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Taliban commanders at Kunduz were once jailed by Pakistan


Feb 21, 2012
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Taliban commanders at Kunduz were once jailed by Pakistan
Released 3 years ago in an effort to persuade Mullah Omar to talk peace

Peace talks were derailed by news Omar had died 2 years ago

Commanders’ fates unknown; Afghan intelligence says one was killed


Fighting was still raging Saturday in Kunduz, Afghanistan, as Afghan security forces routed the last of the Taliban fighters who’d overrun the city on Monday. A U.S. bombing strike on a Doctors Without Borders hospital in the city killed 19 people during the fighting.Dehsabzi AP

McClatchy Foreign Staff

Mullah Abdul Salam Akhund was the first of nine Afghan Taliban cabinet ministers arrested by Pakistan’s security services in early 2010 as part of a CIA-driven crackdown.

Akhund, the Taliban’s shadow governor for Kunduz, was released three years later, along with most of the other detainees, so that they could persuade Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Taliban leader, to engage in peace talks with the United States and Afghan governments.

The Taliban’s former foreign minister, Mullah Mohammed Hassan, also was released.

The two veteran militants now have something else in common: they were in charge of the Taliban forces that overran the strategic northern Afghan city of Kunduz last week. Afghan forces eventually retook the town, but the assault culminated in the apparent American bombing of the local hospital, killing at least 19 people.

Afghanistan’s premier intelligence agency, the National Directorate of Security, claimed last week that Akhund had been killed in a U.S.-led NATO air strike on Kunduz, but the Taliban’s spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, has denied the report.

A former Taliban minister, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Hassan was the deputy commander in Kunduz.

The release of Akhund and Hassan was part of a diplomatic maneuver that led to the opening last year of a Taliban representative office in Doha, the capital of the Persian Gulf emirate of Qatar. Taliban officials based there have since been at the forefront of diplomatic exchanges, leading up to the first direct talks in August between the insurgents and the Afghan government, held at the Murree hillside resort near Islamabad.

But a scheduled second round of talks in Pakistan was hurriedly canceled on July 31, after the Afghan government announced that Mullah Omar, the Taliban’s founder, had died two years earlier.

The fighting at Kunduz has proved a public relations coup for the man named to succeed Omar, Mullah Akhtar Mansoor and defied predictions by Afghan President Ashraf Ghani that Omar’s death would mean the demise of the insurgency.

Kunduz was the first city to be retaken by the militants since U.S.-led multinational forces invaded Afghanistan 11 years ago.


Battle-weary residents of Kunduz seek help


Battle-weary residents of Kunduz seek help


By leading the assault, Akhund and Hassan have delivered a “PR coup” for the new Taliban chief, according to Jan Achakzai, a Pakistani politician well connected with the Taliban.

“The fall of Kunduz boosted Taliban morale . . . .and marked the extended tactical power base of the militants from south-southeast to north Afghanistan,” Jan Achakzai, a former spokesman for the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam, a Pakistani political party with close ties to the Taliban

A former Taliban minister, speaking on condition of anonymity, told McClatchy the effort to seize Kunduz represented a new phase in Taliban operations.

“Until Kunduz, we were fighting a defensive guerrilla war,” he said. “Now we will incessantly be on the offensive, to take more and more territory.”

Hussain is a McClatchy special correspondent. Twitter: @tomthehack

Read more here: Taliban commanders at Kunduz were once jailed by Pakistan | Miami Herald

Taliban commanders at Kunduz were once jailed by Pakistan | Miami Herald
Hamid Karzai practically begged us to release him. In the last decade ,the afghan gov couldnt decide whether to fight or to talk. If they had chosen one of the above, situation would have been much better than it is.
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