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Tamil cannot be Madras HC's Official language : India rejects Tamilnadu request -


Mar 22, 2013
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High courts of Rajasthan, MP, UP and Bihar are authorized to use Hindi. But Tamilnadu cant use Tamil. Clearly Hindia, a nation for the Hindiáns.

This is a matter of civil and state right.

Why not conduct business in Tamil or at least the option and keep a Hindi or English Transcript of the proceedings ?

The current system puts a burden on the folks that to get justice you have to be proficient in a second language.
The discrimination is clear. Hindi-ans can use Hindi in Uttar Pradesh but Tamils cannot use Tamil in Tamil Nadu. What an outrage.

Is Hindi superior to Tamil? In what way?

Only thing going for Hindi-ans is they make lots of babies compared to non-Hind-ians. That gives them the democratic right to plunder non-Hindi states to feed them while they sit idle during the day and produce babies in the night.
I don't understand why Tamil cannot be used.
Singapore have 4 official languages and Tamil is one of them.

India must learn to be more inclusive and not try to impose upon their minorities.
Tamil Nadu is rightfully a great civilization of its own, and deserve respect from India.
Indian influence in South East Asia is largely due to the Great Chola empire.
Tamil language should have its rightful place in India.
Tamil Nadu can try out 1 country 2 system to preserve its ancient culture and the Tamil language.
Going by the Tamils in Singapore, I am sure Tamil Nadu will outperform the rest of India.
Indian influence in South East Asia is largely due to the Great Chola empire.

Do you know that high school text books sponsored by Indian gov for CBSE schools do not discuss Chola kings? They want to hide the Tamil history.

Tamil Nadu is rightfully a great civilization of its own

Indian government takes over archeological sites suggesting ancient Tamil civilization, and then do not carry out the excavations and carbon dating artifacts. Even the High Court ruled that Indian gov is ignoring archeological sites in Tamil Nadu.
Do you know that high school text books sponsored by Indian gov for CBSE schools do not discuss Chola kings? They want to hide the Tamil history.

Indian government takes over archeological sites suggesting ancient Tamil civilization, and then do not carry out the excavations and carbon dating artifacts. Even the High Court ruled that Indian gov is ignoring archeological sites in Tamil Nadu.
This is news to me, sad news.
I practically grew up with the Tamils, having Appam and Thosai for breakfast daily.
Tamils are intelligent and hardworking people.
I don't understand why India would not want to promote Tamil values.
Going by the contribution in Singapore by Tamils, Indian economy would be much worse without them.

I read somewhere that evidence of very ancient civilization is found in Tamil Nadu.
I have many Indian friends, but only recently I get to know this "caste" thing is still being practiced.
My Tamil friends abhor these "North" Indians from India.
Our Deputy Prime Minister is a very popular Tamil, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, who may become our next Prime Minister.
India should also have a Tamil Prime Minister rather than these gau rakshaks.
Frankly the more I read about India, I get more disappointed.

I think Tamil influence should replace all references in text of "Indian influence" in Southeast Asia.
We wrongly interchange the terms "Tamil" and "Indian".
I wonder why we in Singapore call the Sikhs, "Singhs", but we call the Tamils "Indians".
Should have correctly addressed them "Tamil" or "Tamilian".
Too late now.
Tomorrow everyone will be asking to conduct judicial procedures in their own state language, then how will you coordinate rulings across states. Tamilians should stop playing victim card and get on with it, how long will you play identity politics. I am a telugu and i am perfectly comfortable using Hindi or English as official languages. That doesn't raise any inferiority complex in me about my language.
I don't understand why Tamil cannot be used.
Singapore have 4 official languages and Tamil is one of them.

India must learn to be more inclusive and not try to impose upon their minorities.
Tamil Nadu is rightfully a great civilization of its own, and deserve respect from India.
Indian influence in South East Asia is largely due to the Great Chola empire.
Tamil language should have its rightful place in India.
Tamil Nadu can try out 1 country 2 system to preserve its ancient culture and the Tamil language.
Going by the Tamils in Singapore, I am sure Tamil Nadu will outperform the rest of India.

the name of the state is Tamilnadu yet the HC cant use Tamil , the irony - only Hindi or English can be used in Tamilnadu HC. Not only use of Tamil in HC , water from neighboring states of Karnataka and Kerala is denied by Indian govt, not to mention the attempt to ban Tamil culture e.g Jallikattu, Pongal, Thaipusam.

India and Indians have a phobia and deep rooted hatred for Tamils aka Dravidians, their civilisation. Tamils contribution to ASEAN countries and the Far East is hidden under the semblance of Indianization.

I read somewhere that evidence of very ancient civilization is found in Tamil Nadu.

Stopping excavation of ancient archaeological sites in Tamilnadu and transferring the artifacts discovered to museums in New Delhi bear testimony to India's attempt to sabotage Tamil ancient history. since these discoveries will expose India's lies and fake history

Tamil is the very reason why the religion - Hinduism survived in India - yet the Indian govt be it Congress or BJP will do everything to destroy Tamils and their culture.

Only an independent Tamilnadu can save Tamils from racial and cultural extinction under Hindián rule by Aryan/Brahmanist invaders. LTTE (Tamil Tigers) knew this and fought against Aryan supremacy but their freedom struggle was branded as terrorism by the world super powers.

As for the rest of these so called South Indians - Telugus, Kannadigas and Keralites they identify themselves as Aryans and hence have no qualms with use of Hindi or being Hindián slaves. This isnt the case with Tamils as culturally and racially they are different from the rest of these Indians.

Tomorrow everyone will be asking to conduct judicial procedures in their own state language, then how will you coordinate rulings across states. Tamilians should stop playing victim card and get on with it, how long will you play identity politics. I am a telugu and i am perfectly comfortable using Hindi or English as official languages. That doesn't raise any inferiority complex in me about my language.

why can't English and Tamil be used. why must it be Hindi and English in Tamilnadu HC ? Have you heard of translation ? If the cow belt states HC judges or Hindián SC dont know English it is not Tamilnadu's fault. An average poor Tamil need not have to suffer for India's incompetency or fake nationalism

Going by the contribution in Singapore by Tamils, Indian economy would be much worse without them.

A number of Indian states--Kerala and Tamil Nadu, for example--would be at the top of the South Asian comparisons if they were treated as separate countries, and others--Uttar Pradesh Madhya Pradesh, for example--would do enormously worse."
(Professor Jean Drèze and Nobel Prize winning Amartya Sen in An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions.
Tomorrow everyone will be asking to conduct judicial procedures in their own state language, then how will you coordinate rulings across states. Tamilians should stop playing victim card and get on with it, how long will you play identity politics. I am a telugu and i am perfectly comfortable using Hindi or English as official languages. That doesn't raise any inferiority complex in me about my language.
I am not well versed in Indian politics.
Tamil is an exception in that it is what we in Southeast Asia and many other countries associate when referring to "Indian". I believe Telugu is derived from Tamil so maybe the pride of having your own language is not as strong. Its not about inferiority complex but rather the pride of their identity and the contribution of their ancestors.

Its good and convenient to communicate in only 1 common language but it should not be forced onto others especially onto a proud people who can boast of world wide recognition of a rich and glorious past and present.
And English is still available as a communication medium.

High courts of Rajasthan, MP, UP and Bihar are authorized to use Hindi. But Tamilnadu cant use Tamil. Clearly Hindia, a nation for the Hindiáns.


Why bro what is the logic or justification behind this ? and currently what are the official languages at the madras high court ?

For that matter what abt all the other courts in different states ?

well i did some research on google :)


Similar thing happen in Karnataka.
The Karnataka High Court itself rejected the PIL to make Kannada an official language.

reason -- "The language in all high courts of India is English although use of local language is permitted,where there is no other alternative .Even oath of office is being taken in Kannada or English as per the wish of the persons is concerned. Passing any direction that Kannada should be the 'court language ' in the high court would run counter to Article 348 of the constitution of India "

"In Hindi belt, similar requests have been rejected.Having a common language is not only the constitutional mandate but also enables advocates to travel throughout the country and practice their profession in any court in India "

The bench noted that as per March 29,2003 order of the high court, in all the sub-ordinate courts including Family Courts, Labour courts and Industrial Tribunals , the proceedings including recording of evidence are being conducted in Kannada.
Lower courts are already using regional languages in every state :cheers:


"You need to get out of the anti hindi sentiments bro its foolish to assume everything as done against Tamil by Hindi"
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I am not well versed in Indian politics.
Tamil is an exception in that it is what we in Southeast Asia and many other countries associate when referring to "Indian". I believe Telugu is derived from Tamil so maybe the pride of having your own language is not as strong. Its not about inferiority complex but rather the pride of their identity and the contribution of their ancestors.

Its good and convenient to communicate in only 1 common language but it should not be forced onto others especially onto a proud people who can boast of world wide recognition of a rich and glorious past and present.
And English is still available as a communication medium.

Telugu and Tamil are separate, they are not derived from each other. Tamilnadu is Indian as such should follow the common rules agreed and accepted by majority. Their identity should be Indian first not Tamil first. If everyone start relating themselves as separate, there won't be a country called India.

Also nobody cares if southeast asians perceives Indians as Tamilians. India provides for individual choice w.r.t to their vocal communication but written records in courts should be either in Hindi or English as both are recognised as official languages.

If Tamilians are treated differently, there'll equal protest from all other language champions, given there are other languages spoken more widely than Tamil in the country for example Telugu.
the name of the state is Tamilnadu yet the HC cant use Tamil , the irony - only Hindi or English can be used in Tamilnadu HC. Not only use of Tamil in HC , water from neighboring states of Karnataka and Kerala is denied by Indian govt, not to mention the attempt to ban Tamil culture e.g Jallikattu, Pongal, Thaipusam.

India and Indians have a phobia and deep rooted hatred for Tamils aka Dravidians, their civilisation. Tamils contribution to ASEAN countries and the Far East is hidden under the semblance of Indianization.

Mistakes in your assumption:

1. "only Hindi or English can be used in Tamilnadu HC" - English is the only official language in High courts across India.

2. "water from neighboring states of Karnataka and Kerala is denied by Indian govt" - Indian govt has nothing to do with it. There is no water atleast here in Karnataka you can visit Mysore ill bare your expenses also please come and see for yourself.

3. Jallikattu people here blame the central govt for this but why was the Tamil Nadu state govt sleeping when the law was passed in the center ? Similar thing happen in Karnataka but the state govt immediately passed the law excluding such festivals where buffalo's are used for racing.
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