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TAPI Project to Start in December: Officials

India is participating because it sees both economic, political and security benefits from such a regional project.
Energy is has immense strategic implications, India's energy dependency on Pakistan should be avoided at all costs. Transit fees emanating from India going into Pakistan which in turn would be re-invested in escalating security risks for Indian in forms of Asymmetric as well as conventional warfare, would be a very unfavorable, shooting yourself in the foot scenario.
Energy is has immense strategic implications, India's energy dependency on Pakistan should be avoided at all costs. Transit fees emanating from India going into Pakistan which in turn would be re-invested in escalating security risks for Indian in forms of Asymmetric as well as conventional warfare, would be a very unfavorable, shooting yourself in the foot scenario.

I see the opposite scenario that if the region is connected via projects that help all those stakeholders then there is a mutual interdependence which may have positive implication security wise. European continent was in constant conflict much longer that us but they have understand the importance of interdependence where by everyone wins.

I know this may all sounds naive at times, but sometimes those in the decision making level seem to lack common sense at times ;) Don’t be fooled by all the huffs and puffs, most of the time the real decision makers are old farts, living in their own little world, where they see everything as a security risk.

I see the opposite scenario that if the region is connected via projects that help all those stakeholders then there is a mutual interdependence which may have positive implication security wise. European continent was in constant conflict much longer that us but they have understand the importance of interdependence where by everyone wins.

I know this may all sounds naive at times, but sometimes those in the decision making level seem to lack common sense at times ;) Don’t be fooled by all the huffs and puffs, most of the time the real decision makers are old farts, living in their own little world, where they see everything as a security risk.

I don't agree with your perceptions.

Project like TAPI require huge investments and in return offer development and other economic benefits over decades.

No sane business minded entity would Invest in a venture where the outcome depends on the whims of leaders of ARCH Rivals countries India and Pakistan.

At least India under Modi won't touch this project with a barge pole unless Pakistan make a tectonic shift in its foreign policy.
I see the opposite scenario that if the region is connected via projects that help all those stakeholders then there is a mutual interdependence which may have positive implication security wise. European continent was in constant conflict much longer that us but they have understand the importance of interdependence where by everyone wins.

I know this may all sounds naive at times, but sometimes those in the decision making level seem to lack common sense at times ;) Don’t be fooled by all the huffs and puffs, most of the time the real decision makers are old farts, living in their own little world, where they see everything as a security risk.


I have heard this before, and this is where we disagree, the european mutual interdependence started with germany's rise as a strategic risk formenting France, England allaince and cemented through germany's and italy's fall getting assimilated in the process, the victors of allied forces, in europe although distinctively divided itself into soviet and Euro blocks, whose tremors are still felt and played out throughout Yugoslavian war's. eventually untill the fall of soviet regime, some of which still is held up in russia. This interdependence was not created through business interest but strategic re-alignment.

What you see is as mutual interdependence having positive implications, will instead be seen as leveraging tactics against India. If you have any doubt's look at the leverage Pakistan holds on to Afghanistan through the Taliban proxies, transit routes, and political interference. treating it as it's own backyard. How much benefit has Dependence on Pakistan brought to Afghanistan in the last two decades?
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I have heard this before, and this is where we disagree, the european mutual interdependence started with germany's rise as a strategic risk cementing France, England allaince and cemented through germany's and italy's fall getting assimilated in the process, the victors of allied forces, in europe although distinctively divided itself into soviet and Euro blocks, whose tremors are still felt and played out throughout Yugoslavian war's. eventually untill the fall of soviet regime, some of which still is held up in russia. This interdependence was not created through business interest but strategic re-alignment.

What you see is as mutual interdependence having positive implications, will instead be seen as leveraging tactics against India. If you have any doubt's look at the leverage Pakistan holds on to Afghanistan through the Taliban proxies, transit routes, and political interference. treating it as it's own backyard. How much benefit has Dependence on Pakistan brought to Afghanistan in the last two decades?
@A-Team is on an agenda. You aren't going to get him to open up w.r.t to Pakistani responsibility as a factor of destabilization in the region and world. He is trying so hard to get the Pakistani members to drop their imperialist and hateful attitude towards his country that he forgets that this is just an anonymous message board with no consequence to real-life policies.

/oh well
Its very understandable if India backs out of the deal since it goes through Afghanistan a nation that is plagued by terrorism and pipelines can be targeted while also going through an enemy nation against whom they have currently rocky relations with and looking at the modi regime it seems that its not going to improve.

We can transfer this pipeline across the northern path of Afghanistan and Pakistan to reach China and have then enter this pipe. This will give China more gas resources however the danger of a Taliban attack on the pipeline will remain.

I seriously doubt if India will take part in thus project. It would be the same for us if we were offered to be part of the project whose pipeline would go through India towards us.
I see the opposite scenario that if the region is connected via projects that help all those stakeholders then there is a mutual interdependence which may have positive implication security wise. European continent was in constant conflict much longer that us but they have understand the importance of interdependence where by everyone wins.

I know this may all sounds naive at times, but sometimes those in the decision making level seem to lack common sense at times ;) Don’t be fooled by all the huffs and puffs, most of the time the real decision makers are old farts, living in their own little world, where they see everything as a security risk.


It should be notes that the Europeans have rebuffed the integration of Turkey [any guess to what the reason was]

What is not much talked about is the Morocco has also expressed a desire to join Eurozone -- again no welcoming matt there. [any guess to what the reason might be]

Integration requires common symbols, cultural norms first.

Germany and France have battled each other for generations -- but are now part of Eurozone -- how many years did France and Turkey battle each other that France was vehemently opposed to Turkey joining Europe.

Thinking can generally be beneficial.
You aren't going to get him to open up w.r.t to Pakistani responsibility as a factor of destabilization in the region and world.
Yes because everyone who doesnt agree with mighty bharati keyboard warriors has their own agenda
Once projects like this start, where the jobless young men are employed then you will see the real fruits of the regional co-operation, it will have strategic changing effects for all the countries involved especially the 3 brethren which has the most in common but still can't seem to make it work :) you know what I mean :P

Key Afghan ministers on Friday said that work on the long-awaited Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India (TAPI) gas pipeline project, which aims to transfer natural gas from Turkmenistan to the three other countries, will start in December.

TAPI Project to Start in December: Officials

Not to sound pessimistic -- but:

1. Pakistan has difficulty protecting its infrastructure -- can a country torn by strife like Afghanistan protect a pipeline?
2. If the pipeline does not include India -- India will probably have her proxies interdict the pipeline in part of Afghanistan
3. Would International investors be interested in funding a pipeline that passes through Afghanistan -- doubtful
4. Should Pakistan and India invest large sums of money in a pipeline that will have to built before Afghanistan is pacified -- unlikely

India is part of the this project, no wonder its called TAPI. India as a regional power needs to show leadership by encourging such projects.

India is a regional power...good joke...last time they couldnt go ahead with IPI while Pakistan boldly persued it despite US pressure...
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