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Taliban have a major insurgency on their hands, many attacks in the past 2 days


Mar 16, 2010
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“Unknown armed attackers opened fire and shot dead 3 Taliban soldiers at the Mewa Mandi ( fruit market ) in Jalalabad city.Attackers fled the site of the attack.” - Bilal Sarwary

"A roadside bomb blast in Nangarhar has killed four Taliban militants" - Hasht e Subh Daily

“An NGO was distributing food, people had gathered in big numbers. A powerful&big explosion took places during the distribution. There are casualties&fatalities, victims are poor people who were trying to receive aid.” - Bilal Sarwary

Ongoing explosions and gunfire in Mazar city, Balkh - Aamaj News

Heavy clashes in the capital of Panjshir province - Aamaj News

"50 killed, 100 wounded in Mazar city mosque blast" - Hasht e Subh Daily

"Two children wounded as a result of an explosion in Kabul" - Aamaj News

"Two Taliban fighters killed in gun attack in Dasht-e-Qala, Takhar" - Hasht e Subh Daily

A car carrying Taliban hit with MIED in Kabul, 5 casualties - Khaama Press

& more. Afghanistan seems to be heading for a civil war. I'm sure they can handle, after all, they defeated two supa powas.
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It's time for the Taliban to go back to the mountains and do for 1000 years whatever they did there. Or there can go to the countries of their enablers : NATO and Qatar.
You should go fly out to Afghanistan and explain to them the benefits of communism/socialism .

There is already the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan which tries to explain to Afghans the benefits of Socialism / Communism. The below monument was erected by the SPA some years ago in memory of the girl Farkhunda who was lynched by a mob which was incited by a mullah who claimed that the girl had committed "blasphemy" :

Perhaps you should fly out to Afghanistan to explain to the Afghans the benefits of living under the rule of the hyper-evolved Taliban. :)
There is already the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan which tries to explain to Afghans the benefits of Socialism / Communism. The below monument was erected by the SPA some years ago in memory of the girl Farkhunda who was lynched by a mob which was incited by a mullah who claimed that the girl had committed "blasphemy" :

There is already the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan which tries to explain to Afghans the benefits of Socialism / Communism. The below monument was erected by the SPA some years ago in memory of the girl Farkhunda who was lynched by a mob which was incited by a mullah who claimed that the girl had committed "blasphemy" :

Perhaps you should fly out to Afghanistan to explain to the Afghans the benefits of living under the rule of the hyper-evolved Taliban. :)

I’m not worried about Afghanistan. The Afghan people can make their own decisions for themselves.

Oh there are many Jamahirs. The SPA has 30,000 of them in Afghanistan. In Libya there are many, so in Russia, Palestine, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Turkey, Britain etc.

I’m not worried about Afghanistan. The Afghan people can make their own decisions for themselves.

So, why did Zia ul Haq and the Saudis poke their noses in Afghanistan in the 1980s when the Afghans had made their own decision to allow a progressive governance system for their country ?
Oh there are many Jamahirs. The SPA has 30,000 of them in Afghanistan. In Libya there are many, so in Russia, Palestine, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Turkey, Britain etc.

So, why did Zia ul Haq and the Saudis poke their noses in Afghanistan in the 1980s when the Afghans had made their own decision to allow a progressive governance system for their country ?

Because it was a threat to Pakistan
Oh there are many Jamahirs. The SPA has 30,000 of them in Afghanistan. In Libya there are many, so in Russia, Palestine, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Turkey, Britain etc.

So, why did Zia ul Haq and the Saudis poke their noses in Afghanistan in the 1980s when the Afghans had made their own decision to allow a progressive governance system for their country ?

The jamahirs are a marginal presence in the Muslim world. Maybe you should learn Spanish and come to Latin America. Jamahirs run like half the governments, it might be like jannah for you. You could be like the Bengali who came to Mexico around the 1910's and ended up being the founder of the Mexican Communist party.
Because it was a threat to Pakistan

As much criminal stuff as the US has done- no reasonable person wants communism. It's pretty understandable to have collaborated with the US in the Cold War days. Islam is inherently at odds with Communism. Back then US to some extent stood for anti-Communism, these days it pretty much just stands for homoism.
Taliban should have built an inclusive system if not an inclusive govt. This resentment and repression will blow up.
Pakistan should help the poor hazaras and other minorities, I know Pakistan isn't the greatest place for shias/hazaras but its still miles better than Afghanistan. Even the recent bombing in peshawar in the shia mosque was done by an afghan who was part of IS-K, not a Pakistani.
Oh there are many Jamahirs. The SPA has 30,000 of them in Afghanistan. In Libya there are many, so in Russia, Palestine, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Turkey, Britain etc.

So, why did Zia ul Haq and the Saudis poke their noses in Afghanistan in the 1980s when the Afghans had made their own decision to allow a progressive governance system for their country ?
Zia ul Haq didn't poke his nose in until the Afghan communists invited their Russian communist comrades in to threaten our borders.
I hate General Zia for a lot of things but his response to the Russians in Afghanistan was exactly what he needed to do in order to protect the integrity of Pakistan.

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