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Talibans Newly Graduated Units From Badri-313 Battalion

It is for propaganda and for openly training. I am sure this living and training ground was very much known to the Western militaries. The Western governments have accepted the Taliban government and will not fight further. This came through a process that included the training of this commando unit. Even some years ago the Taliban were forcing farmer to grow opium and sold that to CIA. Taliban fighters were also being carried aboard US air force planes to the battlefields of Syria to fight against the common ideological enemy - the government of Bashar al Assad.
It, the existence of these facilities and unit training grounds, might or might not have been known to the ISAF/NATO forces.

Also not aware of Afghan Talib being airlifted into Syria by the US.

Yep, even US SF learnt to be nimble like them and many got rid of their body armour etc and decided to try and blend in wearing local clothes.

Let's see what happens there, to early to say. It'll take them a while to organize properly. Clearly the 20 years of west + India and many others plans for democracy has not worked. They have no institutions, no constitution, much less any checks and balances.. no chain of command, no anything for now. It is the very definition of a banana republic for now, it's not even a country.

An Iranian style system will porobably work best for them for now.
It, the existence of these facilities and unit training grounds, might or might not have been known to the ISAF/NATO forces.

I am sure ISAF / NATO knew.

Let's see what happens there, to early to say. It'll take them a while to organize properly. Clearly the 20 years of west + India and many others plans for democracy has not worked. They have no institutions, no constitution, much less any checks and balances.. no chain of command, no anything for now. It is the very definition of a banana republic for now, it's not even a country.


An Iranian style system will porobably work best for them for now.

It may work but we talking about that means we legitimizing the Taliban government. That would not only be incorrect in general human rights terms but also we are clearly seeing Afghans themselves not wanting to be under the Taliban.

Some maulvi should issue a fatwa against western weapons as haram.

And Russian origin as well.
It may work but we talking about that means we legitimizing the Taliban government. That would not only be incorrect in general human rights terms but also we are clearly seeing Afghans themselves not wanting to be under the Taliban.
They clearly were not willing to fight for whatever they had since 2001-2

if that's who they are a a society, then that is who they are, let them figure it out on their own..
It is for propaganda and for openly training. I am sure this living and training ground was very much known to the Western militaries. The Western governments have accepted the Taliban government and will not fight further. This came through a process that included the training of this commando unit. Even some years ago the Taliban were forcing farmer to grow opium and sold that to CIA. Taliban fighters were also being carried aboard US air force planes to the battlefields of Syria to fight against the common ideological enemy - the government of Bashar al Assad.


Well, I knew of this thread at the start but lost interest but posted today. I was in recent days disgusted by @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE posting deliriously happy multiple threads about the Taliban's takeover in different cities and their updates and many other members being so happy about this.

1. Two or three days ago - before the takeover of Kabul - China, USA, Pakistan and India had said that they will accept the next government "as long as there is no further fighting for Kabul". It was clearly known even back then that the Taliban will form a mostly exclusive government which may include elements from the previous government ( I had been saying this too ). So these four governments have accepted the Taliban government.

2. Yesterday there was a post of a vid of the Chinese government CGTN TV channel with a female anchor interviewing the international spokesperson of the Taliban, Suhail Shaheen, and asking to the effect what will be the structure of the Taliban government. Basically again acceptance of the Taliban.

3. Many of the PDF Chinese members have been posting in support of the Taliban government. No Chinese member has posted a recent thread condemning the acts of the Taliban and the takeover. They are just echoing their government.

4. Afghanistan has some consumer and industrial mineral deposits like gold, copper and lithium and maybe others. China and the West will want to extract those and this is part of their acceptance of Taliban government.

5. Of course the Western governments wouldn't have wanted progressives in Afghanistan to have had even a tiny chance of forming governance instead of the Taliban. I know of one such progressive, leftist movement called the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan. The West doesn't want Muslim-majority countries to have progressive governances, hence the 2011 invasion of Libya and the current 10-year-old war in Syria. This sort of thing goes back all the way to post-WW2 years.

I think this is already being drawn up.


You are wrong. If you want to know what a 40+ military invasion by NATO looks like you have to look at the 2011 invasion of Libya by the NATO+GCC air forces, navies, commandos and the thousands of their transnational mullah criminal allies. Look at the ten-year-old Syria war where the country has been overrun by tens of thousands of transnational criminals support politically and logistically by NATO and GCC.

Lastly, the Taliban is a co-creation of the Western governments and has now been conveniently accepted by them. Same as between 1996 and 2001 during the first so-called Islamic Emirate. All that fighting in the middle by NATO was half-hearted

Sure sure. No americans or nato
It is for propaganda and for openly training. I am sure this living and training ground was very much known to the Western militaries. The Western governments have accepted the Taliban government and will not fight further. This came through a process that included the training of this commando unit. Even some years ago the Taliban were forcing farmer to grow opium and sold that to CIA. Taliban fighters were also being carried aboard US air force planes to the battlefields of Syria to fight against the common ideological enemy - the government of Bashar al Assad.


Well, I knew of this thread at the start but lost interest but posted today. I was in recent days disgusted by @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE posting deliriously happy multiple threads about the Taliban's takeover in different cities and their updates and many other members being so happy about this.

1. Two or three days ago - before the takeover of Kabul - China, USA, Pakistan and India had said that they will accept the next government "as long as there is no further fighting for Kabul". It was clearly known even back then that the Taliban will form a mostly exclusive government which may include elements from the previous government ( I had been saying this too ). So these four governments have accepted the Taliban government.

2. Yesterday there was a post of a vid of the Chinese government CGTN TV channel with a female anchor interviewing the international spokesperson of the Taliban, Suhail Shaheen, and asking to the effect what will be the structure of the Taliban government. Basically again acceptance of the Taliban.

3. Many of the PDF Chinese members have been posting in support of the Taliban government. No Chinese member has posted a recent thread condemning the acts of the Taliban and the takeover. They are just echoing their government.

4. Afghanistan has some consumer and industrial mineral deposits like gold, copper and lithium and maybe others. China and the West will want to extract those and this is part of their acceptance of Taliban government.

5. Of course the Western governments wouldn't have wanted progressives in Afghanistan to have had even a tiny chance of forming governance instead of the Taliban. I know of one such progressive, leftist movement called the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan. The West doesn't want Muslim-majority countries to have progressive governances, hence the 2011 invasion of Libya and the current 10-year-old war in Syria. This sort of thing goes back all the way to post-WW2 years.

I think this is already being drawn up.


You are wrong. If you want to know what a 40+ military invasion by NATO looks like you have to look at the 2011 invasion of Libya by the NATO+GCC air forces, navies, commandos and the thousands of their transnational mullah criminal allies. Look at the ten-year-old Syria war where the country has been overrun by tens of thousands of transnational criminals support politically and logistically by NATO and GCC.

Lastly, the Taliban is a co-creation of the Western governments and has now been conveniently accepted by them. Same as between 1996 and 2001 during the first so-called Islamic Emirate. All that fighting in the middle by NATO was half-hearted

If you are going to lie and make up false stories like all other indians, could you not at least TRY to use SOME facts or evidence?..........................:disagree:.

At one stage, the americans had over 110,000 american troops ALONE in Afghanistan, armed with huge numbers of the most advanced and high tech conventional weapons ever known to mankind. That's NOT including all the other soldiers and resources of the 43 other NATO nations taking part in the Afghan war:

Could you tell me when the above was the case with Libya? If you are not lying then remember to post the links here.

Now let's get this FACT straight here. The Afghan Taliban have just defeated the largest, most advanced and most powerful military EVER known to mankind + 43 other NATO member states. That is one of the biggest if not THE biggest human achievement or endeavour EVER known to mankind. This pains you. It causes you UNIMAGINABLE pain. I understand this. You are after all an indian Muslim. indian Muslims can't even defend themselves from 5 foot 2 inch malnourished little rss sanghi manlets. This is hugely embarrassing for you and your kind.................:lol:................The Afghan Taliban have shown themselves to be so superior to you and your people that it is not even measurable..............................:azn:..........................:lol:
Ghani in his speech from UAE said that the Taliban forces that took over the Presidential forces were speaking in non- Afghan languages. The Badri 313 were the first to enter the Palace so if Ghani is right (his credibility is zero) this unit comprises of foreigners.

Also at the last PMA Kakul there were what looked like Taliban officials in the VIP section so there is a possibility Taliban already have trained officers.
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This unit proved itself 1000x over. Its only one reason why 80k Taliban was able to route 300k ANA backed by the USA, NATO and the Quad (minus Japan....but they would have made no difference).

This has never happened in modern world history. The Israeli may come close....but the Taliban victory is more impressive. It took the Israeli 6 days to conquer the Sinai and the West bank against a handful of inferior Arab militaries. It took the Taliban 10 days to conquer all of Afghanistan (zillionx more territory then the west bank and sinai) against the superior ANA backed by a super power (USA) and power global alliances (NATO and the Quad).

Mind blowing.
This unit proved itself 1000x over. Its only one reason why 80k Taliban was able to route 300k ANA backed by the USA, NATO and the Quad (minus Japan....but they would have made no difference).

This has never happened in modern world history. The Israeli may come close....but the Taliban victory is more impressive. It took the Israeli 6 days to conquer the Sinai and the West bank against a handful of inferior Arab militaries. It took the Taliban 10 days to conquer all of Afghanistan (zillionx more territory then the west bank and sinai) against the superior ANA backed by a super power (USA) and power global alliances (NATO and the Quad).

Mind blowing.

The Arab comparison is entirely off tho as they were told to back out or face NATO.. They had no choice but to back out.. They were never routed or anything but just stood down upon a warning and retreated. But the mistake was that they miscalculated from the get go.. But that war is extremely overrated and fictionalized pretty much a fairytale if you look into the detail it is not entirely what it is being paraded as and overrated by jews media ever since who have apparently never won a real conflict.. There was no way they could have won that war the jews themselves it doesn't matter whatever they were equipped with...

The revisionism proportion in that one is great because it never took anything like conventional ground reality into account but hyperbolic element..

They learned something on that day which was the great take away that in order to take it you must take it from NATO/US this is the miscalculation they made which means Jerusalem is technically with the crusaders today and Israel is just a caretaker for the outpost nothing more or less it is like a bar owner hiring a caretaker.. No other expeditions came for it but will arrive in the next 25-30 years and when it arrives it won't come with miscalculation and the US won't be able to prevent it conventionally in the next 2-3 decades from now
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Arab comparison is entirely off tho as they were told to back out or face NATO
No evidence for this. Media may exaggerate the Israeli victory but the Arabs were clearly defeated.

Taliban victory was more impressive then the Israeli victory in the 6 day war. The Israeli's launched a sneak attack against inferior opponents. The IDF actually outnumbered the Arab militaries and had better equipment (this is left out of most western discussions). The ANA, USA, NATO, and the Quad all knew the Taliban was coming (there was no sneak attack). They just overestimated the ANA's capacity to withstand it. Plus the ANA backed by USA, NATO, and the Quad was vastly superior to the Taliban in every possible paper metric of combat power.
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