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The Algerian Armed Forces.


Did they purchase SU 34 already
There is another contract of $8B placed with Russia...48 SU34 are among the items ordered, but nothing has transpired yet...





The Ambassador of Algeria in Tripoli escapes a kidnapping!

It's early in the morning of the 16th, the Ambassador of Algeria in Tripoli, Abdelhamid Bouzhar, foiled an attack from gunmen who tried to kidnap him.
According to our sources, while leaving his residence in upscale Qarqas in Tripoli, an armed group tried to surprise the Ambassador before his conoy was formed.There followed a rapid and robust response elements of GIS that ensured the protection of the diplomatic staff in Libya, managed to evacuate safely ambassador to Tripoli airport then to Algiers via an
Algerian air force transport plane.

Thursday, May 29, 2014
Exclusive! Two regiments of S400 for Algeria[/paste:font]

Algeria will be provided with of the ultimate anti-air defense. The Triumf S400, S300 successor of the PMU2 already fielded by the the Algeria air defence for the past three years, will be operational in 2015.

Russians in Algiers. Contract and questions?

According to Russian media reports, a military and technical cooperation with representatives of the Algerian Ministry of Defence, concerning the launching of joint military manufacturing with the installation of ground stations for satellite positioning system GLONASS has been signed in Algiers during the visit of the head of the Russian parliament
Time for bearded salafis to pay the piper....


Algerian military operation "major" in western Libya

HuffPost Maghreb | By Tahir MalikPublished:06/06/2014 12:44 CEST

Defense , Anp , Anti-Terrorism , AQIM , Borders , International , Libya , Armed Militias , Politics, News
The leads Algeria since 29 May a major operation in western Libya, said a military expert in an article published in the newspaper El Watan.
Kharief Akram, who runs a very knowledgable blog, titled "Secret difa3" on defense issues in the Maghreb connects this action with the announcement by the London newspaper The Times of sending "U.S. Special Forces, French and Algerian in the Libyan "South with the aim of eliminating AQIM terrorists and destroy their infrastructure.
There he wrote a circumstantial alliance between Algeria, the United States, France, Chad and Libya with "the forces of General Khalifa Haftar that pounded the region of Benghazi."

Quoting military sources, it says "3500 paratroopers, a full regiment, and a support group and logistical support to 1,500 men are being made on the other side of the border." Significant air resources are mobilized in the operation. It would be the same Algerian special forces intervened against the terrorist commando stormed and hostages Algerian and foreign personnel on the basis of gas Tiguentourine January 16, 2013.
The author of the article quoted a military source who notes that the operation was awkwardly "camouflaged" by the Staff of the Algerian army by organizing "in haste" military maneuvers on May 28 and " tinkering at breakneck speed even a television show where intermingle archive to more current "sequences.

As a reminder, Algeria has recently deployed 5,000 additional troops to the border with Libya considered a serious source of threat by the Algerian authorities.

More recently, General Boualem Madi, Director of Communications at the Ministry of Defence, spoke, unusually, on the risks posed by the security situation in the neighboring countries, including Libya and Mali. "The deteriorating security situation in the neighboring countries are all factors that require more than ever constant vigilance and careful deployment."

The role of the algerian forces is to search and destroy all the bases,training camps and munitions stores in western L
ibya , from Sabha,to Nalut and Zintan..
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Why SU-34 and not SU-35?
S-400, should be a very potent air defense system, I thought it was not for sale right now, anyhow, congrats to Algeria.
Rheinmetall to sign 2.7 billion euro deal with Algerian military for 980 Fuchs vehicles
Written by defenceWeb, Wednesday, 18 June 2014


German defence group Rheinmetall is set to sign a 2.7 billion euro deal in the coming weeks for the production of 980 Fuchs 2 military vehicles for Algeria, according to German news reports.

German newspaper Handelsblatt today reported that the deal is part of various German contracts with the North African country that include two Meko A200 frigates from Thyssen-Krupp (ordered in 2012) and SUVs and trucks from Daimler valued at a total of 10 billion euros.

A factory to build the Fuchs vehicles will be built in Ain Smara in northeast Algeria, according to Handelsblatt. Algeria has agreed not to sell the vehicles to other countries.

In 2011 Germany authorised the export of 54 Fuchs vehicles worth 195 million euros to Algeria, as well as other military vehicles worth 286 million euros, according to Der Spiegel. It has been reported that Rheinmetall will produce up to 1 200 Fuchs vehicles in Algeria over the next decade, to be assembled from kits.

Germany was the world's third-largest arms exporter after the United States and Russia from 2008 to 2012. Its biggest customer in 2013 was Algeria, which bought equipment worth 825.7 million euros, including tank parts, SUVs and trucks. This is up from 19.8 million euros in 2010.

Algeria has been undergoing massive military expansion in recent years, ordering vehicles, vessels and aircraft. It increased its defence budget for 2014 and is actively seeking new tankers, transports, helicopters and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft. The country is growing its defence spending by 6% through 2017, according to some estimates, as it modernises and re-equips to meet the challenge of insecurity and terrorism in the region.

Algeria earlier this year ordered 42 Mi-28N Night Hunter attack helicopters and six Mi-26T2 cargo helicopters in a nearly $3 billion deal from Russia and is expected to soon order two Kilo class diesel electric submarines. In 2015 the Algerian Navy will take delivery of the landing and logistic support ship Kalaat Beni-Abbes, which was launched in January. Also this year it emerged that Algeria’s military has acquired self-propelled artillery from China and is evaluating Chinese unmanned aerial vehicles.

Rheinmetall to sign 2.7 billion euro deal with Algerian military for 980 Fuchs vehicles | defenceWeb
Same report, different source:

Report: German Firms To Sign Armored Vehicle Deal With Algeria
Jun. 18, 2014 -

BERLIN— Germany’s defense group Rheinmetall and Ferrostaal industrial group are due to sign a deal with Algeria soon for nearly 1,000 armored personnel carriers and a factory, a media report said Wednesday.

Business daily Handelsblatt said the contract, set to be signed in the coming weeks, was for 980 Fuchs (Fox) 2 vehicles worth a total of €2.7 billion ($3.7 billion).

“For the first time Germany is delivering not only armored personnel carriers to an authoritarian state but also a complete vehicle factory,” the newspaper said.

Contacted by AFP, Rheinmetall and Ferrostaal declined to comment.

The contract would be part of a wider agreement between Algeria and Germany, valued at 10 billion euros, to include delivery of two frigates by ThyssenKrupp and industrial vehicles by Daimler, Handelsblatt said.

The spokeswoman for the economy ministry said Chancellor Angela Merkel’s previous center-right government had given a green light for defense collaboration with Algeria in 2011.

Berlin saw no reason to call into question discussions that could lead to the Algeria deal, the ministry added, despite criticism of the government for selling arms to countries with questionable human rights records.

Algeria has pledged not to sell on the 120 vehicles produced annually on its own soil to other countries.

Merkel’s government has in the past approved controversial arms shipments to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

For decades, Germany had declined to sell heavy weapons to Saudi Arabia because of concerns over human rights and fears for Israel’s security.

Report: German Firms To Sign Armored Vehicle Deal With Algeria | Defense News | defensenews.com
Why SU-34 and not SU-35?
S-400, should be a very potent air defense system, I thought it was not for sale right now, anyhow, congrats to Algeria.
Beside China, Algeria is to Russia what Israel is for America...the relationship is dated...and strong.






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