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Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

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Seeing as how we built this country, no one is more "American" than we are.
And seeing how immigrants contributed to the success of the US as well as building it up, you are no more 'American' than we are.
And you are a fake Martian? Why did you keep accusing him of fake Chinese when he has made some really negative comments on China before? To you, everyone that is not hostile towards China and Chinese is fake Chinese?

You really need have your head checked. Do not easily accuse anyone of anything so easily, esp. in real life.

Oh this thread has been so derailed. It's not even funny. Anyway, in China, 3 or 4 provinces+ Beijing and Shanghai in the east are approaching developed status, the 4-5 provinces close to borders are still very under developed, while the others in between are taking over some production lines from east.

I believe this developmental disparity has its roots in history. Coastal provinces in South China have always been more prosperous than rest of country since Jurchens invaded north China and Song Dynasty, along with its elites, fled south and established its new capitol in Hangzhou around 11 century. Then we had Mongol invasion, etc. Northern and western parts of China never really recovered. Hopefully, in this century, our economic prosperity can be more equalized across all China.

Anyone who thinks India is a 3rd world hellhole (practically the entire global population) is actually a Pakistan/Chinese/[insert anti-Indian nation here] spy.

It's their level of intelligence. They are intellectually incapable of understanding that most Americans too find India to be Hell on Earth.

China ain't no saint, but like some guy said on another forum, it's 50 years ahead of India.
no one believes in that. You have American citizenship you are American no more no less. No body even bothers as to who built America any more as you can see 300 million Americans elected a BLACK president. I just hope mods come in and delete your hateful posts.

Actually, 60% of Whites didn't vote for Obama. The people who built this country are being demographically destroyed. You want to see the future of this nation, or any other nation these people are flooding? Take a look at 3rd world California. The state has descended into chaos, and this is just the beginning. Those are the FACTS buddy. No one can deny that California is descending into abyss, and that New Mexico has a $60 BILLION hole that they've got to fill by taking DC tax dollies and sending them straight to the same people that created this hole in the first place.

Nothing racist about these facts. It's simple, really. The United States, as she becomes increasingly populated with Mexicans, will increasingly look like Mexico. Logic really.
Anyone who thinks India is a 3rd world hellhole (practically the entire global population) is actually a Pakistan/Chinese/[insert anti-Indian nation here] spy.

It's their level of intelligence. They are intellectually incapable of understanding that most Americans too find India to be Hell on Earth.

China ain't no saint, but like some guy said on another forum, it's 50 years ahead of India.

And you proved something just now.

You have a cousin on PDF : Gotter-motter-something.

And seeing how immigrants contributed to the success of the US as well as building it up, you are no more 'American' than we are.

Holy s*** this thread has gone off the rail.

I never said that. We are all the descendants of immigrants that came to this country within the last four centuries. This is irrelevant. What IS relevant, is that up until the mid 1960's immigration reform, the people that came to this country were of pure European descent. This country was largely ONE people up until the 1960's. We were 90% White. We had very little linguistic, societal, demographic, or crime problems.

Our country today has become the United Nations. We've got Africans, Hispanics, Indians, Arabs, Southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Chinese/Korean flooding in every year.

Where did you come from? How would you like it if China or Malaysia or India or whatever country you came from, was flooded with millions of non-Natives? Not a very pleasant thought, huh? It makes you look like an imbecile when you cry racism. I am expressing very rational and evolutionary novel thoughts.
And you proved something just now.

You have a cousin on PDF : Gotter-motter-something.


Götterdämmerung -twilight of the gods ..wagner's opera...the ring of niebelungen

Both deputed by storefront.org to keep a stern eye on the inferior races.
'First/Second/Third world' is not a development term. It was a cold war term.

'High income' is a World Bank term. Their bar is measured in Gross National Income, "US$12,615 in 2012, calculated using the Atlas method".

'Gdp per capita' is yet another different measurement.
Abit like Türkiye. I say we exchange your black population with Kurds, I assure you it USA will be worse than Congo after they come. The cities where Turkish people live in the West are clean, organised, developed, low crime rate, the east is full of cousin marriages, stupid feudal system where they worship a man and think he's the master and dirt.

That's what I just said couple days ago :D. Nevertheless, even with your country's demographic and geopolical problems, Africa's total economy barley surpasses Turkey's total GDP

Africa's GDP: 1.184 trillion USD (Largely mineral based economy)

Turkey's GDP: $1.306 Trillion USD Growth at 6.7%, but currently at 3% (2011-2017 avg. Forecast in OECD)...
By your standard, U.S. should have thrown away Mississippi, Louisiana and all of those poor states.

Still too many people left in the interior.

Also I would consider maybe 30,000 and up to be some what developed.

We can only hoped for semi developed status in another 1.5 to 2 decades. Let's not jump the gun here.

But still inner Mongolia surprised me. Doing better than "actual" mongolia. lol, should have stayed with China.

Looking at this I support Tibet independence, so one less province we need to move to developed status.
And seeing how immigrants contributed to the success of the US as well as building it up, you are no more 'American' than we are.

Lol a vietnamese think big of himself and talk about contribution to the sucess of US, sure by secretly growing marijuana plant at home is still considered as a sucessefull contribution to US :lol:. Maybe you're to shamefull of your own identity, so hide under American flag to cowardly shield yourself for Chinese internet bombarment, at leas the OP is proud of his own identity and express what he want to say and that deserve our respect.

...and by the way stop stolen credit of white men who build America for centuries, you're just a decades immigrant, you have nothing equal to them...certanly not American as the OP...go back to learn your 101 lesson about our super duper J-20 stealth fighter:omghaha:
Lol a vietnamese think big of himself and talk about contribution to the sucess of US, sure by secretly growing marijuana plant at home is still considered as a sucessefull contribution to US :lol:. Maybe you're to shamefull of your own identity, so hide under American flag to cowardly shield yourself for Chinese internet bombarment, at leas the OP is proud of his own identity and express what he want to say and that deserve our respect.

...and by the way stop stolen credit of white men who build America for centuries, you're just a decades immigrant, you have nothing equal to them...certanly not American as the OP...go back to learn your 101 lesson about our super duper J-20 stealth fighter:omghaha:
Don't be pissed because of what the Vietnamese think of your Junk-20:lol:
Woww lol 42 million I didn't know there was that many. Only equal amounts. At least the black population don't burn down equipment to make their area richer these burn down trucks and threaten people that are investing in the area, maybe they want to stay like that.

How about this, you can have all the Travon Martin supporters. We'll take all the Kurds. But be careful what you wish for. Obama and Holder is included.

I'm sorry, are you kidding?

Black homicide rate: 20 per 100,000

White homicide rate: 2.4 per 100,000

Just to get a good idea, I looked your country up. Turkey homicide rate: 3.3 per 100,000

Do you understand what I'm talking about? Blacks are 13% of our population, yet they commit 50% of the homicides. If Blacks are replaced by Kurds, they will consist of 25% of your population, and they will commit almost 95% of your homicides.

But can they own guns in Turkey. If not, than the rates would be higher as only the criminals would own guns.

I'm sorry, are you kidding?

Black homicide rate: 20 per 100,000

White homicide rate: 2.4 per 100,000

Just to get a good idea, I looked your country up. Turkey homicide rate: 3.3 per 100,000

Do you understand what I'm talking about? Blacks are 13% of our population, yet they commit 50% of the homicides. If Blacks are replaced by Kurds, they will consist of 25% of your population, and they will commit almost 95% of your homicides.

But can they own guns in Turkey. If not, than the rates would be higher as only the criminals would own guns.
Don't be pissed because of what the Vietnamese think of your Junk-20:lol:

Why would I will get pissed by this clown?:lol:, He can't do a sh1t beside talk, he's arguement is just over-rated, only those cheerleading Indians add some thanks points as charity gesture for his long boring text as long as he said something bad about china or chinese fighters:lol:

At least you have some gut to put vietnamese flag, he just gutlessly trash chinese J-xx fighters and go hide behind American's flag and expect to get away.
Why would I will get pissed by this clown?:lol:, He can't do a sh1t beside talk, he's arguement is just over-rated, only those cheerleading Indians add some thanks points as charity gesture for his long boring text as long as he said something bad about china or chinese fighters:lol:

At least you have some gut to put vietnamese flag, he just gutlessly trash chinese J-xx fighters and go hide behind American's flag and expect to get away.
LOL, the only thing that you can rebutt his posts is that he's a Vietnamese. Let me say this: he obviously has more credibility in what he says that the rest of you Chinese. You want proof? Look at your Pakistani moderators who quoted his posts and put them as references in many of the sticky military technical topics including stealth technologies. Your Pakistani friends do not even quote any of your Chinese jibberish. :lol:

The irony of this is that he won't afraid to tell you that he's just an aircraft maintence guy. But when a Vietnamese aircraft maintence guy pwned and schooled the rest of your Chinese scientists, engineers, PHDs in this PDF in military technology related knowledge, you should be extremely concerned because that are too many more Vietnamese scientists, engineers, PHDs out there either in Viet Nam or overseas who has more knowledges than him:smokin:
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