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Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

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Know the difference.

-OH ! toooo bad...Hik!!



Jackal n vulture fighting for a pc of meat..
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On black ops 2 I am definitely the guy who yells at other team mates when they act sloppy and I definitely talk a lot of smack. But also I've had the most ridiculous conversations with random people. Even retired army guys.

In a good show of Pakistani Indian cooperation, I teamed up with 2 Indian and we thrashed these 4 Australian sounding guys who were talking tough

I usually play headquarters - and we beat them 250 - nil :D

And the best part was - I heard on the microphone the kid was getting yelled by his mom for staying up late and not getting the good grades. I have a gaming headset, I hear everything :P

I'm just shy of 30, still acting like damn kid sometimes
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