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Taller and fatter: study shows boys in rural China are 7.5cm taller and 6.6kg heavier than a decade ago thanks to better nutrition


Nov 4, 2011
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Taller and fatter: study shows boys in rural China are 7.5cm taller and 6.6kg heavier than a decade ago thanks to better nutrition​

  • An official study has found boys aged 13 in rural China are now 7.5cm taller and 6.6kg heavier than a decade ago
  • Meanwhile, children aged between 6 and 15 were on average at least 3cm taller and 1kg heavier due to improved diet

Published: 2:00pm, 17 Oct, 2022


A just released study shows better nutrition has led to boys in rural China being on average 7.5cm taller and 6.6kg heavier compared to 10 years ago. Photo: SCMP composite

Improved nutrition has increased the average height and weight of boys aged 13 in rural China who are now 7.5cm taller and 6.6kg heavier than a decade ago, an official study found.

While the gain was biggest among boys in the 13-year-old age bracket, children aged between six and 15 were on average at least 3cm taller and 1kg heavier due to improved diet, according to a survey of schoolchildren from rural areas of about 700 counties across China between 2012 and 2021.

Among girls, those aged 12 benefited the most, gaining 6.3cm in height and 5.8kg in weight on average, found the study, which was published on the website of the Chinese Ministry of Education on Friday.


Children experience an intelligent fitness facility at the second China International Consumer Products Expo in Haikou, south China’s Hainan Province.

The significant increase in children’s weight was mainly thanks to a nutrition improvement initiative launched in 2012, targeting students from poorer rural regions, the study said.

The prevalence of stunted growth dropped by 5.7 per cent from 10 years ago, affecting just 2.3 per cent of the children monitored last year.
However, by the end of last year as many as 12 per cent still suffered from anaemia, a condition largely linked to nutritional deficiencies although this had decreased by nearly 5 per cent since 2012.

Despite a considerable increase in the availability and diversity of food provided to children in lower-income areas, less than a third of them had access to milk and fruit every day last year.

The initiative has not only helped schoolchildren become healthier, it has also been, “an important measure to stop the intergenerational transmission of poverty and push for education equality”, the study said.

Taller and bigger children have been regarded as tangible evidence of China’s progress in poverty alleviation in recent decades after its economic reforms in the late 1970s. While memories of malnutrition and hunger are still fresh among older generations, most people’s diets have undergone major improvements since then as hundreds of millions were lifted out of poverty based on Chinese government standards.

International research on the evolution of average heights in 2020 painted an even more impressive picture for China. It found that the country witnessed the largest male height increase between 1985 and 2019 among 200 countries and territories examined.

Chinese men aged 19 grew nearly an extra 9cm in height over the period, according to that research published in the Lancet medical journal.

Chinese women in the same age group gained 6cm, marking the third-highest height increase worldwide, it showed.

10 years Xi Jingping's ruthless brutal reign forced the Chinese rural kids to grow significantly taller and heavier, how evil a dictator. Xi forces free school meals and milk to the rural kids, a blatant violation of human rights.
10 years Xi Jingping's ruthless brutal reign forced the Chinese rural kids to grow significantly taller and heavier, how evil a dictator. Xi forces free school meals and milk to the rural kids, a blatant violation of human rights.
You don’t have to be so insecure :)
This is a good thing and there’s a lot to learn from this for other developing nations. Especially for chinas neighbours — including India.
Don't go overboard like the US where obesity is an epidemic issue especially amount children.
Don't go overboard like the US where obesity is an epidemic issue especially amount children.
Yes, this is a new concern, this is why PE becomes a required course and failing it will hold you back from moving up to the next grade in today's Chinese schools.
What were they not eating that somehow stunted their growth?

There are plenty of tall Africans who aren't eating well.

You sure it isn't something like this

Aug 15, 2022

China has a huge market for growth hormone products, which are needed by around 7 million Chinese children for the treatment of short stature. The market is expanding as people are paying more attention to short stature disorder.

In 2018, China's growth hormone market size was 0.6 billion USD. With an estimated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.7% from 2018 to 2030, the market size is expected to reach 3.2 billion USD by 2030.1

Growth Hormone Market Shares in China​

In China, the approved growth hormone products have three dosage forms:

  1. Short-acting powder for injection;
  2. Short-acting solution for injection;
  3. Long-acting solution for injection.
GeneScience Pharmaceutical (GenSci) is the only company that can supply all the three types of products in China. It is also the leading company in terms of market share, which reached 76.13% in 2020, followed by Anhui Anke Biotechnology (12.48%) and Shanghai United Cell Biotechnology (8.81%). Other Chinese companies (e.g., Zhongshan Sinobioway Hygene Biomedicine) and two international companies (Novo Nordisk and LG Chem) altogether accounted for about 3% market share.2
Check out India then, healthy diet does influence children's growth, even doctors admit this simple fact, are you trying to deny common sense again?

ok, what are they suddenly eating now that they were not eating 30 years ago. Other than quantity.
ok, what are they suddenly eating now that they were not eating 30 years ago. Other than quantity.
Rural kids diet has been greatly improved by China's 免费营养餐 program, roughly means free balanced nutritious school meals. with free milk, fruits and during the break snacks.

Rural kids diet has been greatly improved by China's 免费营养餐 program, roughly means free balanced nutritious school meals. with free milk, fruits and during the break snacks.


So if we sent that program to some poor island nation we should expect to see them grow by 7.5cm on average.
Tibetan children under China's Nutrition Improvement Program
During the mid-morning snack break, school staff hurry to deliver boxes of milk, bread and fruits to the classrooms, Besides 3 free school meals, during the break snacks and fruits , schools also provide free daily milk, in order to guarantee the quality of the milk, all milk for the students are directly transported through Qinghai-Tibet railway from Inner Mongolia, the schools have their own depot at the railway station and the milk will be delivered once they arrive in Tibet. The flavor of the milk will change once every two weeks and the milk is guaranteed to be the most fresh.

So if we sent that program to some poor island nation we should expect to see them grow by 7.5cm on average.
Could happen, depends on how poor a diet they used to eat.

Rural school kids in Xinjiaing enjoy free school meals​

My two year old son is very skinny, but he is wirey, strong, and while all the other kids get tired he runs on nuclear power.
My 13-yo boy is 52% on CDC percentile chart, 38.8% on Chinese chart! :undecided:
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