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The big three who can help save Afghanistan

A questionable and never proven theory ... Impossible for obvious incapability of my country to seek any strategic depth and lack of any support and military infrastructure in that unstable , hostile and war torn Afghanistan :azn: ... So unless you are able to get me a quote from any senior General of Pakistan Army regarding such a thing or point me to any Pakistani base anywhere in that country , it will remain what it is - a mere assumption ... Why you have mentioned only Zia again ? :azn: ... Not only he , but others used religion for their aims ... Zia was just protecting Pakistan and its interests ... What sort of hypocrisy is that ? Where are the others who provided covert and open support and money for the whole thing ? The aims of USSR were uncertain ...

Good links based on never proven theory ? :no: Sorry ! ... I have seen many more like these from different Western sources and hence asked you to check that thread which debunks this hard coded myth in your brains ...
Why don't you prove that it was not so? Based on some research you said you have done?

Zia started the Islamiazation in the country, in the army... You tell me who started it? And yes are we not talking about Zia here? Din't you quote me when I was discussing that with some other poster?
One thing is for sure; there will always be more anti-Taliban than pro-Taliban. No matter how much Pakistan defends and protects this beast, there will be those who will fight against it and finish it off. Whether Pakistan likes it or not.
Why don't you prove that it was not so? Based on some research you said you have done?

Zia started the Islamiazation in the country, in the army... You tell me who started it? And yes are we not talking about Zia here? Din't you quote me when I was discussing that with some other poster?

Why should I prove anything ? When you are the one claiming it :azn: Besides I dont think you are even reading my posts based on your replies ... I asked a few questions in my post that you are quoting at the moment ... You never answered it ... :lol:

Yes he did and that is something no one's proud of ... But your hypocrisy in holding only Zia responsible for the whole Soviet war is irrational when he was a nobody without the support of other countries ...

One thing is for sure; there will always be more anti-Taliban than pro-Taliban. No matter how much Pakistan defends and protects this beast, there will be those who will fight against it and finish it off. Whether Pakistan likes it or not.

The same goes for NA ... Whether you like it or not ... But I still see Taliban in almost the same position they had before 2001 , merely ousted from power , they still control majority parts of Afghanistan despite the coalitions best effort and just as ISAF is about to abandon Afghanistan and run once again , I see no change in the equation ... I see the US anxious and desperate to negotiate with Taliban , not the other way around ... Those who think ANA can control the country after the coalition leaves , are living in fool's paradise ... :azn:
Why should I prove anything ? When you are the one claiming it :azn: Besides I dont think you are even reading my posts based on your replies ... I asked a few questions in my post that you are quoting at the moment ... You never answered it ... :lol:
I dont need to read your posts anymore cause you are pulling out theories out of your head.

Yes he did and that is something no one's proud of ... But your hypocrisy in holding only Zia responsible for the whole Soviet war is irrational when he was a nobody without the support of other countries ...
Wrong, there are many who are proud of, including RazPak.. Zia was responsible for the war, he was responsible for extremists coming to Pakistan and polarizing your society, he was responsible for Taliban and that Islamization lead to TTP.

And that bigot started the Kashmir insurgency..
I dont need to read your posts anymore cause you are pulling out theories out of your head.

Wrong, there are many who are proud of, including RazPak.. Zia was responsible for the war, he was responsible for extremists coming to Pakistan and polarizing your society, he was responsible for Taliban and that Islamization lead to TTP.

And that bigot started the Kashmir insurgency..

Of course you need not to , since you cant answer my questions ... I wasn't the one who brought the conclusively disproven " Strategic depth " hypothesis ... :azn:

Yeah , as always there are some ... What does that change though ? Zia was responsible for nothing , the USSR and US started the mess in the first place and we had to protect ourselves , he just not popular due to his Islamization of the society , nothing else ... Yeah , each thing lead to another , this is something called " unintended consequences " and every single military and diplomacy related person knows it ... You talk of Kashmir insurgency ? :azn: ... Hadn't you tried flaring insurgencies in different parts of Pakistan long before ?
Of course you need not to , since you cant answer my questions ... I wasn't the one who brought the conclusively disproven " Strategic depth " hypothesis ... :azn:
When was it disproven, ah in your little head I guess..

Yeah , as always there are some ... What does that change though ? Zia was responsible for nothing , the USSR and US started the mess in the first place and we had to protect ourselves , he just not popular due to his Islamization of the society , nothing else ... Yeah , each thing lead to another , this is something called " unintended consequences " and every single military and diplomacy related person knows it ... You talk of Kashmir insurgency ? :azn: ... Hadn't you tried flaring insurgencies in different parts of Pakistan long before ?
Yeah he did nothing and TTP and BLA is Indian funded (without any proof), the **** suddenly hit the fan :P

Good night!
No , the country's itself is a problem whilst we try to keep ourselves safe because hey there's no solution ... Do not ridicule yourself by comparing Afghanistan with Pakistan ! :azn:

Afg-Pak was a term framed by the US and it was basically to look at both of your countries together as the same problem area and the ground situations are no different in both the countries so yeah don't ridicule yourself by thinking you are anywhere above Afghanistan.

Actually , Afghanistan has been crying since the day Pakistan was created , do we look like we give a damn **** ? :no: ... China has internal problems with Xinjiang Muslims and has ruled out any involvement from groups operating in FATA long before , do you want me to get that link ? Leave your country aside , it has problems with almost all its neighbors ...

There's a difference between crying and complaining and they are complaining and now they have begun monitoring their borders with you and there were ANF shootings of Pk Rangers if I am not mistaken. China has internal problems but the training bases are in Pakistan or so they say.

When read in the right context , they have

English 101 - :rofl: stop kidding yourself.

So it is , the point being ? Are you comparing the Pakistani influence with the US one now ?

Not exactly - ever wondered why Pakistani currency is accepted in those couple of areas? - Does it have anything to do with your influence or does it have to do with trading or the smuggling that happens across the border.

A mere puppet installed by the Americans who doesn't have any power outside Kabul but since he's internationally recognized by the coalition for obvious reasons , countries are dealing with him ... But once the US leaves , he will find himself in deep trouble and all the signed agreements will be worth no more than toilet paper ... You can start by telling me the area under the control of Afghan Govt at the moment ?

The mere puppet will be stepping down in 2014 and there will be a re election - whatever Government comes then will not only getting billions of $ in aid and assistance but will also be foreseeing other operations and mining in Afg.

The " Mayor of Kabul " isn't a Pakistani coined phrase ...

Doesn't make sense to anyone - except you guys.

Conspiracy theory ? ... Why do you think my country doesn't want to interfere in North Waziristan at the moment ? Because we know , the terrorist will simple cross the border ... Have you heard of the cross border attacks on PA in Dir District ? Where exactly are those militants coming from and the most important question of all , what is ISAF and ANA doing while it happens ?

You should ask them that, guess you already did and would have got some reply too.

Nah , they abandoned and ran just like they are doing now ... Yes they were , suited our interests ... KSA was another story ... Are you under the delusion that we would have by any chance allowed an anti-Pakistan alliance to rule Afghanistan ? Their interests were met and they left and we had to clean the whole mess !

No I am asking you to clear your delusion that you will be given a chance to try out the stunts you pulled in the 90's again.

Really ? Any prove of that claim or just talking out of behind ?

Hot proof for you: We hauled up 505 kgs from the Samjauta express that came in from Pakistan - so either Pakistan was producing the drugs for was a conduit for the drugs from Afg. And, you BS stories of it being loaded in India does not work.

Plenty ... Look up the " Civil War in Afghanistan " section in Wikipedia and you will find many references to the Pakistani Govt initiatives to finally bring stability to the country ... We asked the warlords to sit down , talk and try and settle their differences ... We could do only this much and we didn't fail , they failed themselves ... Was the world even interested in Afghanistan after the end of Cold War ?

You want to display wiki as a source - the material that would probably have been written by some Pakistani :lol: - get me a proper source or it didn't happen.

Random gibberish ai'nt gonna get you nowhere ...

Your delusions and blabbering will not take you too far.

Yes , I am sure :rofl:
Your sure of what? that these countries who are investing billions in Afghanistan dont know what they are doing or do not know how to safeguard their investments :lol: shows your level of business sense. :lol:

Answers in red.
Afg-Pak was a term framed by the US and it was basically to look at both of your countries together as the same problem area and the ground situations are no different in both the countries so yeah don't ridicule yourself by thinking you are anywhere above Afghanistan.

There's a difference between crying and complaining and they are complaining and now they have begun monitoring their borders with you and there were ANF shootings of Pk Rangers if I am not mistaken. China has internal problems but the training bases are in Pakistan or so they say.

English 101 - stop kidding yourself.

Not exactly - ever wondered why Pakistani currency is accepted in those couple of areas? - Does it have anything to do with your influence or does it have to do with trading or the smuggling that happens across the border.

The mere puppet will be stepping down in 2014 and there will be a re election - whatever Government comes then will not only getting billions of $ in aid and assistance but will also be foreseeing other operations and mining in Afg.

Doesn't make sense to anyone - except you guys.

You should ask them that, guess you already did and would have got some reply too.

No I am asking you to clear your delusion that you will be given a chance to try out the stunts you pulled in the 90's again.

Hot proof for you: We hauled up 505 kgs from the Samjauta express that came in from Pakistan - so either Pakistan was producing the drugs for was a conduit for the drugs from Afg. And, you BS stories of it being loaded in India does not work.

You want to display wiki as a source - the material that would probably have been written by some Pakistani - get me a proper source or it didn't happen.

You want to display wiki as a source - the material that would probably have been written by some Pakistani - get me a proper source or it didn't happen.

Af - Pak refers to a specific theater of operation /combat and not by any chance means that both countries are same - not even in ground situation ... Pakistan is a proper country with a professional army and dedicated institutions ... You can however continue smoking whatever it is and hallucinate to even remotely think both are the same ... :azn: I know the delusions of Indian fan boys very well !

Kid , there's no Pakistan Rangers on the Durand Line so better research before talking about things you do not have an iota of knowledge about and debate just for the sake of it ... There's no ANF even in existence and believe me the day ANA ( the correct name :D ) messes with Pakistan , it will get bombed the hell with the artillery placed on the Western front just like their ancestors when they tried to invade Bajaur Agency ... Afghanistan has begun monitoring what ? They should control their capital city first without doing anything that sort :lol:

I told you " We will not ask anyone/take permission to do anything in Afghanistan " Hard to understand , is it ?

Yes , because most of the people have relations - more deeper than you understand on the other side of the Durand Line :azn: Smuggling maybe a factor but there are many more reasons for usage of our currency in the major cities of Afghanistan ...

Good for him ! We will see if the new Mayor of Kabul is able to control the country after the US leaves or maintain some presence when the former one wasn't able to step outside of the Presidential palace whilst in office with the ISAF deployed or the most likely - The country descends into anarchy once again and I can tell you the former has a very high probability - Western media is going all bonkers about that ...

Makes sense to everyone - except for Indians ... For starters , how much % of that country is under the writ of the so called Govt in Kabul ? :azn:

Yes , we got a reply and refused to launch an operation in North Waziristan ... Serves them well

And I am asking you to clear the delusion that any anti-Pakistan Govt will ever be allowed to function in Kabul , do what you can !

Again , the ungovernable impulse to troll of your lot comes to mind ... What exactly has that propaganda news got to do with drug smuggling from Afghanistan , kiddo ? If you have run out of arguments , better leave before you get pinked !

So suddenly Wiki becomes unreliable ? :azn: ... There are countless other sources , google and find ... I am not here to spoon feed history lessons :no:

I said I am sure - How does that imply something negative ? :rofl:
Times change - the same Northern alliance have an airforce and a standing army of 3.2 lakhs now. Earlier they were a militia. The US supported the Mujahedeen last time, The difference now is the US and NATO support the Northern Alliance so does India, Russia, Iran and Central Asia - and increasingly China.

So you want to say Northern Allience alone would prove stronger than USA, NATO + Northern Alliance together :) ? I understand you support them but your support alone is not going to change facts on ground. USA knows the sooner it leaves Afghanistan, Afghanistan would get under Taliban's control and Pakistan will have a lot more influence in Afghanistan than it enjoys now. After all there is some reason why Russia has made improvements in its relationship with Pakistan.
So you want to say Northern Allience alone would prove stronger than USA, NATO + Northern Alliance together :) ? I understand you support them but your support alone is not going to change facts on ground. USA knows the sooner it leaves Afghanistan, Afghanistan would get under Taliban's control and Pakistan will have a lot more influence in Afghanistan than it enjoys now. After all there is some reason why Russia has made improvements in its relationship with Pakistan.
You mean you will have more influence only after "Taliban the terrorists" come into power?? I must say, you are an honest person.
most of the South-Asia and central Asia will not be happy if they leave before, including Russia. No bets on who does like to see US leave quickly.. :pakistan:
russia wants usa to stay forever, 2024 and beyond, afghan govt on the other hand wants traing and aid forever and also dont want usa to leave, and india also dont want that because they want see pakistan weaker.

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