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Tell me some good jokes


Apr 24, 2022
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I'll start first.

There was a passenger going to his destination and on his way he reads a sign from a higher up in the village that who ever can make his donkey show any emotion, make him laugh, cry, speak, make any sound will get a reward. The donkey stayed silent and never uttered a sound.

When the man sees the sign he goes to the person and asks him if he and the donkey could have a private conversation in the shed. The owner of the donkey says sure go ahead. When the passenger and the donkey come out of the shed the donkey is rolling on his back and laughing out loud like crazy. The man collects his reward and moves on to his destination.

Some days later The passenger on his way back home sees another sign from the same person that if anyone could make his donkey stop laughing will get a reward. The passenger goes to the owner and asks him if he and the donkey could go in the shed alone. When they come out the donkey comes out quiet as hell with his head down and the passenger collects his reward and is about to move on.

The owner of the donkey wanted to know the secret how could the passenger make the donkey laugh when he didnt show any emotion for years and then shut him up when he couldn't stop laughing for days. The passenger says the first time I took him to the shed I whispered in his ear that my penis is bigger than his so the donkey started laughing and couldn't stop laughing, the second time I just showed him my penis. :omghaha:
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So, there was an all world cat race where cats from each country participated. There was also a weak cat from a poor country. Participants laughed at it wondering even if it could walk.

To everyone surprise that cat won by a huge margin. The news reporters were astonished and asked the owner that his country is poor and facing starvation, so how did his feeble cat win?

The man replied ' This is a lion'
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