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Thailand Blasts Kills 8

Depends on the history.

If the area used to be independent and was forcibly annexed, and the vast majority of the population supports independence, only then it becomes an issue. If it's only a minority of (foreign funded) troublemakers, then there is no cause. Unfortunately, when legitimate concerns are ignored, then terrorists take over the debate and the situation spirals downward.

Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Pakistan, India, Russia and many parts of Africa and else where all have separatists problems and all these separatists would no doubt can present their valid proofs that they once were independent. But if one country open that Pandora's box and submit to such action, there will be no limited to where it's going to end.

That's not the solution and even the UNSC would ignore resolutions like these.
Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Pakistan, India, Russia and many parts of Africa and else where all have separatists problems and all these separatists would no doubt can present their valid proofs that they once were independent. But if one country open that Pandora's box and submit to such action, there will be no limited to where it's going to end.

That's not the solution and even the UNSC would ignore resolutions like these.

So what was special about Christian South Sudan and Christian East Timor?

However, I agree with you that the better solution is to address the issues of discrimination and solve them internally, as long as the majority of population wants it that way.
If these concerns were properly addressed, most Malays would probably opt for remaining in Thailand but, given the brutal heavy handedness of the Siamese response, the terrorists co-opt the cause.

Original Posted By Developereo.

Perhaps this is the solution here. Both sides have to sit down again and keep a dialogue going until a solution is reached. But both sides have understand if they both continue the current path there will be no hopes for the future but a complete failure.
Thailand is a peaceful country and are good people. Sad and may good sense prevail on the terrorist. May soul of the unfortunate people who died rest in peace and God bless this world!
Every Muslim majority area in any country is forcefully occupied....

If the area used to be independent and was forcibly annexed, and the vast majority of the population supports independence, only then it becomes an issue. If it's only a minority of (foreign funded) troublemakers, then there is no cause. Unfortunately, when legitimate concerns are ignored, then terrorists take over the debate and the situation spirals downward.

Who decides if the majority is supporting it or only its mischief of foreign funded troublemakers...?

Lemme guess..if the affected country is also a Muslim country then they are CIA-RAW-MOSSAD funded blackwater mercenaries...but if the affected country is a non-Muslim one then they are majority backed legitimate causes of freedom.
R.I.P. Ive been to thailand beautiful country and lovely people.

East timor was invaded.

And lets not forget Kosovo.
I agree with ahfatzia, if we start annexing countries today based on ethnicity, religion; there will be no stop to the chaos we see in the world today. The Muslims in Yala, Pattani & Narathiwat need to reconcile their differences with the non-Muslim North, make their voices heard (even in the face of discrimination), & not let their community get hijacked by terrorists. We are seeing this phenomena worldwide with Muslims, sadly. This was what I was alluding to a few weeks ago on a thread I created. Furthermore, separatist insurgencies like this are considered unlawful (haram) in most Islamic schools of thought as well. These blasts show why a nation needs to have strong "security apparatus" & LEAs, having the strength to quell these militant, anti-state elements from the society. There are no "human rights" for militants who take up arms against the state, & kill innocent people. These Muslims are a disgrace to Islam, as well as many other Muslims around the world, & peace-loving Muslims must not let their community get hijacked by these militant, anti-state elements (which sadly they are), & must condemn this terrorism in the harshest words possible, & help the authorities bring the perpetrators to justice.
Every Muslim majority area in any country is forcefully occupied....

When a Muslim minority in non-Muslim lands demands their rights, they are terrorists who can't assimilate. When non-Muslim minority in a Muslim "dominated" land demands their rights, they are oppressed by the Muslim majority.

Every conflict can be portrayed to suit the objectives of the narrator.

Lemme guess..if the affected country is also a Muslim country then they are CIA-RAW-MOSSAD funded blackwater mercenaries...but if the affected country is a non-Muslim one then they are majority backed legitimate causes of freedom.

Try educating yourself instead of guessing. I already stated that foreign backed militants were taking over the issue because the Thai authorities had decided to ignore the concerns of the Malay Muslims whose lands they annexed. This is not a matter of opinion, it's a historical fact.

Funny, how Indians were whining en masse that anti-nuclear protests in their country were "foreign funded", but discredit the legitimate concerns of Muslims elsewhere.

I agree with ahfatzia, if we start annexing countries today based on ethnicity, religion; there will be no stop to the chaos we see in the world today. The Muslims in Yala, Pattani & Narathiwat need to reconcile their differences with the non-Muslim North, make their voices heard (even in the face of discrimination), & not let their community get hijacked by terrorists.

They have tried negotiating and to find a peaceful solution for decades. Since the international community turns a blind eye to the Thai brutality, it is only natural that the conflict turns to militancy. This progression to militancy is not specific to Muslims; the same thing happened in East Timor, Sudan, South Africa, most of South America, etc, etc.

We are seeing this phenomena worldwide with Muslims, sadly.

If the global media was ruled by Muslims, then these insurgencies would be described as freedom movements against tyranny. It's all about media spin.
Muslims, then these insurgencies would be described as freedom movements against tyranny. It's all about media spin.

I agree, but it is not. Let us make the best out of the situation that prevails, & live respectfully in any nation of the world.

Muslims quite frankly, have also used their own Takfiri narratives to cause divide & splits in societies; all in the name of "revolution", "independence" & "restoration of the Caliphate" (aiding the geopolitical, strategic goals of the "ambitious nations"). I have said this once, & I'll say it again: Muslims only have themselves to blame, if they let other nations interfere in their countries (through direct war, or the divide & rule strategy), interfere in their communities & hijack them, if they don't condemn terrorism & acclimatize, become part of the system, or get their narrative heard.
Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Pakistan, India, Russia and many parts of Africa and else where all have separatists problems and all these separatists would no doubt can present their valid proofs that they once were independent. But if one country open that Pandora's box and submit to such action, there will be no limited to where it's going to end.

That's not the solution and even the UNSC would ignore resolutions like these.

The bigger question is even if these separatists demands are met, how can we be sure they"ll stand on their word.

For example take Russia's experience with Chechnya

In the 1st war of Chechnya when the Russian forces failed to make any progress, the Chechens got their autonomy. Instead of rebuilding their nation, these Chechens went and invaded the neighboring Russian province of Dagestan. Then came the Russian crush.

One can't except these separatists to become heads of a sovereign responsible state overnight.
Same problem with Afghanistan.
This is the narrative from the Zionist media.

The omnipotent,omnipresent Zionist media....:lol:...Some people are literate, yet uneducated.

When a Muslim minority in non-Muslim lands demands their rights, they are terrorists who can't assimilate. When non-Muslim minority in a Muslim "dominated" land demands their rights, they are oppressed by the Muslim majority.

No when they demand their rights in a peaceful,democratic manner they are not terrorists. But when they take up guns and go on a happy blasting trip killing all in their wake, then they are terrorists..their "cause" be damned.

Every conflict can be portrayed to suit the objectives of the narrator.

Case in point, Balochistan.

Try educating yourself instead of guessing. I already stated that foreign backed militants were taking over the issue because the Thai authorities had decided to ignore the concerns of the Malay Muslims whose lands they annexed. This is not a matter of opinion, it's a historical fact.

Every nation consists of some land someone annexed hundreds of years before. So why not let everyone go on a blasting trip ?
There will be only chaos after that.

Funny, how Indians were whining en masse that anti-nuclear protests in their country were "foreign funded", but discredit the legitimate concerns of Muslims elsewhere.

How are anti-nuclear protests relevant here..?..anyway the protests have ended and the work has re-started.

Legitimate concerns or illegitimate concerns, going and blasting bombs killing innocents is not justifiable and it is a simple case of terrorism that must only be crushed with no quarters given.

If anything they only bring in more misery with retaliation from Thai military and justifiable so.

Why being Muslims they can't co-exist with the Thais ? Is it haram ?

If the global media was ruled by Muslims, then these insurgencies would be described as freedom movements against tyranny. It's all about media spin.

Quit whining and for a change try to take control of the global media...if the "Zionists" in their 10 millions can do it..why not 1.6 billion Muslims with their unlimited resources through oil ?
Muslims only have themselves to blame, if they let other nations interfere in their countries (through direct war, or the divide & rule strategy), interfere in their communities & hijack them, if they don't condemn terrorism & acclimatize, become part of the system, or get their narrative heard.

That's a facile cop-out. The Malay Muslims have had no choice in the matter. They did not "let" other countries interfere. Their lands were conquered by Siamese and British invaders and they are now living the legacy. As I pointed out earlier in this thread, these Malays were never part of the treaties that decided their fate.

However, all that is the past, so let's advance to the present. It's easy for us, living far away in comfortable surroundings, to pass judgement and say they should behave such and such. But when your sons and brothers get whisked away in the middle of the night, when your language and culture are under attack by brutal authorities, and when poverty and education levels in your community are out of sync with the national average because of institutionalized discrimination, then things are not so simple.

These people have tried for decades to get their concerns addressed, but the Thai government's response (other than cosmetic bandages) has been to play hardball. The authorities are encouraged by the global media's predictable spin, which portrays the Muslims as troublemakers who can't assimilate. Never mind the fact that they have been native to the land for centuries.
The bigger question is even if these separatists demands are met, how can we be sure they"ll stand on their word.

For example take Russia's experience with Chechnya

In the 1st war of Chechnya when the Russian forces failed to make any progress, the Chechens got their autonomy. Instead of rebuilding their nation, these Chechens went and invaded the neighboring Russian province of Dagestan. Then came the Russian crush.

One can't except these separatists to become heads of a sovereign responsible state overnight.
Same problem with Afghanistan.

I believe we're on the same line of though. My post was answering another post.
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