with aesa---they are changing the balance of power in the region---.

But if china is giving you an aircraft with aesa---and as you are already getting an aesa equipped aircraft---the americans are not changing the balance of power anymore---they would then be maintaining the status quo---even though the status quo now is at a few steps higher position.

So---in order for you to get the best of the best from the U S---you need to learn to sabotage their thinking---mindset and approach---throw a monkey wrench in their planning---think out of the box---.

How could the paf fck up so bad---you need a car salesman to do the dealings---warriors are the worst people to do the dickering---.

The F16 AESA was available on a platter----it was just about the game plan and strategy.

It really does not make much sense to go for the ones without AESA.

@rockstar08 @Viper0011. @Zarvan & everbody else
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Has the Mig-35 ever been offered to Pakistan?? could be a good substitute for F-16. and a step up in performance compared to JF-17.

Has the Mig-35 ever been offered to Pakistan?? could be a good substitute for F-16. and a step up in performance compared to JF-17.



At the top tier---the paf is totally dominated by F16 fighter pilots---it would be very difficult to get something else in there---unless the prime minister forces it on them.
It is a good thread for PAF. Why PAF creates only F16 pilots. PAF should to have them 4.5+G air crafts of the other countries. PAF should not depend on USA & F16 only.
Sir when we have good experience and getting a nice bird for dirt cheap price even free (coalition support fund) we have nice reasons to obsessed with it...specially block 52 PLUS..a prime fighter in Asia...
Which 2nd Platform ????

Rafale is with India.
Eurofighter is far expensive.
SU-35 ..... There are chances that Russia might sell but PAF is not interested.
J-11 - china cannot provide due to agreement with Russians.
Sir when we have good experience and getting a nice bird for dirt cheap price even free (coalition support fund) we have nice reasons to obsessed with it...specially block 52 PLUS..a prime fighter in Asia...
You are right but we means not to depend on only one country and one type of air craft. PAF should to have different air crafts of the different countries.
I think the reason PAF is getting these F-16 is because we are not paying for it. I don't know what is in the minds of PAF top brass but it seems a good strategy to me at least.

Damnnnnnnnnn----some long long posts on the F16 subject and the recent procurement options----.

F16 BLK52 the pakistani version is a wonderful aircraft---superior to any other aircraft in its class and to some supposedly above its class---and as for the cost factor to operate and maintain it---it is flawless.

But the issue is not of what it can do and not do---the issue is about when the string could be pulled. And the situation is very similar to as it was in the late 80's prior to the sanctions.

At that time---an out going president promised us the sale of the F 16's---and the incoming president could not hold onto the promise at the time of delivery.

So as Obama is on his way out---the coming congress and the president may not think that same way as Obama did---because Pres Obama is trying to preserve and salvage some of his legacy---thus agreeing to the sale of the F16's so that pakistan could help save the face of the U S in afghanistan .

But the coming president may not have any interest in upholding what Obama did---and same for the congress---. He or she may just simply want to smash Obama's legacy and put a stop to the sale.

The primary issue is that of the delivery of this aircraft when Pres Obama would not be in the office---otherwise---it is a wonderful aircraft.

The U S thinks that the F16 is the last hold it has left over pakistan---and it would desperately try to hold on to control that option.

So---for free F16's---I don't have any issues---they are welcome---I would rather have 36 of them----but the thing over here that I would like to say---that Paf should have orderered a different aircraft of a non U S origin---a 4.5 gen aircraft---so that the balance of power of the air force could be maintained at all costs---..

Now going back to the 80's---if after the purchase of the F16's----if the paf had gone in and procured the mirage 2 k's as a second option---the sanctions might not have come---because they would not serve any purpose.

So---for the same reason----another aircraft procurement prior to getting the F 16 was a must---at least another 2 sqdrn's---so that the talk of sanctions would die down---.

If I had a way of doing things---I would not have brought up the procurement of the F 16 on my own---I would have gone for another 4.5 gen aircraft with an AESA radar---just kept quiet about the F16 and when the americans enquired about why not getting the F16's---I would say---hey guys---we are getting an aircraft with an AESA---so we don't want to go backwards---with something without AESA---and if you have one available---please come and talk to us---we will be more than glad to hear from you.

The problem is---you can't negotiate from a position of weakness---the americans would slaughter you---.

When the americans give you an aircraft with aesa---they are changing the balance of power in the region---.

But if china is giving you an aircraft with aesa---and as you are already getting an aesa equipped aircraft---the americans are not changing the balance of power anymore---they would then be maintaining the status quo---even though the status quo now is at a few steps higher position.

So---in order for you to get the best of the best from the U S---you need to learn to sabotage their thinking---mindset and approach---throw a monkey wrench in their planning---think out of the box---.

How could the paf fck up so bad---you need a car salesman to do the dealings---warriors are the worst people to do the dickering---.

The F16 AESA was available on a platter----it was just about the game plan and strategy.

It really does not make much sense to go for the ones without AESA.

@rockstar08 @Viper0011. @Zarvan & everbody else

Sir, I genuinely believe that there is more to do than strategic. With most of your air force budget parked in getting JF-17s as a new replacement, it is difficult to park more money on totally new platform which includes hangars, spares, supplies, coatings, maintenance contracts etc.

Imagine if you went for Gripens what you'd face: totally new aircraft, different technology, new training challenges, OEM is a mix of Swedish and American companies and all the costs associated with it.

F-16 is what PAF has mastered in the last 3 decades. Your pilots know it like the back of their hands so much so that you train other gulf air forces on this platform. That is your strength.

Also all your infrastructure is based on them, meaning no additional costs.

US will not hold you on these any more considering that there is little stranglehold they have right now on your weapons supply beyond 20% of your air assets.
No way in hell US will provide a balance in this region, it will have to come from China in our case and Russia for India's case. We should stop looking towards US for so called balance of power in South Asia.
Wow!! I am Speechless...............

There is a Famous Saying "Once Bitten Twice Shy"

Yanks stopped your paid F16s in 1990s. Then again they stopped the Spare parts....

Each time Yanks throw some tit-bits - Why does Pakistan Leadership Run to them!!!
A Smart Nation, once being Bitten will Never never put Foot in A Trap !!

Here Yanks have given you a Token number of f16s, you become caged ------------- How ?

a) You Become Dependent on Spare Parts
b) Ammunition
c) Treaties...
d) Best of all" Your Military Junta and Politicians" use this an Oppertunity to show case "Historic Agreement"

Wake up Wake up Pakistan, yet again you got sucked in Yanki Trap.

"What if Yanks stopped ammo in War, what if they gave these Birds with Strings attached ---- such things are never disclosed to a Common Man"
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It looks PAF is focusing on 3rd Block of F17 and other options for 4-4.5 generation fighter jets are not yet finalised due to cost or availability issues.
I think 8 F16 is free of charge. I think PAF has no money to buy new fighter from China now. Unless China provide same CSF programme as US to aid Pakistan. Money is always the biggiest problem here.
Sir, I genuinely believe that there is more to do than strategic. With most of your air force budget parked in getting JF-17s as a new replacement, it is difficult to park more money on totally new platform which includes hangars, spares, supplies, coatings, maintenance contracts etc.

Imagine if you went for Gripens what you'd face: totally new aircraft, different technology, new training challenges, OEM is a mix of Swedish and American companies and all the costs associated with it.

F-16 is what PAF has mastered in the last 3 decades. Your pilots know it like the back of their hands so much so that you train other gulf air forces on this platform. That is your strength.

Also all your infrastructure is based on them, meaning no additional costs.

US will not hold you on these any more considering that there is little stranglehold they have right now on your weapons supply beyond 20% of your air assets.


Money for 2 sqdrn's of J10C's is not an issue----.

The integration would be less of an issue---because the weapons are the same for both the jf17 and J10's---.

The problem is with the mindset of " mastered "----that has clouded the judgement of many---.

The purpose is not to move away from the F16---but the purpose is to make the future procurements of F16's secure---.

For that---there has to be a parallel platform---so that the issue of sanctions just fizzles out---because it won't serve any purpose.

Just like in the 80's---after the first 36 F16's---if the Paf had gone for a 36 mirage 2 k as some had advised---the sanctions would not have been enforced because it would have made no difference---.

It is only when you are thirsty---the withholding of water may create a problem for you---but if there is a well a few steps away that you can quench your thirst from---the control means nothing.

As I said before----this drama is all about salvaging Obama's legacy---once he is gone---there are new issues---just like the last time.
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