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Suggestion for a sub-forum on Imaginary or Future war fare scenarii.


Oct 27, 2010
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Hello all, I am here to offer a tool to help clean PDF from stupid useless discussions without hindering its popularity or diminishing visitors statistics. ( Possibly improving them even. )

There are a lot of threads currently being opened by members about options for acquisitions that are about highly improbable scenarii that end up considering completely impossible ideas.

On one such, the original poster discussed acquiring a plane that is at the state of blueprints for an air force that cannot fulfill its present deals which quickly turned to a chat on the acquisition of another aircraft that is not in production anymore and was never for sale win it was ( F-22 Raptor ).

I ended up asking them to keep to realistic considerations or at least asking for a rightful place for such daydreaming. In the spirit of helping PDF, I am doing so myself.

What if : we added a new sub-forum dedicated to things the fanboys ( there is one in most if not all of us )
dream about but that any professional would dismiss with a snort of derision?

"I intend no disrespect but threads like this one are fanboys theorizing about the sex of angels.
Ask any military outfit ( USN vs F-35 comes to mind ) and the'll favor a bird in hand over two in the bush.
That's because they're the ones going to war and not safe behind screens and keyboards mostly.
Brass and Congress in America wanted the A-10 retired for instance to save some money for the cash-
guzzling JSF program but when the need arose to defend eastern Europe, what was sent? Warthogs!!!
If you want to hold such useless discussions, do the sensible thing and ask Horus to set-up a new forum :

Spurrious Considerations for Imaginary Forces Ideas ( that could be shortened to its acronym ).
I'll join you gladly with plans for Unicorn riding Leprechauns units to replace the USMC albeit …
on a lighter tone than for real war stuff and there, will accept and even welcome far-fetched dreams!
Be serious people, the subject is, …

It could range from things like the aforementioned thread that could exist but are too tenuous for serious credibility to projects for new services, country unifications, space troopers and what not!

This would provide two things :
A- a safe haven for fanboys to trot their Fantasy stuff without polluting factual threads on mili reality
B- a way for TT or mods or higher management to clean the PDF forums from trolls in a soft way.

The latter would require no new ways for management to operate while allowing it to softly warn the
posters that abuse PDF's goodwill. Those tasked to do so would simply post a short word, possibly standardized : "Unrealistic Stuff of Fiction : Moved to SCIFI Forum." and drop the ludicrous thread to its rightful home, leaving the poster to understand how he went astray from reality.

The former would mean that passed the small blemish of being told by location that they know naught of real military stuff, the posters that want/like to partake in such hullabaloo wishful thinking could continue to do so. It is even quite likely that this would soon become a very very very popular hangout place, in which sense it respects the idea I put forth up there of not hurting and possibly adding to the attendance on PDF.

So there you go, one new sub-forum, cleaning main ones for serious stuff, allowing a courtyard for recess for the kids, helping PDF grow, that's three birds with one stone not counting simplifying the management's job.

Feel free to tweak the idea around any way you like, it is but a sketch :
Spurrious could be replaced by something smoother ( Speculatory ) or more realistic ( Stupid )
or you could call it Tay's LaLaLand where I'd drop funny remarks to entice the Fantasy side further :jester:

I just think that if proper,y implemented, this could solve problems and that it would not cause new ones.
Hoping to have helped and not lost anyone's valuable time, sincerely, Tay.
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