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That 'tremendous' call between Trump and Pakistan's PM Nawaz Sharif, What might India say?

again my bharti son you are talking from your arse, Trump or anyother didnt deny anything.. you have nothing but rants, better keep them to yourself.

And what that stinky modi calling Trump earlier changed for you or us,

as for business he is more then welcome to build few hotels, golf course or towers in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad, i am sure he will have good returns..
Yes they didn't deny...though CNN is a bit critical about showing details of the conversation as it is undiplomatic...


here is an interesting line
The Trump team did not answer inquiries from CNN asking whether the President-elect actually said what the Pakistanis claimed he had.

b/w its funny how a mere phone call from trump has charged us Indian and Pakistanis :lol: .... we guys are fukcing morons!!
Yes they didn't deny...though CNN is a bit critical about showing details of the conversation as it is undiplomatic...


here is an interesting line
The Trump team did not answer inquiries from CNN asking whether the President-elect actually said what the Pakistanis claimed he had.

b/w its funny how a mere phone call from trump has charged us Indian and Pakistanis :lol: .... we guys are fukcing morons!!

what undiplomatic when there was no state official involve on Trump's side? He is not a president officially as of now. But still i believe they did a mistake, maybe NS' media cell was too excited bcoz they rarely hear anything Good about NS :lol:

and as for charged up part, i was only confronting him for calling PM office fake and liers :)
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what undiplomatic when there was no state official involve on Trump's side? He is not a president officially as of now. But still i believe they did a mistake, maybe NS' media cell was too excited bcoz they rearly hear anything Good about NS :lol:

and as for charged up part, i was only confronting him for calling PM office fake and liers :)
I was not referring to you...just look around...one statement and Indian and Pakistan media are on it :D.....also it is undiplomatic because he is a president elect and that's why every single statement from him or his office needs to be taken in same regard...anyways if statements meant anything then we would have lived in a different world...
The first part is correct but as to the second, America needs India precisely because of China, not the other way around.
Yes i dont disagree but in a short to medium term only ,In long term he knows Pak is the ultimate giant killer or super power killer ,US will keep Pak breathing weakly till the right time then unleash it ,By the way Pak proved more useful than India in many ways
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/12/01/politics/donald-trump-nawaz-sharif-phone-call/index.html

Donald Trump reportedly praises Pakistan's 'terrific' PM

It's a case of he said, he said between two of the world's most powerful men.

We know that Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and US President-elect Donald Trump spoke on the phone Wednesday.

What was said during that call is what's at issue.

After the conversation, the Pakistan Prime Minister's Office put out a statement directly quoting Trump -- a violation of diplomatic protocol -- in which he glowingly praised Sharif.

The statement quoted President-elect Trump as telling Sharif "you are a terrific guy. You are doing amazing work which is visible in every way. I am looking forward to see you soon. As I am talking to you, Prime Minister, I feel I am talking to a person I have known for long."

The President-elect's office put out a statement saying the two sides "had a productive conversation about how the United States and Pakistan will have a strong working relationship in the future."

The Trump team did not answer inquiries from CNN asking whether the President-elect actually said what the Pakistanis claimed he had.

The danger

Readouts of phone calls between world leaders are usually summarized in order to protect leaders from incidental backlash -- like the one the Trump team put out.

They're dry and diplomatic statements recapping conversations using carefully chosen buzzwords.
And political insiders say the calls themselves are usually quite formal.

"A president wouldn't gush over a foreign leader the way that Donald Trump did. He wouldn't volunteer to do all these things," says CNN political analyst David Gergen, who has served as an adviser to four presidents.

"Our relationship with Pakistan is one of the most sensitive and difficult relationships in the world. It's an extremely important relationship."

When making that call, a president would likely have a press aide and national security advisers at his side, according to Gergen.

"You'd carefully think through any call like that, you'd make your two or three points, [then] over and out," he said.

"Especially don't leave them in a position where they could put out something so gushing that it hurts your relationship with India."
US-Pakistan relations under Trump presidency would best the US-Pakistan relations under Reagan.

Tough days ahead for India with US, Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UK, Germany, Italy, South Africa and Brazil strongly supporting Pakistan.
Maryam Nawaz is a duffer, she is so stupid its unbelievable.

The whole PML N media cell is a farce,
That 'tremendous' call between Trump and Pakistan's PM Nawaz Sharif


Sir, Mr. Trump will actually be good for Pakistan. Mark my words. Putting a tweet on, from his pre-election rhetoric makes no sense. He said plenty of interesting things so you can't really take pre-election stuff seriously. Always remember, he is not a politician but he beat one of the strongest politician family and their entire system by a huge margin. A lot should be given him as credit for that win.

Now when he says something, that is coming from a "President-Elect". So there is a lot of weight to the things he said. From reading the transcripts of the call from both sides, it seems like a decent relationship will build between the two leaders. Both are businessmen for decades, know negotiations and how to get results so it would be a good relationship i think. Mutually beneficial for both countries.

Don't forget, one of the first economic related messages he gave to his team being put together was to find out how to join the one belt, one road initiative. The most significant part of that is the CPEC. So he'll establish good relations with Pakistan I believe. Thanks
For God sakes, Trump/Shrump and the entire west is against Pakistan in virtually all respects & working daily in the background to destabilize Pakistan...and the rest we have done ourselves by mulliat...
That 'tremendous' call between Trump and Pakistan's PM Nawaz Sharif
  • 1 hour ago
  • From the sectionAsia
Image copyrightREUTERS
Image captionMr Trump has spoken to a number of world leaders since winning the election
Late on Wednesday afternoon US President-elect Donald Trump had a phone call with Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

According to a Pakistani account of what should probably have been a procedural discussion, Mr Trump lavished extravagant praise upon Pakistan's prime minister and its people.

"You have a very good reputation. You are a terrific guy," it goes. In addition, Pakistan is "a fantastic country, fantastic place" with the most "intelligent" people and "your country is amazing with tremendous opportunities".

Not satisfied with that, the account, commonly known as read-outs, culminates with this flourish: "Please convey to the Pakistani people that they are amazing and all Pakistanis I have known are exceptional people, said Mr Donald Trump."

It is unclear to what extent these are direct quotes, but there was much bemusement both in mainstream and social media.

Then the US released its account of the call
Hours later, the Trump team released a statement which, if brief, emphasised the pleasantries generally found in these exchanges.

Image copyrightAFP
Image captionNawaz Sharif invited the president-elect to visit Pakistan
Describing it as a "productive conversation", the two discussed how they would achieve "a strong working relationship in the future", the US-statement said.

"President-elect Trump also noted that he is looking forward to a lasting and strong personal relationship with Prime Minister Sharif."

But the effusive praise detailed by the Pakistanis did not go unnoticed.

What might India say?
Many pointed out that India may have something to say about the president-elect's apparent delight at the invitation to visit Pakistan - "a fantastic country, fantastic place, of fantastic people" - when no US president has been since 2006 and there is a delicate diplomatic tightrope to be negotiated.

Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionMr Trump courted the Indian-American vote during campaigning
It it not yet clear if Delhi has any view at all. Following a number of cross-border attacks, relations between the neighbours are at their lowest point in years. And the tone of the exchange certainly contradicts a Trump view in 2011.

Image captionDonald Trump tweets: "Get it straight: Pakistan is not our friend..."
But while Mr Trump was criticised by some as naive for being fulsome in his praise of the leader of a country that has been accused of backing militants, many more just saw the funny side.

Image captionOne of the stars of TV series Silicon Valley, where he plays a Pakistani character, had this to say...
The two did not apparently discuss Mr Trump's campaign promise to enact a "total and complete" shutdown of Muslims coming to America, later downgraded to "extreme vetting". The overwhelming majority of Pakistanis, including the prime minister, are Muslim.

For now, the two former businessmen stuck to warm words.

And just in case there was any doubt: "All Pakistanis I have known are exceptional people," was Mr Trump's view in the words of Pakistan.

World is not moving with what someones think. Trump has his own view till the point pentagon aware him with the dynamics of the political in region, that of-course he is not access of before.
Sir, Mr. Trump will actually be good for Pakistan. Mark my words. Putting a tweet on, from his pre-election rhetoric makes no sense. He said plenty of interesting things so you can't really take pre-election stuff seriously. Always remember, he is not a politician but he beat one of the strongest politician family and their entire system by a huge margin. A lot should be given him as credit for that win.

Now when he says something, that is coming from a "President-Elect". So there is a lot of weight to the things he said. From reading the transcripts of the call from both sides, it seems like a decent relationship will build between the two leaders. Both are businessmen for decades, know negotiations and how to get results so it would be a good relationship i think. Mutually beneficial for both countries.

Don't forget, one of the first economic related messages he gave to his team being put together was to find out how to join the one belt, one road initiative. The most significant part of that is the CPEC. So he'll establish good relations with Pakistan I believe. Thanks

I don't know for others, but the field I work in, it's all being geared for China. Even with my very humble exposure I can clearly see that they're catching up dead fast. I am pretty sure Mr. Trump knows these ground realities and where the world is heading toward and who can deliver. Having seen American CEOs for the last thirty years, all at the receiving ends, I have leant one thing - they love winners and hate losers, and it's personal. They demand straight forward answers to their toughest questions in "Yes/No" format to begin with and in a fraction of a second. Any second guessing, blabbering, unrealistic projections (like some folks in this forum answer a one-line comment with an A4 page long copy paste replies) etc. you're as good as dead. IMO, President-Elect Trump will not forget his CEO qualities, which are anyway his winning points, to the Oval Office. Man can hardly change his Fitret (nature); otherwise, no students would have failed or no serial killer would have been caught...
Like most Pakistanis, Nawas Sheriieff probably told Trump he is from India.
Ofcourse Trump in his usual 'who cares about anything' attitude probably laid it on pretty thick.

But seriously, it will be nice if Pakistan comes back into our fold instead of running around looking for alliances to sign up to helter skeltor.

Unusual move by GOP. Will give ammunition to anti-Pakistan people in Trump's administration... Made a laughing stock of country.

Here is one of the reactions :

The last sentence is telling. Why do Pak leader acts so needy.
I was born and raised in USA. I am no coconut second class Indian calling myself proudly as an American. I support Pakistan all the way and wish good luck to all of you.
again son you are talking from your arse, Trump or anyother didnt deny anything.. you have nothing but rants, better keep them to yourself.

And what that stinky modi calling Trump earlier changed for you or us,

as for business he is more then welcome to build few hotels, golf course or towers in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad, i am sure he will have good returns..
Epic Fail :rofl::rofl:
An unidentified adviser to the Trump team said the Pakistani readout of the talk had “committed the president-elect to more than what he meant”.
Other members of the Trump team, quoted in media, pointed out that the Pakistanis overplayed Mr Trump’s offer to play “a role” in resolving Pakistan’s disputes with India.
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