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Taliban has to stop occupation in Afghanistan, Erdoğan says

Well you shouldn't say Erdogan because he wasn't Turkey's leader at the time of the US invasion of Afghanistan, The presidency of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan began when Recep Tayyip Erdoğan took the oath of office on 28 August 2014 and became the 12th president of Turkey (Wiki-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Recep_Tayyip_Erdo%C4%9Fan#:~:text=The%20presidency%20of%20Recep%20Tayyip,the%2012th%20president%20of%20Turkey.)

That doesn't disprove what @akramishaqkhan was stating. Where was Erdogan on the occupation of NATO in Afghanistan? Where all the women, children, and old were dying? He's calling the Taliban resistance an "occupation" instead.
You know... Why doesn't the IEA and the Ghani govt negotiate a ceasefire and try to pursue peace rather than conflict. I mean... The ANA is going to get outperformed no matter what. At this point in time I would just lay down my arms and pursue a peaceful path

Ghani & his circus will wrap up their show and scatter like rats to the safety of Washington, London & Paris. They are just clinging on to power in the hopes that American taxpayer will throw some more bones their way while ordinary Afghans pay the price of this conflict.

Taliban victory is just a matter of time now and a prolonged conflict will only hurt the ordinary Afghans. US knows it, Afghan puppet regime knows it and so does the rest of the world. But Ghani and his bunch of misfits are busy minting contract dollars. US/West need to wake up and realize that its their own dog who needs to be charged with crimes against Afghans.
Taliban is not even negotiating anymore - they've realised they can win this on the battle field.
A few dozens TB2s delivered ASAP would give the government some much needed breathing room and maybe force Taliban back to the negotiation table
Sakin ol abi. We will deal with them.
Erdoğan is making a very very bad move in this region. It is very unbecoming of him. Maybe they are now seeing it as a challenge to their bid to become leader of muslim world?

Hidden powers of the world would never like to see a genuine khilafa a la minhaj nabuwa type of Islamic model implemented/emerging.
Taliban isn't some invincible force like some believe on this forum. It took US like a week to defeat them, hence taliban were begging for a political solution back then. Where ever taliban is today is because of Pakistan and Pakistan had to pay big price for this.
The Taliban must stop its occupation of Afghanistan, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated on Monday, underlining that it is utilizing the wrong approach.

"The Taliban should end the occupation of the soil of their brothers," Erdoğan stated in a press conference upon his departure to Northern Cyprus.

The insurgents capitalized on the final stages of the withdrawal of U.S. and other foreign troops from Afghanistan to launch a series of lightning offensives across the country.

The group is now believed to control roughly half of the nation's 400 districts, several important border crossings as well as having laid siege to a string of vital provincial capitals.

The U.S.-led military coalition has been on the ground in Afghanistan for nearly two decades following an invasion launched in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

Fears are growing that Afghan forces will be overwhelmed without vital coalition air support, allowing for a complete Taliban military takeover or the start of a multisided civil war in a country awash with weapons following nearly four decades of fighting.

Erdoğan stated further that Turkey plans to talk with the Taliban over Kabul airport.

Turkey, whose forces in Afghanistan have always consisted of noncombatant troops, has offered to guard the airport as questions remain on how security will be assured along major transport routes and at the airport, which is the main gateway to the capital Kabul. The security of the airport is crucial for the operation of diplomatic missions out of Afghanistan as Western forces pull out.

The airport is in a strategic location close to the Afghan presidential palace and foreign diplomatic missions in Kabul and is the only place from which to evacuate diplomats in emergency situations.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has called for a fair burden-sharing of the task given that "uninterrupted, safe operation of the airport is indispensable for the continued presence of diplomatic missions in Afghanistan."

At the end of a series of meetings with NATO leaders on the sidelines of the alliance summit in June, Erdoğan stated that Turkey was seeking Pakistani and Hungarian involvement in the mission in Afghanistan following the departure of the U.S.-led NATO force.

However, the Taliban have opposed Ankara's proposal, saying that Turkey should also withdraw its troops in line with the 2020 deal for the pullout.

Taliban has to stop occupation in Afghanistan, NATO'S Spokesperson :Erdoğan says
i thank mr Erdoğan for sharing his wisdom with the world.
let's hope the Taliban listens and thinks about it.
dont worry talban love durrand line as it is what helped them hit and run across last 20 years .the border helped them retain a limited reaction of the occupying super power.

All Pashtuns dont belong to Afghanistan but also Pakistan.
The pashtuns here in PAksitan will tell you where they belong.

pashtuns existed well before PK did. Thus they don’t belong to PK, they belong to Afghanistan. Just because a portion of Afghania as Pakistanis call it was gifted to them doesn’t mean those tribes belong to pk.

Taliban didn’t accept durrandline in 96, they haven’t spoken about their views of it today…
mind of retarded premise to tell the. to “stop”

Where will taliban go? what will they do?

It’s a bunch of youth thats only seen war and know nothing except fighting

We must ship them to india so they can carve out their enclave there
Taliban isn't some invincible force like some believe on this forum. It took US like a week to defeat them, hence taliban were begging for a political solution back then. Where ever taliban is today is because of Pakistan and Pakistan had to pay big price for this.

Defeat or Disperse them? USA lost over 100k soliders (direct deaths + 90k suicides) due to Afghan war - lost trillions $ and just a few days ago its top general admitted defeat!

How was Pakistan supporting Taliban - by housing their families!?? All the arms and weapons used by Taliban are not Pakistani made or supplied - mostly Russian!! Afghan Mujahideen beat USSR with USA made weapons and Afghan Taliban beat USA with Russian made weapons. Putin played this game of revenge very well. Now thousands of USA forces leftover weapons are in control of Taliban, thanks to USA of course. So where is Pakistan in all of this support?
pashtuns existed well before PK did. Thus they don’t belong to PK, they belong to Afghanistan. Just because a portion of Afghania as Pakistanis call it was gifted to them doesn’t mean those tribes belong to pk.

Taliban didn’t accept durrandline in 96, they haven’t spoken about their views of it today…
My dear,

Pakistan has more Pushtuns than Afghanistan. If any border has to move, it needs to move outwards from Pakistan, not inwards. It is almost like the Mexicans saying we want half of California, the entire of Texas and most of New Mexico and Arizona.

Country boundaries are in constant flux.
dont worry talban love durrand line as it is what helped them hit and run across last 20 years .the border helped them retain a limited reaction of the occupying super power.

All Pashtuns dont belong to Afghanistan but also Pakistan.
The pashtuns here in PAksitan will tell you where they belong.

In fact there are more Pushtuns in Pakistan than in Afghanistan.

Pushtuns belongs to Afghanistan and Afghanistan belongs to Pakistan.

People can't be blind to this fact.
Erdogan is in for a big surprise if he thinks his opinion is relevant amongst Talibs. Talibs consider Erdogan a hypocrite and will tell him to stop collecting tax from nightclubs of Istanbul before talking about what Talibs should do. Talibs are puritans and I don't think they even consider Turkey to be a proper Islamic country
Ghani & his circus will wrap up their show and scatter like rats to the safety of Washington, London & Paris. They are just clinging on to power in the hopes that American taxpayer will throw some more bones their way while ordinary Afghans pay the price of this conflict.

Taliban victory is just a matter of time now and a prolonged conflict will only hurt the ordinary Afghans. US knows it, Afghan puppet regime knows it and so does the rest of the world. But Ghani and his bunch of misfits are busy minting contract dollars. US/West need to wake up and realize that its their own dog who needs to be charged with crimes against Afghans.
The civil war in Afghanistan will be fueled long enough for Afghans to suffer.
All the Pashtuns living in what’s called PK migrated from Afghanistan so they’re all Afghan.

Ur retarded LMAOOOOO

The word Pakhtoon is older than the word Afghan. A lot of the historical land was native to Pashtuns and spread across modern day Afghanistan and Pakistan. For example in South Pashtunkwa there are Achakzai and Kakar in Lar Pashtana and Bar Pashtana. So they didn't migrate to "Pakistan", they were always there.
Thus they don’t belong to PK, they belong to Afghanistan

Karachi is the biggest Pashtun city.
You pakis even named/called your province Afghania

Choudary Rehmat Ali wrote that, but it was called "NWFP" in governance by British and Pakistan and it was called "Sarhad" in Urdu LOL
Just because a portion of Afghania as Pakistanis call it was gifted to them doesn’t mean those tribes belong to pk.

Land wasn't gifted, ur king SOLD the land.

And by that logic they don't belong to Afghanistan either. Faqir Ipi even said "never trust Afghanistan".

Gul Marjan pa paiay ke saragand sho. Khabar osai chi dalathaah da gul khaanano deeray shathon lare. Khaosh me karha 8-)
Land wasn't gifted, ur king SOLD the land.

And by that logic they don't belong to Afghanistan either. Faqir Ipi even said "never trust Afghanistan".

Gul Marjan pa paiay ke saragand sho. Khabar osai chi dalathaah da gul khaanano deeray shathon lare. Khaosh me karha 8-)

British gifted the land to ex indians.

here’s a link to a read which includes quotes of durrand himself and the Indian govt in that time. They never wanted to separate the land from afg but read it for yourself.

Read starting page 22 of the pdf

The land wasn’t sold, it was Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum who helped mortimer durrand create the agreement. And from the Afghan side it was sayed Abdul latif, both latif and Qayyum knew eachother. Once the agreement was signed, the Afghan king later had Abdul latif killed…

logic says abdur rahman couldn’t speak or read English and just went off what someone told him. If Afghans truly sold the land they wouldn’t be fighting over it now. One has to remember Afghans are simple people and follow their old ways. Selling your land/people would be the worst thing to do today let alone back then for a Pashtun.

Borders are not drawn by luck, borders are drawn at the battle field. Until there’s a war, the durrand line issue will exist.

I don’t understand your Pashto…
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