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Talibans Newly Graduated Units From Badri-313 Battalion

I have not seen these type of forces on the battlefield in Afghanistan.... Are these equipment just for show???... In every video its the typical afghan Taliban lad with his AK and sandals etc...
These pictures are rigged with tracking codes to track Talib sympathizers in west. Excited Keyboard worriers are quick to copy and share these. It’s a trap.
It’s a trap.
LOL, let's live with this image then. :lol:
Their dust cover mounted ACOGs will not hold zero. Other than that kit looks pretty decent for their standards. I wonder if they will go through the typical cycle which guerrilla forces go through in which after certain point they feel like they are sufficiently equipped/ experienced enough and change tactics from guerrilla to conventional and eventually starting going head on against Gov forces leading to their defeat and back to their root guerrilla tactics only to repeat the cycle again. I guess only time will tell.

None of of their fake equipment will work beyond photo ops aimed at local audiences and Pakistanis as shown by their use of Persian, Pashto, and sometimes Urdu in captioning the images.

I would be surprised if any of the equipment they use ever sees combat use; see the red unit's photo ops and their actual combat loadouts.

It’s just for show at the end of the day, a photo shoot to make them look good. Publicity stunt.

The entire reason the Taliban work so well is because they don’t stand out, they integrate into the local population of Afghanistan (and they used to in Pakistan) and that allows them a lot more freedom of movement and such. This will make them stick out like a sore thumb.

These weapons and kit are also very very diluted, the average Taliban fighter doesn’t have these or even proper body armor. That’s why you’ll rarely ever spot these in the hands of Taliban in battle.

Optics mounted on AK dust-covers further show its more just a photoshoot. You’re not meant to mount optics there. Those wouldn’t work at all in a proper fight.

The equipment looks fake besides the NVD. The plate carriers (without any actual plates or armor), pads, and ear pros that don't fit don't contribute much serious military heft. I would be much more worried about M4/M16s with thermal scopes if I was fighting the Taliban.
Well they went clean shave also --
As the saying goes "time ,era and society decides a change not an ideology" . With time on this earth every single ideology will be changed if not disappear forever.
Some maulvi should issue a fatwa against western weapons as haram.
Yea they should adopt a pajeet made INSAS rifle instead.
Looks more professional, Better suited and better equipped them Gobar military of Hindustan
Why the Fuq they are better equipped than SSG and entire PA regular Army?
ohh but they are not, ye tainky taapay to koi bhi charha leta hai, ANA SOF k sashkay es se bhi zyada hain, but they are getting their asses handed to them every day

But Sir you do know that better equipment can save lives in actual combat right...
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