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Terrorists Slit Throats of Three Afghan Generals In Hospital Attack

Not an ISIS operation seems proxy wars are going out of control and will escalate further.
not proxy war either, read the last two lines of the news article.

Former government officials and Afghanistan citizens have accuse the defense minister and chief of army staff of being directly involved in the attack.
When will afghan govt learn that blaming Pak will not change the situation in Afghanistan. Their incapability and short comings can't be addressed with blame games anymore. ISIS is totally operational in Afghanistani soil and Kabul Govt is simply doing nothing to control them.
Afghan govt is just a bunch of lairs, thugs and puppets, so the only way Pakistan/Russia/China can stop ISIS from entering their borders is arming Afghan Taliban.
Seems it was a very clinical and targeted operation. Why attack only the military hospital when it is heavily guarded but not other soft targets?
Not an ISIS operation seems proxy wars are going out of control and will escalate further.

you are right , India is now special child of America and learn tactics how to realize afghan that Pakistan is behind all this...
This incident is so shocking and outrageous that i can never explain it in words. Killing people who are in hospital is barbarian act and if they are warriors then why dont they act like one. Silting throat and burning prisoners has became a real tool for scaring people. This fallen general has spent 42 year serving his country he must be quite old and he deserved much better end than this.
Blaming Pakistan has become more of a habit of both India and Afghanistan we all should work together to eliminate this threat of tali and ISIS. how long do you think it will take them to attack all three? We have to remember one thing that ISIS and Taliban are mutual enemy of all three countries so we should keep aside our issue aside and eliminate them rather than blaming each other. At the end of the day they all are taking more advantage of our situation.
ISIS is growing right under the USA .. Shame on them , and they are busy in blaming others for their failures and attacking Pakistan tribal areas yet TTP and Jamat-ul-ahrar leadership roaming free in Afghanistan, its very high time Russia , China and Pakistan create a joint Alliance to take care of these creatures in Afghanistan..
I agree with you.

Sounds more like Indian brain at work.
It can be US brain at work trying to invade whole country with his soldiers.
Things out there had become so messy that U never know whether its a power struggle, done by talis or whatsoever but good thing for bad guys is that they have got lots of groups/punching bags who r eager to claim the responsibility but Kabul always points eastwards as was case even during last incident which took lives of UAE ppl and the device made its way to a Sofa set in a heavily guarded and scanned compound while surprisingly the guy who was in-charge of who security vanished just a few minutes ago from the scene and showed up later on and directly blaming Islamabad as usual.

I doubt that, why would Indians kill one of their own. The problem with Afghan state set up is, it's built entirely on fault lines and may never work, even if NATO sticks around for a century. Giving the reigns of power in the hands of a minority is bound to keep all factions at odds and incidents like this will continue to happen.

When will afghan govt learn that blaming Pak will not change the situation in Afghanistan. Their incapability and short comings can't be addressed with blame games anymore. ISIS is totally operational in Afghanistani soil and Kabul Govt is simply doing nothing to control them.
Afghan govt is just a bunch of lairs, thugs and puppets, so the only way Pakistan/Russia/China can stop ISIS from entering their borders is arming Afghan Taliban.

“They were talking on phones in the Pashto language and were reporting that they had killed three or four people,”

and we got publicity at free of cost..

Pakistan is everywhere, Pakistan is omnipresent.
Paid proxy terrorists destabilizing Afghanistan
Paid proxy terrorists destabilizing Afghanistan
Just change Afghanistan to Pakistan and you have accurately described what is going in Pakistan.
Its been manifested here that to what stoop levels these butchers can go. Totally disgusting act and we condemn it at all levels. This incident should be an eye opener for Kabul as rather than pointing fingers at Pakistan for everything on behest of its new master, its better to join hands with Islamabad as get rid of these goons till its too late. Time is fast running out.
These northern alliance & their followers always blame Pakistan for their own crimes, those who sided with USSR & India during Afghan war killing afghans now ruling the country.
Let real afghans lead the country not the children's of Hindu's
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