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Taliban, Tajikistan embroiled in battle of words, saber-rattling


Sep 26, 2018
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Dushanbe has irked the Taliban by offering a haven to its foes.

While it is trying to burnish its legitimacy in the eyes of the global community, the Taliban is engaging in an open battle of words with a neighbor to the north: Tajikistan.

Over a handful of days, representatives of the new regime in Afghanistan have made public statements condemning the Tajik government over what it has described as meddling in internal Afghan affairs.

The verbal barbs are in part a response to repeated demands from Dushanbe that a future Afghan government include more ethnic Tajiks in its ranks.

Tajik President Emomali Rahmon doubled down on his criticism of the Taliban in an address to the UN General Assembly on September 23, warning that “various terrorist groups are actively using the unstable military-political situation in Afghanistan in order to strengthen their positions.”

“We are seriously concerned and regret that Afghanistan is once again on its way to becoming a platform for international terrorism,” he said.

Taliban patience has been strained by those asides and also, most likely, a steady trickle of reports about Tajikistan offering a haven and assistance to exiled Afghan groups opposed to the new government in Kabul.

In an interview to Qatar-based broadcaster Al-Jazeera, acting Afghan deputy prime minister Abdul Salaam Hanafi at the start of this week warned Tajikistan not to meddle in Afghanistan’s affairs.

“We will not allow any neighboring nation to interfere in the internal matters of Afghanistan,” he said.

The exact same message reportedly came this week from another deputy head of the Taliban government, Abdul Ghani Baradar.

A more junior Taliban figure, Inamullah Samangani, who has been described as a cultural envoy for the group, took an even cruder swipe at Rahmon on Twitter on September 29.

“He’s been president for 27 years, maybe he will be so for another six, or even more,” Samangani said, using the observation to note that Afghanistan would not take lessons on democracy from Tajikistan.

Tajikistan and its security partners have been mounting demonstrative military exercises since even before the Taliban marched into Kabul on August 15. There has been no let-up on that front.

Russia’s Central Military District on September 30 declared that troops from its 201st base had been conducting yet more drills in the mountains of Tajikistan to simulate an incursion by an “unlawful armed formation moving along a mountain serpentine towards a village.”

On the same day, President Rahmon oversaw a ceremonial parade of army and Interior Ministry troops in the capital of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, or GBAO, which shares a long border with Afghanistan. Another, similar parade was held in the Darvoz region, which lies just west of GBAO, on September 27.

The Defense Ministry, meanwhile, has quietly been drawing up an exhaustive list of eligible military reservists in the event of a nationwide call-up being required.

With the open confrontation limited so far to exchanges of words and some saber-rattling, the situation appears far from volatile. Tajik political analyst Parviz Mullojanov, however, argues that the potential danger posed by the Taliban should not be discounted out of hand.

“Large-scale provocations on the border could be viewed by the Taliban as a means of putting pressure on the leadership of Tajikistan and to force it to change its position and withdraw its support for the National Resistance Front,” Mullojanov told Eurasianet.

With the humiliation of NATO under their belts, the Taliban may feel emboldened to hold its own against other antagonists.

“[Compared to NATO], 30,000 Tajik soldiers and a 6,000-strong Russian army base may not look like such a major challenge,” Mullojanov said.

While it is not in keeping with the Taliban’s past record or stated intentions to undertake hostile actions against a neighboring nation, the murky role that Tajikistan is said to be playing in supporting anti-Taliban forces is a problematic imponderable.

And non-military resolutions for Afghanistan’s ongoing instability are looking more distant than they were a few weeks ago.

When Rahmon met with Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan on September 17, he expressed a desire to see a “timely conclusion to conflict and tensions in the Panjshir province [through declaration of] a ceasefire.” The Tajik government to that end offered to host negotiations in Dushanbe between the Taliban and ethnic Tajik opposition formations based in the Panjshir.

A diplomatic source in Dushanbe told Russian news agency RIA Novosti on September 29, however, that efforts to broker the start to talks has made no progress.

“There is still no movement on the issue of negotiations in Tajikistan between the Afghan resistance and the Taliban,” the diplomatic source is cited as having said.

Minion Tajikistan is acting too big for its shoes on Russian backing, Rahmon needs to go. Tajikistan is among the easiest targets if the Taliban stabilise!
These hormonal teenagers called Taliban , will never grow.
What Taliban don't understand is that what they call their "internal matter" isn't so , and neighbours have to bear the brunt of their stupidity while they start a war and run away to the mountains.
So Pakistan and other neighbours have the right to say things they are saying.
They did the same stupidity last time and got hammered for 20 years, and doing it again.
They still have to make a stable government in their own Afghanistan and start running a system. But instead of concentrating that they are busy threatening Pakistan, and now Tajikistan, and more countries to follow.
Removing whatever little international support they've.
I think this whole region around Pakistan, including India, is full of STUPID LEADERS!!
So much so for all the years-long discussions of 'regional players' leading up to the US withdrawal. Look at how Europe acts in contrasts: New NATO members from the Eastern block didn't waste much time in joining the Western alliance in the Iraq War of 2003 and since then they mostly act as one in various conflicts and THAT'S WHY they remain prosperous.
Middle East, South Asia, and Central Asia is full of myopic, STUPID LEADERS!!
These hormonal teenagers called Taliban , will never grow.
They did the same stupidity last time and got hammered for 20 years, and doing it again.
They still have to make a stable government in their own Afghanistan and start running a system. But instead of concentrating that they are busy threatening Pakistan, and now Tajikistan, and more countries to follow.
Removing whatever little international support they've.

You have been posting pile of garbage. The teenagers here in this case are solely Tajikistan openly calling them terrorist state and what not? What gives them the rights to label them such and on top of that hosting separatists this goes against all regional treaties and assurances they are the ones breaking these regional assurances in hosting separatists or being unnecessarily provocative. IEA is busy fixing their country but these on the eastern border should learn to mind their own business
You have been posting pile of garbage. The teenagers here in this case are solely Tajikistan openly calling them terrorist state and what not? What gives them the rights to label them such and on top of that hosting separatists this goes against all regional treaties and assurances. IEA is busy fixing their country but these on the eastern border should learn to mind their own business
A regime who has fought a 20 year war of IED blasts and Suicide bombing, should not be called terrorist overnight.
Thats not gona happen.
Taliban will have to prove their reputation after successfully and peacefully ruling Afghanistan for a few years.
This is what the hormonal tellies don't understand.
Reputation is earned, not threatened for
Minion Tajikistan is acting too big for its shoes on Russian backing, Rahmon needs to go. Tajikistan is among the easiest targets if the Taliban stabilise!

First you say you are a busy man yet you find time to constantly post Taliban-promoting threads and commentary.

Second, let us see the Taliban take on the Russian soldiers stationed in Tajikistan.
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A regime who has fought a 20 year war of IED blasts and Suicide bombing, should not be called terrorist overnight.
Thats not gona happen.
Taliban will have to prove their reputation after successfully and peacefully ruling Afghanistan for a few years.
This is what the hormonal tellies don't understand.
Reputation is earned, not threatened for

I fail to see the threats here but it is these pussies over there crying. By the way Afghanistan was fighting for her self-determination and that itself is respect. They don't need to gain respect from anyone nor do they have anything to prove to anyone in that matter whatsoever. Sovereignty is not given but taken. So all that with you expecting some sort of apologist narrative you can shove it up where the sun doesn't rise
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Dushanbe has irked the Taliban by offering a haven to its foes.
View attachment 781108

While it is trying to burnish its legitimacy in the eyes of the global community, the Taliban is engaging in an open battle of words with a neighbor to the north: Tajikistan.

Over a handful of days, representatives of the new regime in Afghanistan have made public statements condemning the Tajik government over what it has described as meddling in internal Afghan affairs.

The verbal barbs are in part a response to repeated demands from Dushanbe that a future Afghan government include more ethnic Tajiks in its ranks.

Tajik President Emomali Rahmon doubled down on his criticism of the Taliban in an address to the UN General Assembly on September 23, warning that “various terrorist groups are actively using the unstable military-political situation in Afghanistan in order to strengthen their positions.”

“We are seriously concerned and regret that Afghanistan is once again on its way to becoming a platform for international terrorism,” he said.

Taliban patience has been strained by those asides and also, most likely, a steady trickle of reports about Tajikistan offering a haven and assistance to exiled Afghan groups opposed to the new government in Kabul.

In an interview to Qatar-based broadcaster Al-Jazeera, acting Afghan deputy prime minister Abdul Salaam Hanafi at the start of this week warned Tajikistan not to meddle in Afghanistan’s affairs.

“We will not allow any neighboring nation to interfere in the internal matters of Afghanistan,” he said.

The exact same message reportedly came this week from another deputy head of the Taliban government, Abdul Ghani Baradar.

A more junior Taliban figure, Inamullah Samangani, who has been described as a cultural envoy for the group, took an even cruder swipe at Rahmon on Twitter on September 29.

“He’s been president for 27 years, maybe he will be so for another six, or even more,” Samangani said, using the observation to note that Afghanistan would not take lessons on democracy from Tajikistan.

Tajikistan and its security partners have been mounting demonstrative military exercises since even before the Taliban marched into Kabul on August 15. There has been no let-up on that front.

Russia’s Central Military District on September 30 declared that troops from its 201st base had been conducting yet more drills in the mountains of Tajikistan to simulate an incursion by an “unlawful armed formation moving along a mountain serpentine towards a village.”

On the same day, President Rahmon oversaw a ceremonial parade of army and Interior Ministry troops in the capital of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, or GBAO, which shares a long border with Afghanistan. Another, similar parade was held in the Darvoz region, which lies just west of GBAO, on September 27.

The Defense Ministry, meanwhile, has quietly been drawing up an exhaustive list of eligible military reservists in the event of a nationwide call-up being required.

With the open confrontation limited so far to exchanges of words and some saber-rattling, the situation appears far from volatile. Tajik political analyst Parviz Mullojanov, however, argues that the potential danger posed by the Taliban should not be discounted out of hand.

“Large-scale provocations on the border could be viewed by the Taliban as a means of putting pressure on the leadership of Tajikistan and to force it to change its position and withdraw its support for the National Resistance Front,” Mullojanov told Eurasianet.

With the humiliation of NATO under their belts, the Taliban may feel emboldened to hold its own against other antagonists.

“[Compared to NATO], 30,000 Tajik soldiers and a 6,000-strong Russian army base may not look like such a major challenge,” Mullojanov said.

While it is not in keeping with the Taliban’s past record or stated intentions to undertake hostile actions against a neighboring nation, the murky role that Tajikistan is said to be playing in supporting anti-Taliban forces is a problematic imponderable.

And non-military resolutions for Afghanistan’s ongoing instability are looking more distant than they were a few weeks ago.

When Rahmon met with Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan on September 17, he expressed a desire to see a “timely conclusion to conflict and tensions in the Panjshir province [through declaration of] a ceasefire.” The Tajik government to that end offered to host negotiations in Dushanbe between the Taliban and ethnic Tajik opposition formations based in the Panjshir.

A diplomatic source in Dushanbe told Russian news agency RIA Novosti on September 29, however, that efforts to broker the start to talks has made no progress.

“There is still no movement on the issue of negotiations in Tajikistan between the Afghan resistance and the Taliban,” the diplomatic source is cited as having said.

Minion Tajikistan is acting too big for its shoes on Russian backing, Rahmon needs to go. Tajikistan is among the easiest targets if the Taliban stabilise!
If Taliban are going to rule then they need to understand how to govern and how to act as diplomats. They need to learn from their screwups and behave with the norms
I fail to see the threats here but it is these pussies over there crying. By the way Afghanistan was fighting for her self-determination and that itself is respect. They don't need to gain respect from anyone nor do they have anything to prove to anyone in that matter whatsoever. Sovereignty is not given but taken. So all that with you expecting some sort of apologist narrative you can shove it up where the sun doesn't rise
You are portraying Taliban mindset. That's what they think also.
But that's not how the world goes round.
You need to have a leg to stand upon , a performance to show , for changing world opinion about you.
Taliban have none of that yet.
Tajikistan supplies electricity and wheat to Afghanistan Taliban are dependent on them
they are far too retarded to realize such things. there is a (currently locked) thread wherein it was shown that a tali commander atop the fence on Pakistan border threatening Pakistan FC thusly: I am armed with eeman, I am not ANA who can be intimidated by you by withholding water (dunno what water though) and trade.
You are portraying Taliban mindset. That's what they think also.
But that's not how the world goes round.
You need to have a leg to stand upon , a performance to show , for changing world opinion about you.
Taliban have none of that yet.

You can't have such drastic change overnight. These reforms take years but to begin reforms the Taliban will require support from all neighbors.
You are portraying Taliban mindset. That's what they think also.
But that's not how the world goes round.
You need to have a leg to stand upon , a performance to show , for changing world opinion about you.
Taliban have none of that yet.

As they say love is not earned and I don't think IEA is here to seek empty sympathy of people whos hearts were decided decades ago. There is no time to waste there. Just an understanding of co-existing and decency is the goal. Just do you and I do me. respecting the mutual assurances and treaties. IEA is not obligated to romance the unwilling or try to please irrelevant folks
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You are portraying Taliban mindset. That's what they think also.
But that's not how the world goes round.
You need to have a leg to stand upon , a performance to show , for changing world opinion about you.
Taliban have none of that yet.

Since the last century, all superpowers are trying their luck in Afghanistan and that resulted in the Taliban, now even, not three months have passed and all living on the other side of line are asking for results. Let them establish their control and system and do not interfere. The USA and western always learn the hard way due to their arrogance and racism issues.
Just for example, if the Taliban do not allow mixed education based on gender, what is wrong there, this is according to the religion. USA/West do not feel it wrong, let them practice their way. The problems arise when you force your will. For proof, one could practice such an attitude in own family and then observe the results.
So, in brief, LIVE AND LET LIVE is the way - no enforcements.
Since the last century, all superpowers are trying their luck in Afghanistan and that resulted in the Taliban, now even, not three months have passed and all living on the other side of line are asking for results. Let them establish their control and system and do not interfere. The USA and western always learn the hard way due to their arrogance and racism issues.
Just for example, if the Taliban do not allow mixed education based on gender, what is wrong there, this is according to the religion. USA/West do not feel it wrong, let them practice their way. The problems arise when you force your will. For proof, one could practice such an attitude in own family and then observe the results.
So, in brief, LIVE AND LET LIVE is the way - no enforcements.
People don't get fed and countries don't develop in a constant state of war.
War is the only thing Afghani are good at, and that's it.
They suck at Diplomacy, and good governance.
By threatening even Pakistan, they are not earning any support. Simple.
You can't have such drastic change overnight. These reforms take years but to begin reforms the Taliban will require support from all neighbors.
And that support will come from issuing threatening statements to neighboring countries ? Right?

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