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Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions

Pak fa I fear is s inferior fifth fighter to both the American and chinease fighters in stealth abd Rcs terms.

The chinease and Americans will have spent mire money on developing their fighters. Russia lacks money.

Also I think the rafale has far better cockpit sensor fusion than the pak fa and better weapons

India needs to look to USA I think to bridge the gap
Pak fa I fear is s inferior fifth fighter to both the American and chinease fighters in stealth abd Rcs terms.

The chinease and Americans will have spent mire money on developing their fighters. Russia lacks money.

Also I think the rafale has far better cockpit sensor fusion than the pak fa and better weapons

India needs to look to USA I think to bridge the gap
Japan is going to introduce its 5th generation fighter.. may be India should check it..
Grounded? Russia’s answer to US next-gen fighter hits the skids.
Published March 28, 2015 | By admin


Russia’s ambitious T-50 fighter plane project was meant to develop a rival to two futuristic US jetfighters, the F-22 Raptor and the planned F-35 Lightning-II.

But now, the T-50 appears to be rivaling the F-35 another way: in development troubles. The Kremlin is slamming the brakes on its “fifth generation” fighter program and cutting its initial rollout to a quarter of those originally planned.

The decision seems a setback for Vladimir Putin’s sweeping $800 billion rearmament program, a vital component of the wider effort to restore Russia to its Soviet-era status as a major global superpower. However, the sharp slowdown in plans to procure the sophisticated new jet may represent an outbreak of wisdom on the part of Russian military chiefs, who will remember how the USSR was driven into bankruptcy by engaging in an all-out arms race with the US.Financial constraints are the key reason cited for cutting the military order from 52 to 12 of the planes over the next few years, according to the Moscow daily Kommersant.

“Given the new economic conditions, the original plans may have to be adjusted,” the paper quotes Deputy Defense Minister Yuriy Borisov as saying. The project to build a cutting-edge fighter plane, which is partly financed by India, will not be canceled, but held in abeyance while the Russian Air Force makes the most of its existing “fourth generation” MiG and Sukhoi combat aircraft, he added.

No one knows whether technical problems may also have played a role in the decision to shelve the fighter.

“We may suppose there are problems, but hard information is lacking,” says Alexander Golts, an independent military expert. “For instance, the prototypes of this plane have been using an old engine, pending the development of the engine it needs. Has that been developed yet? We have no idea.”

The only operational “fifth generation” fighter in the world is the US F-22. Its production was canceled in 2009, after fewer than 200 of the hyper-expensive planes had been built. American military services are now awaiting the arrival of the newer and also hugely overpriced F-35, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter, but that program has been dogged with serious delays and technical failures.

The T-50, an advanced stealth plane with many capabilities lacking in previous fighters, has prompted some alarm in the West. The Russians have presented the project as an example of how they are able to leapfrog over the lost years, after Russia’s military-industrial complex collapsed along with the Soviet Union, and field 21st century weapons that can rival the best the US has to offer.

Most of the weaponry that’s currently in Russia’s military inventory are Soviet-era designs that have evolved to incorporate new technology. Only three projects currently in the testing phase have been entirely developed by post-Soviet Russia. They are the T-50, the recently unveiled T-14 Armata tank, and the Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile.

Recent reports suggest that Russian military brass have also decided to slash orders for the new Armata tank, and instead continue using older, Soviet-designed models for a few more years.

There is no word on the fate of other grand projects that Russian military leaders have claimed to have on the drawing boards. These include plans for a super-sized aircraft carrier that would dwarf the US Nimitz class, andan enormous supersonic transport plane that could deliver up to 400 tanks anywhere in the world.

“Despite all these soaring plans, I think we see a bit of reason taking hold in the Russian military establishment,” says Mr. Golts. “Even if there were no economic crisis, and no sanctions, this massively expensive rearmament program would not be what Russia needs right now. Scaling it back is a wise move.”
India want deliveries within 36 months,

Russia cutting down production rates,

Something is not right..o_O
Pak fa I fear is s inferior fifth fighter to both the American and chinease fighters in stealth abd Rcs terms.

The chinease and Americans will have spent mire money on developing their fighters. Russia lacks money.

Also I think the rafale has far better cockpit sensor fusion than the pak fa and better weapons

India needs to look to USA I think to bridge the gap

U r 100% wrong. Russia did r&do on such technologies much more than others. Look at history. China is a new player and still heavily depending on Russia.
Pak fa I fear is s inferior fifth fighter to both the American and chinease fighters in stealth abd Rcs terms.

Your "fear" is not a valid source. Even if the pak-fa has a larger RCS then both of those aircraft you mentioned, it would not be the end of the world or mean that it is worse. The pak-fa is designed the be an all around aircraft, meant to have reduce RCS, long range, super cruise, high maneuverability and many other innovations.

Aircraft like the J-20 may have similar range to the pak-fa but it will also be far heavier and less maneuverable due to the aircraft's large mass, particularly the fuselage's large mass.

A specular test that Kopp did at 150 MHz, elev 45, Azm 315 shows that the pak-fa does considerably betterthen the J-20, at other frequencies or angles the J-20 better, and yet at other angles and frequencies the pak-fa does slightly better. Colors are represented by db levels.

pak optic.png
j-20 optic.png

The chinease and Americans will have spent mire money on developing their fighters. Russia lacks money.

Spending more money does not solve the problem, the F-35 is massively over budget, for many reasons including constant defects and well known company mismanagement, not to mention the F-35 program is actually 3 different programs. As for the J-20 no one knows what the budget on it is is, nor does it matter.

Also I think the rafale has far better cockpit sensor fusion than the pak fa and better weapons

India needs to look to USA I think to bridge the gap

You can think whatever you like but there is no basis for what you think, people have always doubted Russia, there are Russian stereotypes that go back to the cold war that Russians are dull, unimaginative and lack innovation but in reality Russia has been an innovator and pioneer in many fields. You sound a lot like the typical doubters, for years we have heard that the Armata program will be cancelled, we have heard that an unmanned turret is too complex, Russia does not have the know how, it requires too much automation, and so on. And then photos like this surfaced:

armata paralay.jpg

My gwad how did the russkies do that? It's not possible, it must be a fake, even if it's real it's A-10 lunch. :lol:
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India want deliveries within 36 months,

Russia cutting down production rates,

Something is not right..o_O
I think we should buy those extra 42. It can be upgraded to fgfa later on and also help russia to revive . Otherwise pak fa will be doomed which is certainly nt good for us as it is the only option for us in next 15 years
I think we should buy those extra 42. It can be upgraded to fgfa later on and also help russia to revive . Otherwise pak fa will be doomed which is certainly nt good for us as it is the only option for us in next 15 years

We can buy either rafale or pak fa, definitely not both

It's upto the seller to make the offer that India can't refuse..
Your "fear" is not a valid source. Even if the pak-fa has a larger RCS then both of those aircraft you mentioned, it would not be the end of the world or mean that it is worse. The pak-fa is designed the be an all around aircraft, meant to have reduce RCS, long range, super cruise, high maneuverability and many other innovations.

Aircraft like the J-20 may have similar range to the pak-fa but it will also be far heavier and less maneuverable due to the aircraft's large mass, particularly the fuselage's large mass.

A specular test that Kopp did at 150 MHz, elev 45, Azm 315 shows that the pak-fa does considerably betterthen the J-20, at other frequencies or angles the J-20 better, and yet at other angles and frequencies the pak-fa does slightly better. Colors are represented by db levels.

View attachment 208374 View attachment 208375

Spending more money does not solve the problem, the F-35 is massively over budget, for many reasons including constant defects and well known company mismanagement, not to mention the F-35 program is actually 3 different programs. As for the J-20 no one knows what the budget on it is is, nor does it matter.

You can think whatever you like but there is no basis for what you think, people have always doubted Russia, there are Russian stereotypes that go back to the cold war that Russians are dull, unimaginative and lack innovation but in reality Russia has been an innovator and pioneer in many fields. You sound a lot like the typical doubters, for years we have heard that the Armata program will be cancelled, we have heard that an unmanned turret is too complex, Russia does not have the know how, it requires too much automation, and so on. And then photos like this surfaced:

View attachment 208376

My gwad how did the russkies do that? It's not possible, it must be a fake, even if it's real it's A-10 lunch. :lol:
Even first pilotless landing was done by Russians, with buran space shuttle.westerners took followed the same after 2 decades
Got the following picture off of key pub. Courtesy of Jo Asakura. 052 prototype has some changes, it appears the cutout behind the canopy is covered, there is also another object, mostly likely a temporary test sensor.

pak tttt.jpg
Any one forgot S37 & MFI? Those are the first 5th gen fighters along with US. Russia and US are in different league. Much ahead of others.
Russia to Sell 127 FGFA fighter aircrafts to India
Posted on April 16, 2015 by Jonathan Wade, CD in News, Russia // 0 Comments

Russia has signed a contract with India to provide them with 127 Fifth Generation Fighting Aircraft (FGFA), an aircraft designed on the Russian PAK FA 5th generation multirole fighter aircrafts. The contract is evaluated at more than $25 billion Euros.

The news comes at a good time since the Russian Armed Forces dramatically decreased its PAK FA order due to economical issues. The original order was 52 T-50 but was reduced to 12. Russia will instead concentrate on 4++ generation fighters such as the Sukhoi Su-30 and the Su-35.

Russia will deliver its first FGFA in 36 months instead of the previous estimation of 94 months. After the first batch built in Russia, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) will takeover the production under transfer of technology.

The FGFA will be a two-seater fighter instead of a one-seater for the T-50. The FGFA will also be armed with Indian-made Astra, a beyond-visual-range missile (BVR). An additional 43 improvements such as stealth, supercruise, sensors, networking and combat avionics will be applied to the FGFA.


India orders 127 FGFA 5th gen fighter aircrafts. Infographics: Niyaz Karim. Datas: hal-india.com

India was considering buying 126 French Rafale but only 36 will join the Indian Air Force. Modi and Putin met last December and spoke about the non-delivery of the Mistral LHD due to the ongoing Ukrainian conflict. India have turned its back on France due to the failed delivery of the Mistral LHDs to Russia. That said, India also has concerns on the future delivery of Rafale parts based on the possibility of having the United States putting pressure on France to limits its exportation to India.

We can say Putin got his revenge on France’s decision to not deliver the Mistral.

Russia is also the oldest and most important military partner of India. Both countries have cooperated on many military projects, including the FGFA. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told Russian President Vladimir Putin that India would keep Russia has its primary partner in defence materiel.

The first FGFA are planned to be operational in 2016.

India is currently spending more than $40 billion on defence annually (1.84% of its GDP) and holds the 9th rank when it comes to military spending. India is also the world’s largest weapon’s importer.

The $25 billion Euros deal will likely bolster an already solid relationship between India and Russia.
Russia to Sell 127 FGFA fighter aircrafts to India | The Sentinel

Can you confirm this news?
Russia to Sell 127 FGFA fighter aircrafts to India
Posted on April 16, 2015 by Jonathan Wade, CD in News, Russia // 0 Comments

Russia has signed a contract with India to provide them with 127 Fifth Generation Fighting Aircraft (FGFA), an aircraft designed on the Russian PAK FA 5th generation multirole fighter aircrafts. The contract is evaluated at more than $25 billion Euros.

The news comes at a good time since the Russian Armed Forces dramatically decreased its PAK FA order due to economical issues. The original order was 52 T-50 but was reduced to 12. Russia will instead concentrate on 4++ generation fighters such as the Sukhoi Su-30 and the Su-35.

Russia will deliver its first FGFA in 36 months instead of the previous estimation of 94 months. After the first batch built in Russia, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) will takeover the production under transfer of technology.

The FGFA will be a two-seater fighter instead of a one-seater for the T-50. The FGFA will also be armed with Indian-made Astra, a beyond-visual-range missile (BVR). An additional 43 improvements such as stealth, supercruise, sensors, networking and combat avionics will be applied to the FGFA.


India orders 127 FGFA 5th gen fighter aircrafts. Infographics: Niyaz Karim. Datas: hal-india.com

India was considering buying 126 French Rafale but only 36 will join the Indian Air Force. Modi and Putin met last December and spoke about the non-delivery of the Mistral LHD due to the ongoing Ukrainian conflict. India have turned its back on France due to the failed delivery of the Mistral LHDs to Russia. That said, India also has concerns on the future delivery of Rafale parts based on the possibility of having the United States putting pressure on France to limits its exportation to India.

We can say Putin got his revenge on France’s decision to not deliver the Mistral.

Russia is also the oldest and most important military partner of India. Both countries have cooperated on many military projects, including the FGFA. The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told Russian President Vladimir Putin that India would keep Russia has its primary partner in defence materiel.

The first FGFA are planned to be operational in 2016.

India is currently spending more than $40 billion on defence annually (1.84% of its GDP) and holds the 9th rank when it comes to military spending. India is also the world’s largest weapon’s importer.

The $25 billion Euros deal will likely bolster an already solid relationship between India and Russia.
Russia to Sell 127 FGFA fighter aircrafts to India | The Sentinel

Can you confirm this news?
Not yet.

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